Happy Ironic Thanksgiving

Today we celebrate the day that, against the odds, a forlorn band of immigrants to America began the process of their descendants and other immigrants taking over the entire land and performing genocide on the existing population. (“Ugh! Don’t be such a downer on a Happy day.” you say. Hey, I don’t make the ironic news. I just report it.)
Another irony that I noticed: The Mid East is so weird to Americans. Over here, we smoke turkeys for Thanksgiving. Over there Turkey smokes Russian pilots.
And Obama (I love President Obama, but his action yesterday has me thinking.) He pardoned a turkey using the sign of the cross while pardoning it. Hasn’t he heard of “separation of church and state”? And another thing: The turkey was WHITE! Don’t black turkey lives matter?
And to top that off, this morning I see 3 presidential candidates practicing pardoning a turkey. The irony being that they were Republican candidates, and this turkey was black. Carly was petting the turkey, and calling it beautiful. Ben was pardoning the turkey for being ugly. And Marco was telling the turkey that he likes to bake one turkey and fry the others for Thanksgiving.
All this, I think supports my personal quote that I came up with over 4 decades ago: “If there is a God, he is one that holds irony most dear.”
But anyway, HAPPY IRONIC (and maybe a little politically incorrect) THANKSGIVING everybody!

Yes, wouldn’t it be great if we had a celebration right about now that was about different cultures coming together and helping each other. Regardless of how messy history actually is and how imperfect the characters were, if we could just put that aside for a few hours and just be thankful for each other. And somehow include brain damaged millionaires trying to take territory from each other as some form of cathartic spectacle. Too bad we don’t have something like that.

Don’t be such a downer, Tim. Today is a day of thanks. And giving. And coming together with people we barely see and don’t really like, but pretend to like because we have small segments of DNA in common with them. And gorging on food while occasionally doling out token gestures of charity to assure ourselves we are in fact not greedy, self-absorbed fat asses largely indifferent toward the plight of those with less ready access to excessive calories. And football. But only American football. Soccer is for queers.

I don’t mean to be a downer. Personally, I will be celebrating with friends, 25% of whom are of different nationalities. I expect to enjoy making fun of the irony of today’s world. And Go Cowboys! And Boo chronic traumatic encephalopathy!

I’m not rooting for the Cowboys again until either Greg Hardy grows up and admits he abused his girlfriend or the Cowboys quit enabling him and kick his ass to the curb.

'm not rooting for the Cowboys again until either Greg Hardy grows up and admits he abused his girlfriend or the Cowboys quit enabling him and kick his ass to the curb.
That is an understandable sentiment, but it is neither happy nor ironic. How about couching it thusly: You hope that America's team who enable the success of a woman beater (while consistently losing, although in exciting fashion) increase their deserved loss record by suffering, yet another, heart breaking loss to the undefeated Panthers.
'm not rooting for the Cowboys again until either Greg Hardy grows up and admits he abused his girlfriend or the Cowboys quit enabling him and kick his ass to the curb.
That is an understandable sentiment, but it is neither happy nor ironic. How about couching it thusly: You hope that America's team who enable the success of a woman beater (while consistently losing, although in exciting fashion) increase their deserved loss record by suffering, yet another, heart breaking loss to the undefeated Panthers. Works for me. :coolsmile:

Hey, I’m celebrating family, friendship, and the joy of living, just like I do on Christmas and all the other holidays based on myths I don’t take to be literally true. Here’s to the power of humanism to subvert holidays! :slight_smile:

Hey, I’m celebrating family, friendship, and the joy of living, just like I do on Christmas and all the other holidays based on myths I don’t take to be literally true. Here’s to the power of humanism to subvert holidays!
My sentiments exactly! I couldn't have said it any better. Enjoy the food and the company, irony be damned. Now on to the axial tilt ceremony, and have a "happy holiday" Bill O'Reilly. Cap't Jack