Time/ Space: from Hawking back to Einstein / Minkowski.

Time/ Space: from Hawking back to Einstein / Minkowski.
a) Stephen Hawking, book: “The theory of everything. Fifth lecture.”
" . . . . the universe must have a beginning, and that this beginning
must be described in terms of quantum theory."
“When one goes back to the real time in which we live, however,
there will still appear to be singularities. The poor astronaut who falls
into a black hole . . . . could live in imaginary time, that he would
encounter no singularities.”
“This might suggest that the so-called imaginary time is really the
fundamental time, and that we call real time is something we create
just in our minds. In real time, the universe has a beginning and
an end at singularities that form a boundary to space-time and at which
the laws of science break down. But in imaginary time, there are
no singularities or boundaries. So maybe what we call imaginary time
is really more basic, and what we call real time is just an idea that we
invent to help us describe what we think the universe is like.”
/ page 91/
The real time in which we live has singularities.
But imaginary time without singularities or boundaries " is really the
fundamental time", " is really more basic. "
b) Einstein /Minkowski.
It was Einstein who first in 1905 introduced imaginary time in SRT.
In 1908 Minkowski changed imaginary time into 4D and said:
“ Henceforth, space by itself, and time by itself,
are doomed to fade away into mere shadows,
and only a kind of union of the two will
preserve an independent reality."
" space by itself, and time by itself" the real space and time in which
we live are “shadows” . . . . " and only a kind of union of the two
( on the basis of imaginary time) will preserve an independent reality."
My solution.
An imaginary time means a situation of absence of Time.
The situation of absence time means Eternal condition.
The Eternal condition belongs to Infinite zero vacuum: T=0K.
The black hole is eternal zero vacuum (T=0K) continuum.
The 4D is eternal zero vacuum (T=0K) continuum.
Space by itself (gravity-space) and Time (gravity-time) by itself
are secondary: made out from the eternal zero vacuum (T=0K)
through singularity / vacuum fluctuation-transformation.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus

A black hole has temperature of only one ten-millionth
of a degree above absolute zero. In 1973 the temperature
of the cosmic microwave radiation was about 2,7 degrees
above T=0K. If the universe is destined to go on expanding
forever then the temperature will eventually decrease to less
than that of black hole . . . to zero: T=0K.
There are three basic similarities between black hole and zero vacuum:
a) both have imaginary time
b) both have the same temperature
c) both can emit radiation
Therefore black hole is zero vacuum.


Interpretation of the laws
The four laws of black hole mechanics suggest that one should identify
the surface gravity of a black hole with temperature and the area
of the event horizon with entropy, at least up to some multiplicative
If one only considers black holes classically, then they have zero
temperature and, by the no hair theorem, zero entropy, and the laws
of black hole mechanics remain an analogy.
However, when quantum mechanical effects are taken into account,
one finds that black holes emit thermal radiation (Hawking radiation)
at a temperature.

Correct. It means that from the Classical point of view
black hole is zero vacuum T=0K. It means that all the fields,
such as the gravitational field and electromagnetic field have to be zero.
Then it seems that the Universe must to be a dead continuum.
But . . . . .
But thanks to " The Second law of thermodynamics"/ Entropy
the infinite zero vacuum continuum (T=0K) can somehow emit
“Virtual particles” which somehow can create the Material Universe.
1.) Henry Poincare named the conception of "entropy "
as a " surprising abstract ".
2.) Lev Landau (the Nobel Prize in Physics 1962) wrote:
" A question about the physical basis of the
entropy monotonous increasing law remains open “.
3.) Wilhelm Ostwald (the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1909 ) said :
" the entropy is only a shadow of energy”.
4.) The famous mathematician John von Neumann said to
“the father of information theory” Claude Shannon:
" Name it “entropy” then in discussions
you will receive solid advantage, because
nobody knows, what “entropy” basically is ".

All laws of physics are limited and according to QT
when they go to the limit all physical parameters (space,
time, energy, mass . . . ) disappear.
This limit according to QT is called “vacuum”.
But these physical parameters can be reborn through
“vacuum fluctuation/transformation”
What can be done with this data mining?

Another way to say imaginary time could be personal time stream. There is no absolute time since one’s perception of it is determined by relative speed, which is constantly changing. On earth time is compressed into a very small range of relative speeds compared to the speed of light, so it appears to be the same for everyone. However it clearly is not that same for anyone. We each have our own stream and we have things on it that we visit from time to time. The easiest way to live, generally is now.

Another way to say imaginary time could be personal time stream. There is no absolute time since one's perception of it is determined by relative speed, which is constantly changing. On earth time is compressed into a very small range of relative speeds compared to the speed of light, so it appears to be the same for everyone. However it clearly is not that same for anyone. We each have our own stream and we have things on it that we visit from time to time. The easiest way to live, generally is now.
a) your “ personal time stream" is only a period of a personal life- time. b) at constant the speed of light time is “frozen", zero, infinite. c) what is relation between “ personal time stream" and “frozen" time? ==========…