History of "black hole" from 1783 to 2015. / by Socratus /

History of “black hole” from 1783 to 2015. / by Socratus /
In 1783 John Michell wrote that a big massive star would have
such a strong gravity field that light could not escape. Such objects
was called “black holes” but for years this idea was forgotten.
Michell’s idea about big stars and their interaction with light
revived again when Einstein in 1915 formulated the GRT
and many others theories of this subject were published.
But in 1928 Chandrasekhar realized that a star of more than about
one and a half times the mass of the Sun would collapse to a zero size.
( Chandrasekhar mass limit law.) This discovery opened the way
to a new speculations: what can happen after star’s collapse?

In 1783 Michell was sure that his big star as an object (!) can exist
only in an Aether and if this star collapses then its parts would
be disappeared into the same Aether. But the modern scientists said:
“aether doesn’t exist” and instead of “aether” they invented a “black hole”.
Instead of Michell’s star itself (!) which doesn’t give light to escape
we are talking about gravitational collapse that formed a space-time
region (!) from which the light cannot escape. We are talking about
a big star that collapse under its own gravity and formed a region
of zero volume and the density of matter and the curvature
of space-time become infinite. And this space-time region is not
an Aether but a quite different region.
About “black holes” was written many books, millions articles,
and there are thousands experts of “black holes” and they explain
to ordinary people this “black hole” phenomena.
My peasant opinion.
a) “Aether” has zero temperature: T=0K.
In order to avoid difficulties with the zero conditions and using
“entropy” with “uncertainty principle” experts say that a “black hole”
has a temperature of only one ten-millionth of a degree above
absolute zero. The difference is so slight that I can say “black hole”
and “aether” have equal temperature.
b) “black hole” and “Aether” are both have one and the same imaginary time.
c) they are both flat space-time region
(zero volume of “black hole” means its flatness)
d) the mathematical laws of very high density are equal to the mathematical
laws of very deep emptiness.
e) “black hole” and “Aether” are both somehow can radiate quantum of light.
There are many similarities between a “black hole” and an “Aether”
and therefor “black hole” is only another name of the “Aether”.

Chandrasekhar mass-limit law says that stars from which the light
cannot escape don’t exist in Nature for long time – they will be collapsed.
( It is impossible to create snowball as big as the mountain Everest –
in some point snowball will be collapsed. After collapse the parts
of snowball will fall down into its original reference frame).
The parts of star after gravitational collapse also must settle down
into their original reference frame.
What is the name of stars’ original reference frame?
Where did stars come from?
One more amateur’s question.
Chandrasekhar’s law says that a star of more than about one and a half
times the mass of the Sun would collapse. How did “big bang”
deceive the Chandrasekhar mass limit law? ( big-bang was awarded
the Nobel Prize in 1978 and Chandrasekhar’s law in 1983)
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus.