white washing Republican hacks is not a virtue
Misrepresenting what others say is not a virtue.
Playing pee shooter is not a virtue.
You bought yourself another enlightening news story to ignore.
GOP blocks Insurrection commission, because the truth is counterproductive to gaslighting.
GOP blocks Insurrection commission, because the truth is counterproductive to gaslighting.F that, not that that isn't part of it,
but number one, bet you they are terrified,
because if the truth comes out,
odds are some of them are going to to be charged, trials and jail time.
We can only hope for justice to see the light.
Can’t wait to see Citizen praise Biden when he will eventually come out with the old both parties must work together
You’re a pretty good example of gaslighting yourself. Why are you always trying to frame me (and others) within your hateful imagination?
Why the complete disregard for what others are trying to discuss?
Honesty matters.
What matters to you, the game?
And two Democrats didn’t even bother to turn up to vote. Biden can’t even get his own house in order
What’s that got to do with the way you behave ? ? ?
Flaying at every branch on a tree, will only drive you crazy.
The real reasons for why Kevin McCarthy is afraid of a January 6 commissionAnalysis by Chris Cillizza, May 18, 2021
I don’t think you can call them republicans any more they are the new populist party of the USA.@bt3241I dont like the use of the word populist as it is used by economically pro business - politically conservative to disqualify their ennemies, whatever be their ideas.
In Europe, democrats leftist are called populists, as are ultra right authoritarian people.
I would say that the Republican party is leaning toward an anti-democratic ultra right, adept of conspiracy theories. In fact, they are not fighting the system, but the people who manage it, in the name of mad theories.They make me afraid even if they are clowns.
For Reich:
For Reich, a key question was: Why did people support the Nazis? Reich stated that he found that several things went together in Nazi Germany:
- Strong paternal authority
- Sexual repressiveness
- Authoritarian personalities
- Reactional political ideologies
His answer was: The combination of authority and rebellion. Reich said the sons would especially admire an authoritarian person above them who was also rebellious. (Like Hitler and Stalin) That way they could fulfill the desire to rebel but with subservience. This was a submission that came with some real resentment.
FAMILY AND WORK. Reich noticed that the family structure and work structure in the German lower middle class overlapped. In their small farms and businesses, both the family authority and the work authority were the same person.In other cases, if you go off to work you’re going to work somewhere else. But if you’re in a situation where you’re working together within the family, the father’s capacity to ensure his authority, to have a kind of totalitarian state within the home, goes way up.
Especially in such situations, fathers are better able to sexually repress their sons. So the sons develop a subservient attitude toward authority and a stronger identification with the father, which transfers to other authorities. They develop an authoritarian personality structure. A very strong identification with the authority who is above you and a subservience to it. Reich was apparently the first to look at this. Later Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswick, Levinson & Sanford studied this dynamic in much more detail in their social psychological classic, The Authoritarian Personality. Still later, Milton Rokeach continued this line of inquiry in Dogmatism.
The authoritarian agenda is largely unconscious. People are almost totally unconscious of what they are doing, The parents carry out the intentions of authoritarian society. The authoritarian parent finds meaning through identification with a strong leader and nation. This explains why people get so caught up in their nation “being Number 1.”
Reich held that most of our inner experience has been cut off along with our sexuality, so that “being number 1” is where people of whom this is so find meaning in life.
Situation in USA differ from situation in USA nowadays, but the method of reasoning is interesting.
Why do people adhere to Qanon theories,so mad are they ? Why do they support a womanizer, not very successful business man who incarnates the contrary of their claimed values ?
Yeah I kn0w what you mean
Well Hitler did get a lot people working. In armaments factories. For many, that was all that mattered. Sieg Heil, meets, the slippery slope to hell.
A look at top ten GOP liars and lies regarding Jan 6th, 2021
Busted: GOP Officials Confronted With Evidence Of MAGA Riot LiesA growing number of Republican members of Congress are minimizing, dissembling, and lying about the January 6th insurrection. This fact-check by MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber confronts recent statements by those officials with the factual record, documenting 10 key examples of the Orwellian effort to deny the reality of the insurrection, and debunking each one with documentary footage, evidence from legal cases, and independent reporting.
CC may I ask what the purpose is of your postings are here?
Creating a little collection?
Because it’s frustrating how few seem to give a fart - and I figure it’s the least I can do?
Because I keep hoping to run into some interesting characters who care, and perhaps a little constructive conversation?
Because giving up and pretending it’s not going down isn’t an option?
Because I’m known for pissing into the wind?
I’m sure there some other motivations flying around in head.
Why do you ask?
(See how nice I am, I’m not even attaching any motivation to your question.)
Though I am curious: Why did you bother to post your question?
@richo, thanks for reminding me I had a little unfinished business with #345130. I wanted to flesh out the ten points, for those who don’t want to view the video.
MSNBC. - "Busted: GOP Officials Confronted With Evidence Of MAGA Riot Lies" - Jun 7, 2021
10 - FOX news - REPORTS THAT ANTIFA SYMPATHIZERS MAY HAVE BEEN SPRINGKLED THROUGH THE CROWD. 9 - ALABAMA CONGRESSMAN MO BROOKS, - IT OCCURRED TO ME THAT NO ONE ENGAGED IN ANY VIOLENCE AS A RESULT OF MY SPEECH OR ANYOTHERS. 8 - CONGRESSMAN PAUL GOSAR, WHO SAYS THEY WERE NOT VIOLENT. CONGRESSMAN MO BROOKS 7 - CONGRESS RALPH NORMAN, WHO SAYS WHAT HAPPENED WAS WRONG, BUT THEN LIES ABOUT IT BEING A MOB OF TRUMP SUPPORTERS. 6 - CONGRESSMAN GAETZ TRYING THE SAME PLOY: “SOME OF THE PEOPLE WHO BREACHED THE CAPITOL TODAY WERE NOT TRUMP SUPPORTERS, AND IN FACT WERE MEMBERS OF ANTIFA. 5 - (GOP) MINIMIZING THIS, SAYING SOMETHING HAPPENED, BUT IT WASN’T A PRESIDENTIALLY ORGANIZED PLOT BY MISFITS. 4 - REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMAN ANDREW CLYDE - Who helped barricade the doors to Congress, now claiming that was just another orderly tourist day: “THERE WAS NO INSURRECTION AND TO CALL IT AN INSURRECTION IN MY OPINION IS A BOLD-FACED LIE.” 3 - AND CONGRESSMAN GOHMERT, LYING ABOUT THE FACT THAT MANY OF THESE TRESPASSERS WERE ARMED. 2 - CONGRESSMAN RON JOHNSON CLAIMS THE PEOPLE ON TEAM TRUMP WHO ATTACKED POLICE ACTUALLY RESPECT POLICE. 1 - THE BIG tRUMP HIMSELF - (He was the) PERSON WHO SUMMONED THE ORIGINAL CROWD TO WASHINGTON AND FED THEM LIES ABOUT HIS FAILED CAMPAIGN. >> WERE GOING TO HAVE FIGHT MUCH HARDER. YOU’LL NEVER TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY WITH WEAKNESS. YOU HAVE TO SHOW STRENGTH, AND YOU HAVE TO BE STRONG. FRANKLY, WE DID WIN THIS ELECTION. WE LOVE YOU, YOU’RE VERY SPECIAL. >> THOSE SPECIAL PEOPLE TOOK HIM LITERALLY, THEY STILL DO. AND WHILE TRUMPISM DOES HAVE LESS POWER NOW, THIS ATTACK WAS BY A SLICE OF THE ELECTORAL MINORITY AGAINST THE ELECTORAL MAJORITY AND WORKING TO GROW AN ALLIANCE OF LIARS WHO KNOW BETTER, WITH PEOPLE WHO MAY NOT.</blockquote> Re #3: <blockquote> <a href="https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/feb/15/ron-johnson/yes-jan-6-capitol-assault-was-armed-insurrection/">https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/feb/15/ron-johnson/yes-jan-6-capitol-assault-was-armed-insurrection/</a> Many in the crowd attacking the Capitol have said their intent was to stop the vote confirmation and keep Trump in office despite the election results. That’s an insurrection. That leaves us with his objection to the word "armed." Yes, carrying a gun would constitute being armed. But the definition of the word is much more broad, referring simply to carrying a weapon. So the question is whether this insurrection involved people carrying weapons.</blockquote> Also see: usatoday_com/story/news/factcheck/2021/03/04/fact-check-fbi-says-bureau-didnt-recover-guns-capitol-riot/4578286001/
whats your game here CC? We know all this.
Who’s we?
Seems to me, too many American’s actually don’t.
If you’re going to ask me a question, please do me the courtesy of at least reading my response, before asking the same thing again.
Please refer to #345149
@richo, I am curious: Why did you bother to post your question?