How full of themselves do people need to be

in order to actually believe in their petty mortal heart of hearts that they have figured out the God of time and creation, life and love?
Oh and they consider themselves “principled” Christians, yet are falling all over themselves to sing Mr. Goldfinger’s tune. -
Which is it - are they are decidedly un-principled - or decidedly delusional - perhaps both. :down:

Republican Convention: Most Evangelicals Fall In Line Behind Trump
Pastor Mark Burns of South Carolina, who gave the benediction on the convention's first day. NPR - 7/20/2016 (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) MARK BURNS: Lord, we're so thankful for the life of Donald Trump. We're thankful that you are guiding him - that we, together, can defeat the liberal Democratic Party, to keep us divided and not united, in Jesus' name - if you believe it, shout amen. UNIDENTIFIED CROWD: Amen. ~~~~~~~~ INSKEEP: I'm thinking, though, about - well, there's a remark by Amy Sullivan, who's been a religion writer for many years now with Yahoo News, who wrote, I've never heard anything remotely this partisan or pushing theology this distorted. That was her opinion. Convention prayers, she said, are usually nonpartisan affairs. Are you - are you suggesting maybe you got a little carried away by the emotion the moment? Or you said what you meant? BURNS: Well, you know, I think - let me just say this. I think I'm a lot like Mr. Trump in some ways, that maybe when people say this was the most, you know, partisan prayer. For me, I was just doing what I've always done for Mr. Trump at his rallies. And that's just to rally the people and to declare to them that - not so much God is on our side because God represents everybody for those who believe in him, but that - to remind the people, you know, we are a country under God, indivisible. And that was my intention and heart, to just address that.

Ted Cruz basically said that after the personal attacks made on him and his family, he could not find it in his conscience to endorse Trump, and the crowd looked as if they wanted to lynch him for heresy. Is this what politics has come to?

Ted Cruz basically said that after the personal attacks made on him and his family, he could not find it in his conscience to endorse Trump, and the crowd looked as if they wanted to lynch him for heresy. Is this what politics has come to?
I don't like all the comparisons to Hitler, because Hitler truly believed in what he said and did. Trump OTOH just seems to be putting on the kind of show he knows will play well while at the same time not truly believing in what he says. definitely seems to be getting closer to the whole "feel" of 1930s Germany. There are some great books that capture the mood of Germany back then, and I have to say, it's really starting to have that same feel now.
Ted Cruz basically said that after the personal attacks made on him and his family, he could not find it in his conscience to endorse Trump, and the crowd looked as if they wanted to lynch him for heresy. Is this what politics has come to?
I don't like all the comparisons to Hitler, because Hitler truly believed in what he said and did. Trump OTOH just seems to be putting on the kind of show he knows will play well while at the same time not truly believing in what he says. definitely seems to be getting closer to the whole "feel" of 1930s Germany. There are some great books that capture the mood of Germany back then, and I have to say, it's really starting to have that same feel now. The Republican convention reminded me of films I've seen of Nazi rallies. Hitler was wildly popular with right wingers, too. Lois