I need to say This

Hello, this is a very important message and I will ask you to take it seriously. Much has been done by us in order to make this message look like a delusion of a madman, well, we should have thought about it … In your society, it is customary to call people like me “Masons”. It’s amazing to say this, but today it is in your power not to let the message get lost in the information noise.
I know that after such a statement I will not live long, but events have gone too far and I have to inform you about it. For this, our side plans to take advantage of the imminent overthrow of the fascist regime of Putin in the Middle Arctic region, which, according to our calculations, this will happen no later than May 2021. This regime inflames conflicts around the world, in particular, flat-earth society, the vaccine movement, the lunar conspiracy, racism. The weapons of this regime are rumors, conspiracies, misinformation, sowing of doubt in society. You must know this and stand against it. Freed a few trillion dollars (oh, you may not believe it, but these idiots rob pits and do not have time to legalize money, they often just lie in quarters, absurdity!) We plan to put on the fight with a large force that seeks to change the course of development the planet and a return to totalitarianism using the latest technologies that simply will not let the Prols get out of this situation. Have you ever read dystopias, presenting yourself in the place of a ruler, and not subordinates? I confess, it looks very tempting, but such a system is extremely unstable, I don’t know if I need to explain this, but just in case, the fewer people need to manage the political system, the more its fluctuations, we are far ahead in trying to circumvent this law, For example, in the near future, each country to be considered civilized will need to have an automatic stabilization system (SAS) in the form of several complex neural networks. In our council, such a system is already working in test mode, as long as it has almost no power, but over time it should become equal with the president or parliament. Also, based on the hatred of the church in the Middle Arctic region, a new religion will be established - in fact, we have been working for a long time to promote it to the masses - this is a “green” religion, in which temples are replaced by groves, and nature replaces God. Druidism should have been known and understood for a long time to milleniums. Unfortunately, too many people still believe in religion, but why not use it for good?

Already, the first Druid of the Yakut shaman goes to Moscow on foot, in order, as he puts it, “to drive out demons from the Kremlin,” he may become a key point of the new religion, but we also have some backup options.
Speaking of why I have to contact you. The council decided that due to the small amount of time we could not wait for revolutions and if the overthrow of power in the accounting period was not if we happen, we will be forced to burn this regime with war, and people who have undergone brainwashing and negative selection for 120 years (and especially the last 20) will be destroyed.
Do not be afraid to spread this message, this is your way to save millions of lives and, possibly, the planet.

"Much has been done by us in order to make this message look like a delusion of a madman"
You knocked that one out of the park.

Masy! Are you still alive? I am confused as to how passing this message on will be helpful. It sort of seems like a delusion of a mad man.

I say bring on the green religion.



If the game is “Understanding Masy”, I hope I never win.

Now there’s something you don’t see every day

Masy, You ARE still alive!

Whatever happened to “the imminent overthrow of the fascist regime of Putin in the Middle Arctic region”? Is this still in the works?

Overthrowing Putin always seems like a good idea.

And what do you mean by saying “YOU LOSE”?

inquiring minds wants to know

Dude, this isn’t a conservative forum. We’re not going to believe in your “Q level clearance” bullshit just because you say it. And you betray your own ignorance very early on when you say, “In your society, it is customary to call people like me Masons”, invoking the idea of a secret society with secret knowledge. Well, Masons aren’t called Masons because it’s “customary in our society”. They’re called Masons because it’s short for Freemasons. And they’re not exactly the spooky type of secret society. Here’s their frigging web page to join the Ohio Freemasons.


You obviously got all you know about the Freemasons from one of those ridiculous Nicolas Cage movies. I didn’t bother to read the rest of your wall. I doubt anyone did.