If it quacks like a

Really showing your true colors

Are you saying that foreign leaders don’t pay any attention to the words of other leaders? Did Putin move his tanks with zero thought about what the rest of the world might do?

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Plural ? True colours

He sure did and to what they didnt say to be frank. Thats why he made the move.

Why are you being Frank? Surely you jest.

He judged other leaders accurately, which is an ability Trump lacks.

That’s why Putin and Trump have no special relationship and are not on the same side, as many liberals believe. Putin knows Trump is a bumbling amateur that can’t stop running his mouth. He doesn’t need Trump, nor is he threatened by him.

I agree.

But Trump supports Putin, for ideological reasons.

Alexey Navalny dead

And who killed him ? Putin !!!

That’s funny considering the sources you’ve quoted.

Putin sure as heck needed mr. trump to stir up his mischief of lies, grievance and hate mongering in the USA ! ! !

Morgan uses the old " trust me bro- he did it" line.

Wrong again . Russiagate was invented by obama and the CIA in order to spy on the trump campaign because they were worried about hillary’s popularity.

Yes quite hilarious that people swallowed the steele dossier based on a nobody in the name of Igor Danchenko .

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Why would Putin need that? Russia is not in any sort of competition with America.

It is questionable if Trump even has any ideology.

His supporters have one !!! And he is a fool.

And, in fact he has one : capitalism is one element.

Morgan once again inconsistent! Now its his supporters have an ideology but not trump !!

Trump likes to make money ! Thats it darling. Morgan also likes to make money :joy:

Did you actually write that?

I’ll give you that, . . . sort of, . . . though actually mr t the sex offender, tax offender, convicted fraudster, does have an ideology: ME, ME, ME.

You mean trump likes ripping off people and spouting insane garbage.

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:heart: for all of the above, but especially this one. I used to be forced to watch Tucker Carlson at the workout place. He opened one night with a rant about “who cares about Russia”? Back before the Ukraine. He was saying something about where we shouldn’t be spending money. Doesn’t matter.

This is the wool that is so easily pulled over the eyes of anyone who doesn’t pay attention to history. Having lived it, we know that the space race was life or death, that expanding borders was happening while we were de-colonizing (in whatever slow or wrong way you want to spin it), that controlling the places where oil is drilled and piped was and still is important to the economy (although it might be ultimately self-destructive).

When they got overconfident about Afghanistan and we beat them using horses and shoulder-mounted rockets that we supplied to people living in mountain villages, we thought there would be a “peace dividend”. That barely happened and didn’t last, and like idiots, we went on to start different wars to feed the military-industrial complex. We became the over-confident ones.

Possibly the weirdest, is that it is now normal to have nukes. Not much protesting them, not many calls for reductions, I wonder how many see them as a threat at all. Yet, we have them, why?

I think you misapprehend the actual value and legitimacy of the “Steele dossier.”

But since you brought up “the hilarious things people believe” lets consider that MAGA crowd, who acts as if trump is a victim of our legal system:

Feb 16, 2024 - Tristian Snell, Former Assistant Attorney General for New York and Former lead on the investigation into Trump University about the NY Civil fraud ruling fining Trump $355 million.

Rather than a wanton criminal deserving every bit of the penalties that will keep adding up as his remaining court cases wind through the legal system.

True, but that is not problem. Trump needs Putin and the US is threatened by that.

Yup Putin has squeezed everything out of trump that he can, the sex offender, convicted deadbeat fraud, and yesterday’s detritus.

Besides, stop kidding yourself, why would Putin feel threatened by his Lap Dog Trump. The Lap Dog TRump who is still providing wonderful services, so wonderful services, the best services in the world for The Russian Dictator Putin.
