Josephine baker

Are you talking to me or to thatonetheguy ? In the first case i would be choked, as i don’t understand why i deserve such words ! Just for giving an established fact ! and without any racist comment.

And you are right, when you write that:

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You’re right and I apologize for that hasty comment … :blush:
(I despise racists)

Basically I wanted to make the point that all species keep evolving and all species that are alive to day have evolved from 50,000 years ago. They have just evolved in different directions, but that does not mean in the direction of stupid … :face_with_head_bandage:


I was really shocked

I can imagine, considering that the subject matter is not trivial.
Normally I’m easy to get along with… :hugs:

Don’t worry anymore about me, I am also easy to get by

Are you looking to be banned? There’s no truth in what you just said. Either you do not know you are racist or you don’t care and believe what you saying. Either way stop with the racist BS or you will be banned.

:laughing: OK

Been there, done that when I was in the military. The tropics are the closest thing to paradise on earth. Easy living all day every day.

I didn’t say it did. The temperate world selected for both light skin and higher IQ but for different reasons.

I guess IQ testing and Sub-Saharan Africa’s lack of intellectual tradition are just background noise.

  1. IQ tests are flawed and culturally based.

  2. The Stanford-Binet could be taken in Germany by one kid and another kid in the U.S. and the outcomes be completely different based on those cultural differences.

  3. There is more than one form of intelligence.

  4. You don’t know jack about psychology, IQ tests, or even that you are a racist.

IQ tests may not be perfect but they do reliably predict positive life outcomes.

Very interesting paper.

Among other things, it says: “Genetics doesn’t seal your destiny when it comes to IQ. About half the variability in IQ is attributed to the environment. Access to nutrition, education, and health care appear to play a big role.”

“Some of the greatest gains in IQ are happening in the developing world, where increases in childhood nutrition (namely via iodine supplements) and access to health care have made the greatest difference in IQ.”

And one must not take the cause for the consequence: It is possible that poor are not poor because they are less smart, but that they are less smart because they are poor. I chose a reference among many others

[Analysis: How poverty can drive down intelligence | PBS NewsHour]

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It’s more likely income does this. If a white child lives in poverty they would have the same outcome. It’s not all about genetics and just because one is Black, it doesn’t mean they have a lower IQ because of it. There are some very intelligent Black people, who could probably dance circles around you and others. Neil deGrasse Tyson is an example of intelligence that breaks your racist stereotype.

The way you are manipulating them, yes

There is a lot of literature and scholarship on this, but I doubt any of it is what has influenced you. The problem I see off the top is, you picked a geographic region to make a case about people who live all over the world. Whatever evidence you think you have, it is more likely related to recent economic and political forces, not genetic ones.

Interesting factoid.

It is the so-called smart white race that has brought down global warming on all races.

Intelligence applied without wisdom is more harmful than a less heavy intellectual footprint and the judicious use of natural resources.

That is correct, though I wouldn’t call it a lack of wisdom. When the industrial revolution started it already had its critics, but the scientific knowledge about climate and ecosystems, etc was too primitive to make a difference. It’s also worth noting the entire “Green” movement has always been a European thing.

You just confirmed that ignorance is not equal to lack of intelligence.

Ignorance is lack of knowledge that leads to wisdom or maybe stupidly ignored as the white Capitalists did in spite of the knowledge that they were polluting the environment. That’s where “greed” became more powerful than “prudence”.
And that is very “stupid” by all accounts, not just by skin color!

They are still resisting the introduction of green energy technologies. They want to exhaust what remains of that sequestered CO2 at all costs until there is no more left.

It’s a good thing that will be within the next 50 years at most.

But that may already be too late. The “smart” people will have killed us all. How stupid is that?