Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong

Just read a graphic adaptation of “Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong”, a 1995 book by James W. Loewen that critically examines twelve popular American high school history textbooks.

First themes are lies about the discovery of America by Europeans, who was there, and how it lived, first steps of colonization, about the reasons of Secession War.

Other themes are about what is untold, about segregation, about racism and anti racism, about Vietnam war.

And it also presents why such lies, theirs consequences, and who has something to earn from them.

A critical book upon School history books


America was discovered by vikings before columbus and their more.

America was discovered by Amerindians thousands of year any European came there.

But that’s just a point int he book.

The most interesting idea is that the way history is taught is totally ineffective, as a way to teach facts.

But it is a propaganda aimed at giving an ideology to the youth, making it unable to understand and reason, but open to any idea promoted by state and business.

The Bush junior Irak war is a great exemple.