Washington State follows Leviticus

For those who haven’t heard, Washington State just passed two laws - allowing gay marriage and legalizing marijuana.
The fact that gay marriage and marijuana were legalized on the same day makes perfect biblical sense because Leviticus20:13 says, “If a man lies with another man they should be stoned.”
We just hadn’t interpreted it correctly.

Excellent, Lois. :lol:

Everybody must get stoned. :wink:

Now that’s freekin’ clever Lois. Everybody there needs to spark a big fatty in celebration!
Cap’t Jack

Yes, it is clever. What I find puzzling, though, is that smoking up seems to be socially acceptable when smoking cigarettes is not. They are both harmful to our health, with smoking pot probably even more so.

Yes, it is clever. What I find puzzling, though, is that smoking up seems to be socially acceptable when smoking cigarettes is not. They are both harmful to our health, with smoking pot probably even more so.
Good point George when you think about it. Putting any smoke in your lungs slowly builds up tar that chokes off your capillaries eventually causing COPD. Watching someone slowly die from emphysema isn't a pleasant sight. Another reason for doctor assisted suicide. I was being facetious of course as any pot user knows that you can sprinkle it on pizza, bake it in brownies or ingest it in other foodstuffs. The effect takes a little longer though, and marajuana smells terrible, like burning garbage, not like the pipe tobacco I used to smoke, very aromatic (Borkum Riff, Rum and Maple). Had to give it up though so I could breathe normally and taste again. Maybe people don't see pot so much as a health risk as it's use reportedly helps the terminally ill and glaucoma patients. Also, it is more socially acceptable, which as you pointed out is a bit hypocritical. Cap't Jack

I also read somewhere that smoking pot lowers your IQ by up to eight points. I don’t smoke pot and I never enjoyed being around people who are stoned. They say it’s supposed to be fun or something but I find talking to anyone who is stoned very annoying–they really sound retarded.

Yes, it is clever. What I find puzzling, though, is that smoking up seems to be socially acceptable when smoking cigarettes is not. They are both harmful to our health, with smoking pot probably even more so.
That's a good question and I'm not sure there's a logical answer. I'd hazard the guess that most non-smokers don't think burning cigarettes smell very good, not to mention health concerns. However, in my experience non-smokers don't mind (as much) the smell of a good cigar or good pipe tobacco. As a former smoker (whose sense of smell was restored years ago) I was surprised at how 'bad' burning cigarettes smell! I think even crappy marijuana smells better than cigarette smoke. :) Then there's the lack of personal choice. Say I'm sitting at a table in a restaurant and the fellow at the table next to me lights up just as I'm about to start my meal. I don't want to have to breath the smoke. Does his 'right to smoke' trump my right not have his smoke interfere with my meal? Why should I have to move to escape his smoking? I'm not a militant anti-smoker, but I sure don't complain about all the smoke free places here in California. ;) As to pot smoking being possibly (I really don't know) more unhealthy, most pot smokers don't smoke nearly as much pot as cigarette smokers smoke cigarettes. Take care, Derek
... and marajuana smells terrible, like burning garbage, not like the pipe tobacco I used to smoke, very aromatic
Well, there's certainly quality issues where marijuana is concerned as well. :) Take care, Derek

I think the answer is, as usual, that people are ignorant. Smoking is so evil that most people are completely incapable of seeing past their emotions on this topic. I remember not too long ago being told (not asked!) not to smoke around a public campfire during a winter hike. Why? Because cigarettes contain chemicals. Campfire, presumably, being “natural” is all good.

I also read somewhere that smoking pot lowers your IQ by up to eight points. I don’t smoke pot and I never enjoyed being around people who are stoned. They say it’s supposed to be fun or something but I find talking to anyone who is stoned very annoying—they really sound retarded.
I believe that the earlier study you mentioned was flawed and the figures for lower IQs were due to cultural"noise" relating to other factors like income level and lack of education, not marajuana use. Anecdotally, if this were true I'd be a blithering idiot by now, well some people think ... Never mind, that's just a rumor! No, I don't smoke it now for obvious reasons; I can't stand smoke, even campfire smoke and I've set around many a campfire, do miss the smell though, especially hickory. And as to being around a stoner, I feel the same way around a drunk, happy, sad or angry. They're all the same to me. http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/the-curious-wavefunction/2013/01/15/does-smoking-pot-lower-your-iq/ Cap't Jack
Then there’s the lack of personal choice. Say I’m sitting at a table in a restaurant and the fellow at the table next to me lights up just as I’m about to start my meal. I don’t want to have to breath the smoke. Does his ‘right to smoke’ trump my right not have his smoke interfere with my meal? Why should I have to move to escape his smoking?
Fortunately we don't have that problem here any more. All three states have banned smoking in all public places including restaurants and bars. They now have designated smoking areas so if pot was legalized, smokers would have to light up there and would be treated as regular cigarette smokers. You're probably right about cigarette smokers who smoke more tobacco than pot. Right now it's far more expensive than a legal pack of cigs, which in my smoking days cost 23 cents a pack. Cap't Jack
Anecdotally, if this were true I'd be a blithering idiot by now
Because of eight IQ points? :smirk:

I’ve long believed that smoking pot can make people less intelligent. I think my I.Q. is such that I exist at a ‘tipping point’, where I can’t afford to loose 8 points. If I get high, I go from barely competent to totally incompetent. Had to stop many years ago, just so I could add numbers and find the tool I put down a moment ago. I’m not sure everyone is affected this way, but, in my experience quite a few people are.
Not that being stupid isn’t sort of fun. I think it must be a blissful existence to be just dumb enough to not be able to realize that you’re dumb. While I wouldn’t say this applies to every fundamentalist, there are certainly many happy fundamentalists around…

Because of eight IQ points?
Hold on George, you said up TO eight points, and how much pot would you have to smoke before your IQ slipped, a joint, a pipeful, a dime bag, continuous daily smoking for a month, a year, a lifetime? Could daily use lead to more than eight points or does your IQ stop at minus eight no matter how often you smoke it and why only eight points, why not ten or twenty? I was using hyperbole to make a point. I'll go out on a limb here and say that continuous alcohol abuse will do far more damage to the body (and not just the brain) than pot. Cap't Jack

Pot and alcohol certainly lower one’s intelligence during the time of intoxication. I didn’t enjoy the raw throat I got the few times I tried smoking pot, however, I did enjoy the brownies someone brought to a party about 45 years ago.

IQ is cultural BS.
See James Lawler’s IQ, Heredity and Racism.

Yes, it is clever. What I find puzzling, though, is that smoking up seems to be socially acceptable when smoking cigarettes is not. They are both harmful to our health, with smoking pot probably even more so.
You missed the point. It has nothing to do with what's socially acceptable. Cigarettes (and alcohol) are legal, pot is not, and yet they're all drugs of choice roughly in the same category as far as health effects, etc. It's just hypocritical, and if one followed the money we'd probably find out why. And btw, my personal experience with both is this: alcohol causes me to act stupidly and adversly effects my motor skills. Pot on the other hand always made me "smarter" and more focused, heightened my awareness of my surroundings, and made my motor skills sharper. (Of course that was when I was young. Nowadays either, if I drank or smoked, which I dont, would probably put me to sleep in a matter of minutes ;) )

And you missed my point. I am not saying pot should remain illegal; I don’t really care either way. My comment was exactly what I said it was about: about the irrationality of pot being socially acceptable when compared to cigarettes.

IQ is cultural BS. See James Lawler's IQ, Heredity and Racism.
You fuckin' people baffle me. Spend all your money on these fuckin' fancy books, you surround yourselves with 'em and they're the wrong fucking books. :-)