How much sleep do you get?

Pls answer both:
1). On average, how many hours of sleep do you estimate you get each night?
2). What is the least amount of sleep you operate on and still function?
I will probably only get 3-4 hrs tonight because I am being an internet addict and I will need to get up extra early to work on my college work and then immediately begin my 9 hour work day :frowning: Fortunately, I can work from home.

About five hours. Sleeping is for wimps.

Thanks George. >:-( Iā€™ve always managed eight to nine hours a night, and used to sleep straight through. Unfortunately, my kidneys have caused two wake-ups, but even then itā€™s back to sleep in less than a minute. I find that I lose clarity of thought when I get less sleep. I used to think I was more intelligent than the people around me, but I finally figured they just donā€™t realize their lack of sleep makes them operate at a dumb level. :lol:

5 to 6 hours a night. About once a week I get 8 or 9 hours of sleep.

It varies a hell of a lot.
Usually, I take naps throughout the day, rather than sleep through the night; Iā€™m probably asleep for about 1-3 hours each time.
I can go about 24 hours without sleep before I start feeling ā€œout of itā€.

We have discussed this already several times on this forum (is there anything weā€™ve never talked about here?), and according to sleep research, people who are the healthiest sleep on average seven and half hours per day. People who sleep less are a bit less healthy and those who sleep more than the seven and half hours are the least healthy. Just in case anybody caresā€¦

We have discussed this already several times on this forum (is there anything weā€™ve never talked about here?), and according to sleep research, people who are the healthiest sleep on average seven and half hours per day. People who sleep less are a bit less healthy and those who sleep more than the seven and half hours are the least healthy. Just in case anybody caresā€¦
You're right George. I had three sleep studies done because of a mild apnea and the docs at the clinic told me that we must have at least five hours in order to go into REM sleep. As you said, the average is between seven and eight. I've fluctuated between six and eight but it seems the older you are the less sleep you need. Cap't Jack