Is trump dog whistling for War on America's Fourth Estate

There is enuf evidence now to show that T rump organized a secret group of men to get Ukraine to say they were investigating to find corrupt activities by Dems, and to let Ukraine know they weren’t getting military equipment (that they needed to have a chance to be safe from Russia), until they announced such an investigation. T rump also asked China, on network air, to give him dirt on the Dems.

Is it a crime to use the all the powers of the Presidency, by T rump to manipulate foreign countries in to helping him win the next election? Dirt from China, depending on how much it promoted positive poll changes for him, could result in some tariffs being cut. All sorts of possibilities if T rump gets away with what he has done. And he most likely will get away with it. He is the type to continue if there are no downside consequences.

So he goes all out, and insures a win in 2020, by breaking any laws that he wishes (as he is above the law, still, if you hadn’t noticed). He declares a mandate, and continues to break down any previous systems that have limited Presidential power. He becomes all powerful - not constrained by laws or governmental systems. He finagles some excuse to have himself declared POTUS for Life. That’s how he becomes an autocrat. It is not all that far from his reach atm.

Me neither.

Also, I can’t think of any illegal actions by private corporations that media uncovered, like unsafe products or poisoning of the environment.

I can’t think of any social problems the media revealed to the world, or global atrocities, or anything.

Nope. They really don’t do anything.

Remember this is about the idea that media is necessary to prevent tyranny, nobody said media is completely worthless.

So he goes all out, and insures a win in 2020, by breaking any laws that he wishes (as he is above the law, still, if you hadn’t noticed). He declares a mandate, and continues to break down any previous systems that have limited Presidential power. He becomes all powerful – not constrained by laws or governmental systems. He finagles some excuse to have himself declared POTUS for Life. That’s how he becomes an autocrat. It is not all that far from his reach atm.
I don’t know where you get this idea but the president does not have the authority to issue mandates that dissolve the government. The president cannot act free from constitutional law. He cannot stack federal government with politicians who are loyal only to him. That’s why we have elections, and no, he cannot ban elections.

Do you live in a cave where you are chained up and can only see shadows on the wall? Even so, do you have the imagination of a brick?

If T rump wins the 2020 by 1 electoral vote, and a minority of the popular vote, he will still declare that he has a public mandate to do whatever he wants, and he will proceed to do whatever he wants. I say this, because that is consistent with what he has done and what he has been doing. He has been acting in opposition to constitutional law. (Prime example among many is that he held needed military funding from the Ukraine until the Ukraine President announced that they would be investigating T rump’s political adversaries for the next election. Also the Constitution might as well have the emolument clause redacted, cause T rump has been violating that since he took office.) He has been stacking the federal govt with appointees who are only and obsequiously loyal to him. (Prime example among many is Bill Bahr who now has the power of the Dept of Justice PLUS personal free access to ALL top secret info. And who, in effect, has been bringing the Dept of Justice to act as T rump’s personal attorney group, since he was appointed.)

He cannot yet ban elections, but with another term, he may well get to that point. Remember, he will view not being removed from office by impeachment as his free reign to continue violating laws. This guy has been steadfastly increasing his powers by simply doing stuff and getting away with it. Finding an excuse to establish Martial Law will be no big woop. Curbing the power of the press that is not already part of his propaganda machine will be a chore, but he can probably get it done. He will get more SCOTUS appointments, solidifying his control over the Supreme Court. If he still controls a majority in the Senate, he will still be above the law. With a consistent 7-2 or 6-3 majority on anything the SCOTUS looks at, the Constitution will mean whatever he wants it to mean.

I don’t know where you get this idea but the president does not have the authority to issue mandates that dissolve the government. The president cannot act free from constitutional law. He cannot stack federal government with politicians who are loyal only to him. That’s why we have elections, and no, he cannot ban elections.
That's all very nice and true in theory, but this is reality we live in. Are you aware that we don't have to follow the rules? No, it's true! You can break rules and laws! What happens if you do? You get investigated, arrested, charged, tried, convicted and sentenced, all of which Trump's lawyers are arguing RIGHT NOT do not apply to him. His lawyer just argued in court, literally, that if he were to shoot someone the police could not only not arrest or investigate him, they couldn't even legally stop him from shooting the next person. If that argument holds then you've just taken the entire justice system, right down to the lowly beat cop, out of the picture. That includes the courts, 1 of the 3 branches of government.

They are also arguing in court that Congress, who has a Constitutional mandate to check the president’s power, cannot investigate him. They are refusing legal subpoenas and simply claiming the law doesn’t apply to Trump because it is the investigation that’s illegal, not the crimes the president committed. If that holds then you’ve just take Congress out of the picture, the 2nd of 3 branches of government, leaving only the executive branch, which the president has total control over.

And the story broke yesterday that the DOJ has started a criminal investigation into some of Trump’s political enemies. Anyone involved in the Mueller investigation is currently at risk of being criminally charged for imaginary “crimes” involved in investigating the president. They have already fired and smeared ALL of the major characters in the FBI and CIA for doing nothing but their jobs. Now you actually have the top levels of the criminal justice system, courts aside, actively working for Trump and, in fact, the very criminal justice system that is supposed to investigate wrongdoing is actually actively working to cover up wrongdoing. Barr refused to investigate the whistleblower complaint. He didn’t even look into potential criminal activity. But hey, he’s looking into Obama as we speak!

Currently the ONLY thing that could be done to remove him from office is for Congress to vote to do so. Voting against Trump is politically poison for Republicans. If they remove him they, themselves, will be removed in the next elections. And all of the Republicans who had half a ball have already resigned or decided not to run again. So the chances of him being removed from office by Congress are slim.

So what if Congress won’t do that? What if they do and he refuses to leave? Who’s going to make him? Who’s going to stop Bar from removing Schiff from office by having him arrested for his “illegal” impeachment proceedings? Granted this is an unlikely scenario, but it is scary and, the way things are going right now, actually remotely possible.

I don’t know where you get this idea but the president does not have the authority to issue mandates that dissolve the government.
Shit it looks like this insane man you call President does believe he's got the authority to do anything his malicious pea brain wants to do. And the Republican are doing all they can to enable him. Add to that the ~38ish% brainwashed just get angrier, more paranoid and more disconnected from reality.

Okay so Tim and Widdershins did a better job of it. But there’s a place for Cliff Notes. :wink:

Our current Dept of InJustice will be a critical component for any self serving dictator like T rump.

Oh yeah, and Barr is so easy to see in a nice military suit, all spangled with metals and ribbons, during the new 4th of July ME FIRST military parade.

But speaking of the the Fourth Estate



And it was so obvious, the embrace of rabid partisanship, the suspension of truth, the embrace of blind faith, and the sheep, oh those sheep.


The Fox News Effect On Trump's Base | All In | MSNBC | Oct 24, 2019

Rank-and-file Republicans who watch Fox News are far more loyal to Trump than those who don’t, according to new polling.


In effect FOX is helping insure that T rump remains above the law.

I suspect One America News (OAN) will also join in on that, (despite their presenting themselves as on-so patriotic).

Talk radio tends to be in the same boat also.

So roughly 1/2 of our media seems to be intent on helping T rump in his apparent desire to be a Dictator of the United States (DOTUS).


Add to that the ~38ish% brainwashed just get angrier, more paranoid and more disconnected from reality.
Pot meet kettle.

Oh no. Call me a victim of TDS (I wear that label proudly). But don’t accuse me of being the same as the MAGAheads.

I don’t know where you get this idea but the president does not have the authority to issue mandates that dissolve the government.
Look in to the process of calling a Constitutional Convention. The President can't issue mandates, yet.

thatoneguy - I’m curious do you believe what your president yells out at his bubble chamber publicity events?

Donald Trump’s Never-Ending Campaign Keeps Getting Angrier His rallies and speeches seem untethered from any sort of policy agenda ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

PETER NICHOLAS | April 3, 2019


Trump Needs His Base to Burn With Anger But has he raised the political temperature too high for his own good?

By Thomas B. Edsall | July 3, 2019



Look in to the process of calling a Constitutional Convention. The President can’t issue mandates, yet.