Greta is 17 now.

Mnuchin’s beautiful wife (and suspected gold-digger) tweeted: “I stand with Greta on this issue. (I don’t have a degree in economics either) We need to drastically reduce our use of fossil fuels. Keep up the fight @GretaThunberg.”

But it looks like she didn’t have the balls to keep the post up. It was taken down without explanation after about 30 minutes.

Bless her heart. Can you imagine having to kiss Mnuchin’s mouth, while he perpetually grits his teeth, even when he is speaking, like a ventriloquist? Some things, you should just not do for money.

She needs to realize that she is but one of many in a long line of people who tried to warn everyone and nothing happened.

I get that her age makes her remarkable but it doesn’t change the reality.

Reality changes over time. Greta is an icon at a time that is probably the last effective fulcrum for the world nations to unite to address the climate challenge for us all. Parts of the world are now, literally burning. Flooding and droughts are occurring at a severity that is worse than ever. High temperatures are being broken over and over.

You don’t think that Greta is aware “that she is but one of many in a long line of people who tried to warn everyone and nothing happened.” She basically eludes to that in every speech that she gives. In her last speech she responded to the criticism that her warnings of dire consequences to the world, could cause panic. She related (from experience) that her warnings have NOT caused panic.

So Greta is remarkable, not just in her age, but also, in her willingness to speak truth to power, over and over. She is remarkable in not giving up, when there is little left but a forlorn hope, that the people of the world will turn things around.

It remains to be seen whether she will have inspired enough others so that could be accomplished.

Probably it won’t. But is that a reason to criticize her for trying? Because “Probably it won’t.” infers that “Possibly it will.” Would you prefer that Greta and anyone else, of her stance, would just give up and revel in the bitterness of our world crashing down?

And yes, she is young. It is more her world than ours, at this point. At least, wish her well.

There are lots of people listening and many who wish to try to stop Climate Change. The only ones who don’t want to stop are Xians and greedy corporations.

So Greta is remarkable, not just in her age, but also, in her willingness to speak truth to power, over and over. She is remarkable in not giving up, when there is little left but a forlorn hope, that the people of the world will turn things around.

It remains to be seen whether she will have inspired enough others so that could be accomplished.

Probably it won’t. But is that a reason to criticize her for trying? Because “Probably it won’t.” infers that “Possibly it will.” Would you prefer that Greta and anyone else, of her stance, would just give up and revel in the bitterness of our world crashing down?

And yes, she is young. It is more her world than ours, at this point. At least, wish her well.

They said the same about many others and look what happened. The world is burning and still no one cares. She can yell and makes speeches but in the end she’s just something else for the people to say “look, what a marvel” but that’s about it. The Weather Underground actually bombed buildings but even that didn’t do anything.

I want to say “Good job” but I know this story goes. The same as all the years before. Might be easier for her to accept that this planet is done and spend what time is left savoring it.

And Mriana, it takes more than a wish. Wishing is for fairy tales.

I thought I was negative about humans, concerning climate change, you’re really negative about humans doing anything about climate change.

I have never seen Greta “yell”. Her speeches are coherent, science based, and to-the-point.

She is well aware of the history of denial. As to what is different with her, 1) she is the most Iconic figure yet in the fight for the future of the planet. 2) Also, actual examples of climate change, have never before been so in-the-face of everyone, including the faces of the perpetual dumbass deniers.

The forces of climate change denial have been active and powerful for almost as long as we have been doing the main things that are changing the world’s climates. One of the latest effective tactics is to say, it’s too late, for-ged-about-it, enjoy what is left of life.

So that is the camp that you have apparently chosen. Demean Greta. Criticize her actions as useless at best. Give up on Earth’s future. Is this your proposal, Xain?