In a separate attack, exploding walking-talkies kill 14

Did you miss the word minority in my description of white supremacy rule in South Africa? You want to continue?

That’s not what you said the first time. I quoted exactly what you said the first time above this last comment. You did NOT use the word “minority” the first time you said anything about " white ethno supremist state". Now you really need to stop, because now your just trying to BS your way out, when it’s really easy to look at what you said the first time.

I use the term that term to describe Israel which you disagreed. You also disagree with this being applied to South Africa.

Israel is not a white ethno supremacist state and that’s the part I disagreed with. If you want to say that South Africa was a White Supremacist State, that’s fine, but Israel is not. Here’s my other problem… Saying white and ethno, with the word supremacist is like saying pizza pie. The words become redundant. White Supremacist is saying that culture, people, and skin colour are predominant. Adding ethno is redundant. Everyone knows the Ku Klux Klan is a white supremist group, adding the word ethno is just saying pizza pie, which is very redundant. The word means race, culture group. So, you are combining two words that mean the same thing. I do not believe Israel is white on rice European white, like the U.S. once was. Oddly enough Europe isn’t that anymore either and rid their countries of slavery long before the U.S. did. Now, racism is another story. The U.S. has an on going problem with racism, but the U.K. is becoming less so, but it is unnecessary to put redundant words together. And again, Israel is not a white supremist state. South Africa at one time, it is no longer, and neither had white supremacy as bad as the U.S. where there was even “strange fruit” or one being shot just for being Black. Nazi Germany was a white supremacist state when they genocide Jews. The U.S. has always been white supremacist with their extermination of the Native Americans and enslavement of Africans, but you don’t need the word ‘ethno’ with it, unless you are determined to say pizza pie.

Now, if you want to say that Israel is a Jewish supremacist state, then I will agree. If you want to say Israel is attempting genocide on Palestine, I won’t argue with you, but white supremacist… no, they are not. I will buy Jewish supremacists. When a country becomes tribal, instead of multi-culturalists, they run this risk.

White Prosperity and White Supremacy in South Africa Today on JSTOR

Interesting discussion from 1970 about how Apartheid is making it difficult to maintain White Supremacy. The minority white population couldn’t continue to grow their economy with the Apartheid policies. But, anyway, “White ethno” is still redundant, as it has been redundantly pointed out, and I will point out again, redundantly you could say, that rizzo is a troll. Either his posts are generated by bad AI or his typing is atrocious because he’s whipping out garbage without worrying about it, then making up words like “White ethno” which is redundant, then arguing about what he said or how someone else said one word in a way he thought meant something, even though if you read his words, half the time you can’t make sense of them, but, that’s redundant.

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Is Israel a Jewish or or a white supremacist state ?

Honestly, up to now, i never thought about this question with theses words.

A Jewish supremacist state, i have no doubt.

A White supremacist state, i would rather say no, as one can be Jewish independently of skin color.

But, Israel population is divided between many groups.

There are no government statistics categorizing Israeli Jews as “Ashkenazi”, “Mizrahi”, etc, but studies and estimates have been conducted.[54][55] In a 2019 study, in a sample meant to be representative of the Israeli Jewish population, about 44.9% percent of Israel’s Jewish population were categorized as Mizrahi (defined as having grandparents born in North Africa or Asia), 31.8% were categorized as Ashkenazi (defined as having grandparents born in Europe, the Americas, Oceania and South Africa), 12.4% as “Soviet” (defined as having progenitors who came from the ex-USSR in 1989 or later), about 3% as Beta Israel (Ethiopia) and 7.9% as a mix of these, or other Jewish groups. Note that this methodology isn’t exact: See, for example, Bulgarian or Greek Jews, who would be categorized as Ashkenazi according to this definition, although they are overwhelmingly Sephardic.

Tensions between these groups are a reality.

Israeli Jews

And there are Black Jews, from Ethiopia.

Despite progress, Ethiopian Jews are still not well assimilated into Israeli-Jewish society. They remain, on average, on a lower economic and educational level than average Israelis. The rate of Ethiopians who have dropped out of school has increased dramatically as well as the rate of juvenile delinquency, and there are high incidences of suicide and depression among this community. Also, while marriages between Jews of different backgrounds are very common in Israel, marriages between Ethiopians and non-Ethiopians are not very common. According to a 2009 study, 90% of Ethiopian-Israelis – 93% of men and 85% of women, are married to other Ethiopian-Israelis. A survey found that 57% of Israelis consider a daughter marrying an Ethiopian unacceptable and 39% consider a son marrying an Ethiopian to be unacceptable. Barriers to intermarriage have been attributed to sentiments in both the Ethiopian community and Israeli society generally. 2011 study showed that only 13% of high school students of Ethiopian origin felt “fully Israeli”.

In 1996, an event called the “blood bank affair” took place that demonstrated the discrimination and racism against Ethiopians in Israeli society. Blood banks would not use Ethiopian blood out of the fear of HIV being generated from their blood. Discrimination and racism against Israeli Ethiopians is still perpetuated. In May 2015, Israeli Ethiopians demonstrated in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem against racism, after a video was released, showing an Israeli soldier of Ethiopian descent that was brutally beaten up by the Israeli police. Interviewed students of Ethiopian origin affirm that they do not feel accepted in Israeli society, due to a very strong discrimination towards them.

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Just as Iran is a Muslim supremacist state.

Exactly. Of course this also goes back to what I said about tribalism. It probably would not be if the world was more multicultural.

I wont be lectured by the likes of Mriana on israel not bring a white ethno supremacist state when she cant even apply the same label to apartheid South Africa!!!

Israel was, is and always will be a white ethno supremacist state from its early zionist inception to it policy of refusing the right of return for afican jews and sterilizing those few that have emigrated.

As the Israeli analyst Tom Segev reports in One Palestine Complete:

“The Jewish state in Palestine, Theodor Herzl wrote, would be Europe’s bulwark against Asia. “We can be the vanguard of culture against barbarianism.”

And about early Zionist leader and writer Max Nordau:

“…Max Nordau believed the Jews would not lose their European culture in Palestine and adopt Asia’s inferior culture, just as the British had not become Indians in America, Hottentots in Africa, or Papuans in Australia. “We will endeavor to do in the Near East what the English did in India. It is our intention to come to Palestine as the representatives of culture and to take the moral borders of Europe to the Euphrates River.”

They are white (whether you agree or not) it is not like the Mizrahi Jews are found anywhere in Israel with power or privilege and forget about the African Jews.

It denies people Jewishness based on race. If you are White you are ALRIGHT. These Nigerians below (like the Lemba) got rejected for “Right of Return”, the Right of Return is reserved first for White Jews and way after that people they can use it for slave labor, the front line of their Zionist armies and prostitution (Beta Israel).

In fact members of israel govt dont see ethopian jews as jews and also deny them the right of return as israels ambassador to Ethopia proudly speaks up in this interview

Not dialog

Not dialog

Quotes are from individuals. No nation is monolitihc

Not dialog

Does “members of” include all?

I did. I just didn’t use your pizza pie description, but that’s OK. You’ve been warned and you’ll be out the door if you don’t stop with insults, as well as the trolling, and start contributing the conversations.

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The use of violence by any state or group is a tragic situation, and the loss of innocent lives is always a tragedy. It’s crucial to approach these sensitive topics with a focus on the humanity of all involved and strive for peaceful solutions. While the current political tensions are deeply rooted in history, we must always challenge actions that perpetuate violence and suffering. At the same time, it’s important to recognize that peace and diplomacy are the true paths to ending such cycles of conflict.

Haven’t seen much of that lately. My expectations are pretty low.