Hey Y'all - New to DC Area, new to CFI...

Hey y’all,
My name is Rocky Oliver (Geektheist). I’m a computer geek (and oh, so much more) originally from Redan GA, but now our family home is in the booming metropolis of Flowery Branch GA (yes, it’s every bit as small as it sounds). However, my “situation” is a bit, shall we say, unusual.
The best job I could find when coming out of the recession was outside of Washington, DC - I now work for the Army JAG Corps at Fort Belvoir VA. I love the job and the people, the pay is good, and the benefits are great. I rent a room here, and I go home to see the family once/month. It works out fine, since I was fortunate enough to have worked from home for most of my career. This gave me the amazing opportunity to watch all of my kids grow up as essentially a “stay-at-home dad”. Now all five of them are grown - my youngest two are a Senior (18) and Junior (17) in High School, so they’re pretty much grown, too. Plus, after being home for most of the 30-plus years I’ve been with my wife Debbie, she’s almost pushing me out of the door so she can finally have some peace and quiet :wink:
Some other quick bits about me - I’m a/an:
Native Southerner.
Unitarian Universalist.
Software Architect.
SCUBA Divemaster (NAUI).
Martial Artist (CKD - 1st Deg. Black Belt).
Pretty much in that order. But the one I left out, at the top of the list - HAPPY.
Since I’m relatively new to the Alexandria VA area, I’m always on the lookout for the opportunity to meet others - preferrably some freethinking heathens. :cheese: So if anyone else wants to meet someone new, drop me a line.
I’m looking forward to hanging out with y’all here at CFI!

All that and Happy, too. Nice. Welcome.

Welcome, Rocky. Sounds like you’ll enjoy it here.

You’ll fit right in here. I suggest you find a freethought group in your area. It’s a greatbway to meet like-minded people. I know there are humanist chapters in the DC area. In fact, the American Humanist Association is headquartered in DC. Check them out on the Internet.

Everyone on hear is a shameful heathen.

Everyone on hear is a shameful heathen.
YAY!! My kind of peeps! :cheese: