I may have figured out Dark Matter and a Unified Theory

Speed of light: 299,792,458 meters per second

I’m convinced it has to be this speed to allow a quantum/classical boundary. A Femtosecond holds the key of 0.3 micrometers. An object with this width is going to be auto-observed …have a physical state. The speed of light is the speed it is in order for quantum events to occur. If it was any faster a Femtosecond could cover 0.2 micrometers and prevent quantum weirdness from being a thing.

The speed of light is directly tied to the spaceTime and it seems to be a frame rate.

I suspect the default speed of light is actually 200,000,000 m/s and a multiplier of 1.49896229 is added to the frame rate to equal 299,792,458 m/s

Again, the multiplier is to ensure the quantum/classical boundary size.

If we take the speed of light and multiply it by 5 we get: 299,792,458 m/s x 5 = 1.49896229×10^15 Micrometers per second (1,498,962,290,000,000)

I think it is telling us 1,498,962,290 m/s is the speed of light when spacetime isn’t involved.

The speed of light gets divided by 5. Is it saying time gets split between 5 different dimensions?

299,792,458 m/s x 5 = 1,498,962,290 m/s or 1,498,962,290,000,000 Micrometers per second1,498,962,290,000,000 / 5 = 2.9979246e+14 || 299,792,460,000,000

I think this is saying the auto-observe key is actually 0.29979246 Micrometers

speed of light 299,792,458 / auto-observe 0.29979246 micrometers to meters 0.00000029979246 = 999,999,990,000,000

Light has a max of auto-observing 999,999,990,000,000 clumps of matter each second.

1000000000000000 - 999999990000000 = 10,000,000

I think that is somewhere around 0.00000001% of a difference.

“The official definition of a meter today is: 1⁄299792458 of the distance traveled by light in a vacuum, in 1 second. … A consequence of using this definition is that any attempt to measure the speed of light is cyclical; you must use a “meter” to measure it at some point, which relies on the speed of light”

A Meter is based on 10’s, it scales.

Time is Spacetime. I bring up the parallel universes because the math implies it. It can’t be a coincidence that the speed of light x 5 equals that many micrometers.

You can rest assured a femtosecond of light is a unit of spacetime. The quantum/classical boundary demands it.

The split in 5 might be telling use there are 4 parallel universes.


This link says: 0.3 becomes 30 …well, maybe just for objects allowed to interact with 0.3 objects and not give them a physical state. This explains why quantum weirdness events are allowed to occur in plants and animals.

Space and Time are directly tied. Or should I say Distance and Time? The frame rate of spacetime has been increased for light to be the speed it is.

If I’m right, the quantum/classical boundary should be different throughout the fabric of spacetime …like time dilation.

Time dilation and the boundary must be insane in cosmic voids. This has to by why they are expanding.

Spacetime converts quantum waves that have a width of 0.3 or larger and automatically gives them a physical state. The wave is now also a particle, it is in a duality …the quantum field and spacetime are influencing it. It isn’t going to perform quantum weirdness events but will wobble like a wave. Observation can be performed on purpose with smaller objects …what I care about are the auto-observed sizes.

Matter waves not decaying is pretty strong evidence that spacetime isn’t involved with unobserved quantum waves.

Side thought: I don’t think the quantum field has a causality limit for unobserved quantum waves.

The reason Einstein failed at a unifying theory is because he refused to believe anything could be without spacetime. I think spacetime is available everywhere …but is not enacted everywhere. I think Mass enacts it (the boundary).

If you toss a rock into a cosmic void, spacetime will form around its mass like a bubble. It will experience the maximum time dilation and quantum/classical boundary spacetime can handle. Because of the spacetime bubble size. If the rock is around the size of the new boundary (for its new bubble) it would disappear into quantum waves and so would the spacetime bubble (assuming the rock didn’t have a physical state at the time).

Is this why we are seeing stars older than time? Are the stars in question living in cosmic voids? Anything that ages, has a physical state.

lorentz doesn’t apply to quantum waves without a physical state …there is nothing to tradeoff

If galaxies are these enacted spacetime bubbles …do we need dark matter to be a thing anymore?

The stars we see moving so fast at the edges of galaxies is due to its own spacetime bubble is mostly sticking out of the galaxy bubble. That star is moving in space with extreme time dilation.

We should be asking ourselves how much mass = how much spacetime?

I wouldn’t want to be the first person to leave the galaxy. You would age and the different scale of the quantum/classical boundary would probably do something awful to your body.

Spacetime that isn’t enacted would be like a deflated balloon …lifeless. I’m asking what size the bubble gets per 0.3 micrometer of mass. Is the galaxy a giant spacetime bubble …or more like a tent city?

We can compare galaxies with slow edge stars to ones with fast to give us a clue to the size.

This thread contains all the ingredients to formulate a Unified Theory.

The speed of light (causality) is the frame rate of spacetime. The frame rate determines the quantum/classical boundary.

Quantum weirdness events will not occur if the 0.3 micrometer object can be completely observed in a single frame. The exception being, 30 micrometer objects are allowed to interact without causing decoherence to a 0.2 micrometer object.

Unobserved QM = Quantum Field

Duality = QFT (both spacetime and the quantum field) (no quantum weirdness except for wobble …and the quantum Zeno effect, the quantum field is still making it ageless. )

Spacetime = GR



Objects with smaller distances can be observed. According to your cited study, this is just the largest (in 2010) example of quantum effects being seen at a (relatively) large scale. This does not mean it is the minimum distance nor does it mean the size necessarily implies observation.
Yeah, no kidding. You are not getting what I mean by auto-observe. Particles can decohere without a human observing them. The size that doesn't need a human AND can be shot in the double slit experiment without fringes, is what the boundary is about. The link I pointed to is saying 30 micrometer objects can interact with 0.299 particles without giving them a physical state ..or causing them to decohere (same thing).
If it was faster, more than 0.3 micrometers would be covered, not less. I also fail to see what makes it such that 0.2 micrometers would prevent such.
If the frame rate was faster, a photon would reach farther per particle. A 0.2 could still have quantum events but not as many as a 0.3
Ok, now why do you suspect that default speed? The multiplication holds, but what makes 200,000,000 special?
It was just a guess at first, but then that 1.49896229 showed up when multiplying the speed of light five times. Pretending that could be a coincidence, is insane.
Uhh... ok? From your prior paragraph, 1.52 = ~3, and now we are discovering that ~35 = ~15. We just scaled the numbers to make them look like they line up.
again, micrometers are a big deal for me and the boundary.
Even if that were the case, what the hell would imply it is being split across dimensions (which, here, I assume you mean in a non-rigorous sense and are more alluding to sci-fi "dimensions). Or even split evenly, for that matter? Why not 2 divided in a ratio if 3:2? You are just pulling non sequiturs out of your ass.
I'm saying there is extra time being used somewhere, somehow.
What would cause you to make that connection? And what is a "clump"? Where did the 1000000000000000 come from???
A clump, is a clump of matter that has a width of 0.3 micrometers. The max observe does seem like a useless fact, it might be telling us something about the processor power of spacetime.
That is not what wave-particle duality is. Wave-particle duality that some wavelike behaviors and some particle-like behaviors are exhibited in quantum objects. This is described through something called the wavefunction, which has multiple interpretations, but is fundamentally a linear combination of complex vectors describing some feature
Yeah, umm, my post is about new physics ..not outdated mainstream. Do you want to know what dark matter is or not?
Yeah, umm, my post is about new physics ..not outdated mainstream.
I like that, I'm using a computer that's connected to the world (when all is functioning properly) based on outdated physics. Outdated? Does not compute.


Incidentally, my first impression of what you wrote was 'Yipes!"

My second impression was shouldn’t you be writing to the Journal of Astrophysics or something like that?



I don’t have the credentials …and I want opinions on what I said.

I would recommend taking a class Joseph. I don’t know that much about femtoseconds or anything, but I can tell you don’t either.

I’m basing that on your own words, “I think this is saying the auto-observe key is actually 0.29979246 Micrometers”

right, so the whole thing must be wrong?

I have no idea. I can only evaluate it with some general rules of what I know is good science. You don’t reference anything for example. It doesn’t look very sciencey.

Joseph said,

If I’m right, the quantum/classical boundary should be different throughout the fabric of spacetime …like time dilation.

I also believe in a quantum boundary @ “c”.

IMO, it is the smallest time period during which a quantum event can take place. Quantum requires a measure of time to effect change. IOW, at faster than light particles would be unable to materialize at all. It is the domain of non-physical “virtual particles”.

But this limit is a constant regardless of gravitational fields or other relative conditions. “c” is the limit of physical “materialization (unfolding) from an energetic wave function into physical actuality” .

Clearly, things cannot happen at the same time in the same place (coordinate). Space must be set aside for change to take place and the result of change in geometric coordinates is the mechanism that creates time (measurable duration) in the process. This limit happens to be “c” (SOL).

I admit it is speculative, but as with the breakdown of “classical” physics at geometric Planck scales, IMO the same principle holds for a “duration of change” @ FTL, when we leave the physical domain and enter the domain of non-material “virtual” reality.

I have proposed this elsewhere and was severely criticized by knowledgeable minds, so I cannot even begin to extrapolate any measurements other that the known constant of “c”. At least no one can argue that apparent limit (boundary). AFAIK, it is the foundation for all of physics and implies a clear fundamental limit in physical evolution.

The quantum field doesn’t have time and as a result there is no speed limit for unobserved quantum waves. Spacetime introduces time to particles via observation/decoherence.

particle: 1a : a minute quantity or fragment. b : a relatively small or the smallest discrete portion or amount of something. 2 : any of the basic units of matter and energy (such as a molecule, atom, proton, electron, or photon
particle(My Addition): If smaller than 0.3 micrometers, it is NOT automatically observed (given a physical state) …unless touching an object that is larger than 30 micrometers.

wave: digital form of a particle, unobservable
wave(My Addition): Not real or physical. Can hold mass as a variable. Ghost.

wave function: A wave function in quantum physics is a mathematical description of the quantum state of an isolated quantum system. The wave function is a complex-valued probability amplitude, and the probabilities for the possible results of measurements made on the system can be derived from it.
wave function(My Addition): This is mostly for describing waves …not a particle in duality. I suspect diffraction is directly involved and would considerably refine probabilities. A particle in duality isn’t going to be in superposition.

coherence: Quantum coherence deals with the idea that all objects have wave-like properties. If an object’s wave-like nature is split in two, then the two waves may coherently interfere with each other in such a way as to form a single state that is a superposition of the two states.
coherence(My Addition): remained a wave

decoherence: Quantum decoherence is the loss of quantum coherence. In quantum mechanics, particles such as electrons are described by a wave function, a mathematical representation of the quantum state of a system; a probabilistic interpretation of the wave function is used to explain various quantum effects.
decoherence(My Addition): given a physical state, is now in a duality mode

superposition: The principle of quantum superposition states that if a physical system may be in one of many configurations—arrangements of particles or fields—then the most general state is a combination of all of these possibilities, where the amount in each configuration is specified by a complex number.
superposition(My Addition): Can occur if only a wave, no duality.

mass: The classical view of mass is that it quantifies the amount of substance and is a kinematical parameter. … However, we emphasize that the most abundant component of matter - Nucleons - derives its mass largely as a consequence of quantum effects of (color gluonic QCD) radiation
mass(My Addition): physical mass is observed/real (energy with a physical state). virtual mass is not real/physical, a quantum wave with a variable for mass.

time: A chronon is a proposed quantum of time, that is, a discrete and indivisible “unit” of time as part of a hypothesis that proposes that time is not continuous.
time(My Addition): the frame rate of spacetime, quantum waves do not use it.

spacetime: In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional manifold. Spacetime diagrams can be used to visualize relativistic effects, such as why different observers perceive where and when events occur differently.
spacetime(My Addition): Is what General Relativity describes. I suspect it is an analog simulation with a frame rate. The Quantum field doesn’t use it including cosmic voids because there isn’t enough mass to enact it.

matter: physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; (in physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy.
matter(My Addition): virtual mass with a physical state. It is real/physical.

state: In quantum physics, a quantum state is the state of an isolated quantum system. A quantum state provides a probability distribution for the value of each observable, i.e. for the outcome of each possible measurement on the system.
state(My Addition): quantum waves don’t have a state …that job belongs to spacetime

Matter-Wave: Matter waves are a central part of the theory of quantum mechanics, being an example of wave–particle duality. All matter exhibits wave-like behavior. For example, a beam of electrons can be diffracted just like a beam of light or a water wave. … Matter waves are referred to as de Broglie waves.
Matter-Wave(My Addition): Are not in a duality mode. It isn’t physical. It doesn’t have a physical state. “Duality-Wave” needs to be a thing. A Duality-Wave would be a particle moving on the path of a wave.

Joseph said,

The quantum field doesn’t have time and as a result there is no speed limit for unobserved quantum waves. Spacetime introduces time to particles via observation/decoherence.

I agree with the possibility of “fields” being independent of time, but fields do not contain massive physical objects which are subject to change. As soon as a massive physical object materializes from the field it becomes subject to the limitation of “c”. Massive physical objects cannot exceed “c” (as a spatial measurement). A light-year is a spatial measurement. A quantum event is a change of physical properties in a spatial framework. Only massless virtual particles are exempt from quantum change and therefore exempt from the SOL limitation. That has been proven.

The special theory of relativity implies that only particles with zero rest mass may travel at the speed of light. Tachyons, particles whose speed exceeds that of light, have been hypothesized, but their existence would violate causality, and the consensus of physicists is that they cannot exist.

Note that physical existence addresses the duration of quantum change from cause to effect. Apparently this process requires a certain amount of time which appears to be limited to the geometric measurement of SOL.

At FTL, physical objects acquire infinitely large properties which prevents change.

Right, I’m saying a particle doesn’t always have to be in a duality.

True, but everything undergoing change (including quantum change) is subject to the limitation of “c”. At FTL physical quantum change cannot be completed and decay becomes inevitable. Perhaps the quantum appearance of the Higgs boson and its near immediate decay demonstrates the thrust of my argument.

IMO, unfolding of physical objects from quantum fields or from one state into another state requires a certain amount of time, which is permitted and is causal to the creation of time as a measurement of temporal duration of quantum change. The inherent limitation of this duration is restricted to “c”.

One might say that one quanta of change equals (requires) one unit of “time” (@“c”) . Hence the term “spacetime coordinates”.


not so fast …if a particle is going to be observed in its flight (before it hits a final panel), there isn’t a swap mid air …the physical state is granted before the particle even starts to move.

But the change from wave to particle is a quantum event at all coordinates between the emitter and observer.

How much time does it take for light (@ c) from the sun to reach earth? 8 minutes, no more, no less, because of the fixed distance it must travel before it can be observed at all as a wave or a particle. Duration of manifestation begins at the sun’s quantum emission of a photon, which then requires 8 minutes for the probability wave to reach earth and becomes manifests as a physical object.

Every instant of change “requires” a measure of time, which is granted by the permittive (but also mathematically restrictive) properties of space.

This may be compared to the restrictive environment in the sun. The same photon travelling @ c may take centuries to escape the sun’s dense and super restrictive environment.

I had written a response to this, but I don’t see it now, so I’ll just redo a quick response.

You’ve obviously put a lot of thought into this and have learned a bit about physics, but my initial impression is that the math you show looks suspiciously like numerology, where you assign importance to mathematical coincidence which just isn’t there.

Also, I don’t believe there is any “change” from wave to particle, and all the observation I am aware of seems to back that up, though, granted, my knowledge is hardly complete. Some waves have properties of particles, some particles have properties of waves. Of the entirety of the electromagnetic structure, only a bit in the middle is has properties of particles. Increase or decrease the frequency enough and those properties disappear. And photons, electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms, even whole molecules show properties of a wave in the double slit experiment, at least until they reach a certain size. These wavelike features don’t disappear with particles, they seem to disappear with mass. This would suggest that such a transition would be more of a mass-dependent gradient that a specific point between wave and particle.

@ Widdershins

Who are you addressing with that post?

What is exciting about the quantum field is that it doesn’t use time …and I mean it …if a particle will be observed in its path it will be granted a physical state 8 minutes ago …I thousand years ago …it makes no difference. The delayed choice quantum eraser demonstrates this.

@Widdershins 299,792,458 doesn’t look at all weird to you for a speed of light?


OP with a splash of response to something you said, I think.


Not really, no. I’m a little surprised it isn’t a nice, round number, but that’s about it. Something like 300,000,000 m/s or 250,000,000 m/s would make more sense. Why? What are you seeing there?

Exactly, the length of a meter is tailored to the distance light travels in a second. Any sane person would question why massless light has such a weird number.

That said, if the numbers thing isn’t your bag …Matter Waves not decaying is another avenue to my theory. Matter Waves that don’t decay are not using spacetime.