Global warming ? Climate change? Global cooling?

Judge issues record jail sentences for terrorist act known as… peaceful protest

It’s about time judges stood up to those who want to save the world
Jul 19, 2024

A British judge has shown why the UK is considered the leading democracy in the world by Daily Mail readers by issuing the harshest ever prison sentences… to peaceful protesters. The judge said it was necessary to jail Roger Hallam, the founder of Extinction Rebellion, for five years because he had conspired to block a road. That judge is gonna so mad when he hears what the civil rights movement got up to…

The judge jailed Hallam’s accomplices for four years for hanging a banner reading “Just Stop Oil” from a bridge because oil is a protected characteristic, meaning this was a hate crime. Oil billionaires count as people too, ya know.

Stateless, why are bothering me with that garbage, what that judge did and said has nothing to do with what climate science teaches us.
discuss it with Mike Yohe, he’s more your speed. Playing games with politics

Here again Mike Yoho you are being a deliberate misinformer, all it takes is a little GOOD FAITH curiosity and doing a bit of homework.

I thought you might be interested in showing solidarity with those putting their welfare at risk in trying to change govts climate change policy.

Here is the petition - STOP JAILING TRUTH TELLERS !

Says the guy who seems to support MAGA and relish Democratic Party’s dysfunctionality.

Sorry my bandwidth is only so wide.

Rather spend the evening filling out postcard addresses, for what it’s worth.
It’s the journey not the destination.

Wanna show some solidarity? :wink:

Solidarity with climate science action???

Where is your proof that there is a Anthropocene extinction event taking place? If there is one taking place. All events have timelines. What is your timeline? How come in my fifty years of following the media I have not seen this a major mankind issue?

There are an estimated 8.7 million classified species in the world, and scientists’ figure that there are 5 million left to be described. Apr 16, 2024

— There are an estimated 8.7 million plant and animal species on our planet. This means about 86 percent of land species and 91 percent of sea species remain undiscovered. Mar 16, 2018

You have a very shortsighted view of global climate changes.
Let’s go back some 12,000 years. This when the Holocene Epoch began to unfold.
We’ll have a look at what has happened since then

Sixth mass extinction
Main articles: Holocene extinction and Biodiversity loss

Research completed after the seminal 1982 paper (Sepkoski and Raup) has concluded that a sixth mass extinction event is ongoing due to human activities:
Holocene extinction currently ongoing

Extinctions have occurred at over 1,000 times the background extinction rate since 1900, and the rate is increasing.[25][26][a] The mass extinction is a result of human activity (an ecocide)[28][29][30][31] driven by population growth and overconsumption of the earth’s natural resources.[b] The 2019 global biodiversity assessment by IPBES asserts that out of an estimated 8 million species, 1 million plant and animal species are currently threatened with extinction.[33][34][35][36]

> In late 2021, WWF Germany suggested that over a million species could go extinct within a decade in the “largest mass extinction event since the end of the dinosaur age.”[37] A 2023 study published in PNAS concluded that at least 73 genera of animals have gone extinct since 1500. If humans had never existed, it would have taken 18,000 years for the same genera to have disappeared naturally, the report states.[38][39][40]

more… Extinction event - Wikipedia

You can only ask that question because you are too disingenuous to care to look it up for your self.
You’re like that MAGA man hero of your’s, ‘I don’t know about that., I never banged her, I know nothing, I do nothing, but trust me, USA’s oligarchs and the media moguls love me, why should I learn anything.’

You should try doing a little homework, why not jump start with a google orientation, then you can take the deep dive into the situation.

“Where is your proof that there is a Anthropocene extinction event taking place?”

Or a derivation from that:
Evidence for who’s causing the Anthropocene

First some fundamentals

Most scientists agree that the collective influence of humans was small before the dawn of the Industrial Revolution during the middle of the 18th century; however, advancements in technology occurring since then have made it possible for humans to undertake widespread, systematic changes that affect several facets of the Earth system. …

… At present, human beings have a profound influence over Earth’s surface, atmosphere, oceans, and biogeochemical nutrient cycling. By 2005, humans had converted nearly two-fifths of Earth’s land area for agriculture. (Cultivated land accounted for one-tenth of the land surface, whereas roughly three-tenths were used for pasture.) An additional one-tenth of Earth’s land area was given over to urban areas by this time. According to some estimates, humans have harvested or controlled roughly one-quarter to one-third of the biomassproduced by the world’s terrestrial plants (net primary production) on a yearly basis since the 1990s. Such sweeping control over Earth’s plant production has been attributed in large part to the development of a method of industrial nitrogen fixation called the Haber-Bosch process, which was created in the early 1900s by German chemist Fritz Haberand later refined by German chemist Carl Bosch. The Haber-Bosch process synthesizes ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen under high temperatures and pressures for use in artificial fertilizers and munitions. The industrialization of this process increased the amount of usable nitrogen in the world by 150 percent, which has greatly enhanced crop yields and, along with other technological developments, facilitated the exponential rise in the world’s human population from about 1.6 billion–1.7 billion in 1900 to 7.4 billion by 2016. …

How any one who claims to have traveled around, can pretend we humans aren’t having a beyond profound impact on Earth’s landscapes, waters, creatures, and plants - is beyond me, but Mike can do it with a straight face. What man, MAGA man. But the b¶$h is that his side is winning and they shall reap their rewards, and we all get to pay the price for their unrepentant SELF-ABSORPTION & SELF-SERVING disregard for all else.

You can pat yourself on a car wreck well done, and all I can do is curse and banish you to the lowest runs of hades. But that wish/dream is as delusional as your appraises of climate science.

Thank’s be to evolution I’ve got a solid core & spirit, and can flush you from my mind the moment I’m done posting, and turn my attention to something else. If not you, your constant lies about really important matters is disgusting and making most our citizens absolutely unprepared for what coming at us. Job well done. Ignorance is bliss.

That’s the strategy. Don’t cite research, ask the question, with the slightly arrogant, “you don’t really know” tone to it. I have sat next to people when they google, and seen them pass through pages of information until they see the person they like, the one fact, that they think overrides all the other facts, the obscure email from an actual expert that they believe is a crack in the system.

It’s the power of lying until people give up on tracking down the truth. I saw it work on my young classmates in school but it’s painful to see how many never simply looked up two opposing arguments and worked through determining the difference.

I stumbled on this, seems right up Mike’s alley.
Fossil Fuels, aren’t fossil fuels? What’s up with that?
So why is everyone making such a fuss about it??
Do scientists know anything !?!

Featuring that astrophysicist (well, before he became a successful grifter) Dr. Willie Soon.

Give it a think.

For shame.

What are fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are formed from the decomposition of buried carbon-based organisms that died millions of years ago. They create carbon-rich deposits that are extracted and burned for energy. They are non-renewable and currently supply around 80% of the world’s energy. They are also used to make plastic, steel and a huge range of products. There are three types of fossil fuel – coal, oil and gas.

Fossil fuels and climate change: the facts | ClientEarth?

Your point, if I understand you correctly, Climate Change is to blame for an upcoming extinction. Is that correct?

You reach this conclusion because species of animals are going extinct before the natural timeline of their extinction. Is that correct?

Since mankind is the cause of Climate Change. You think mankind is the cause of the upcoming extinction. Is that correct?

Tell me, if there was no oil in the ground and mankind did not have any oil. Would mankind still be causing the species of animals to go extinct before their natural timeline?

The answer is yes. It is called as you pointed out population growth. Population growth causes farming. Farming causes extinction of wild species.

So, I will agree that you are correct that Anthropocene extinction is being caused by humans. Unless you have a way for humans to live on earth without increasing population. Then blaming it on Climate Change is just waste of time on bad science. What you are calling mass extinction does not as far as I can tell, does not even include domesticated animals. It is only covering wildlife. People and domesticated animals are increasing in population. So are domesticated plants.

What I have learned that has formed my viewpoint on your concerns is that our ancestors made this decision to farm and expand populations in pre-history. Your ancestors lived in a mostly wildlife world. There were no grains, fruit, vegetables, nuts, or animals as you know today. Then they went about the task of domestication. 90% of the protein you consume today was created by farming and breeding in the Age of Domestication. The problem was the people of knowledge were people of the forest. They were not designed for the hard work of farming. Thus, they bred the farm workers who could work the farms. That is why you are here today. The timeline of this event is looking around 12,400 years ago.

Good data you posted.

I give you my viewpoint on the issue mainly because more was known about this period of Domestication in the 5th through 15th centuries than today. What is available is not always on the internet.

Charles Darwin explained evolution of species by natural selection. The mutability of species changes over time and that domesticated diversity is evidence of this process. And like humans, adaptable species that adapt to their environments is a form of natural selection.

That was a work of art. You could take absolutely anything and turn it into your domestication and knowledge story. Bravo.

FYI, no, if oil didn’t exist in the ground like it does, we would still be using whales and plants for it, maybe making them extinct, but our population would be much lower. Horse power would still be mostly horses.

Really small number of domesticated animals:

I happened to run into this in connect with a project I’m working on and it seems too perfect not to toss in here.

Stephen Schneider (1945-2010) was a real climate scientist, sort of a pioneer even. He has a wonderful way of explaining the simple physical reality of what’s going on.

As for the science, complex systems science is the key phrase to ponder.

Can you even imagine what you are dealing with?

[quote=“mikeyohe, post:113, topic:2713”]
You reach this conclusion because species of animals are going extinct before the natural timeline of their extinction. Is that correct?

Yes, at a rate of 3000 x the normal rate. That is not a natural extinction rate.

Since mankind is the cause of Climate Change. You think mankind is the cause of the upcoming extinction. Is that correct?

Yes. Mark the statistics of the last 300 years, the exact time when the industrial revolution began.

Tell me, if there was no oil in the ground and mankind did not have any oil. Would mankind still be causing the species of animals to go extinct before their natural timeline?

No. Oil is what drove the entire Industrial age that has brought us everything that wouldn’t be possible without cheap, efficient energy, just for the pumping.

It is the additional dumping of toxic pollutants that have caused a drastic reduction in the pollinating insect population. like the honey bee, which was responsible for the survival of 70% of wild grazing mammals.

Look at the list again and mark the use of oil per day and the attendant carbon emissions and polluting chemicals, all resulting from the industrial use and burning of fossil fuels, including coal.

Many factories depend on fossil fuels like coal and natural gas for energy . The burning of these fuels generates emissions, such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. For instance, a coal-fired power plant emits these pollutants into the air, contributing to smog formation and respiratory issues.

How Do Factories Cause Air Pollution? 3 Disturbing Facts

Can you imagine a world without factories? It could be quite tough, honestly, because without factories, who would produce goods like electronics, clothing, and even basic necessities like food and medicine?

Factories have undoubtedly revolutionized the way we live, providing us with a vast array of products that enhance our quality of life. However, there is a dark side to them: factories cause air pollution. But how, exactly?

How Do Factories Cause Air Pollution?

Factories are key players in the global production chain, but their operations have a significant downside – air contamination. But how do factories pollute the air actually? See the below facts linking factories to air pollution.

FACT #1: Factories Emit Various Pollutants into the Air

These pollutants include:

  • particulate matter,
  • violate organic compounds,
  • greenhouse gases,
  • sulfur dioxide,
  • nitrogen oxides,
  • heavy metals,
  • ammonia

And that is what your man-made complex systems looks like. Natural complex systems work 3000 x slower than man-made artificial systems.


its their scoffing of climate change activism that sells them out

I know my viewpoint. Why don’t you tell me your viewpoint.
Population is causing extinction of wild species. Always has for thousands of years and still will today and tomorrow.
The US policy is to pay people to have more children.
The US policy is to let people stay in America if they have a child here. Which is just another way of immigration. Plus we pay food, housing, medical, and education for that child. Funds that could be used to protect wild species.
All these policies are backed by the Democrat party.
Therefore the Democrat Party is supporting the extinction of wild species. It is that simple. Now go ahead and white wash the facts. Or make it about me and start calling me names. Or just ignore facts and keep bringing up the issue for the next couple of decades.

Plow a field and plant a food crop. You are increasing the natural rate of extinction for wild plants and animals. But you are replacing the plants with food plants. Therefore, you still have as many plants. I will explain again. The pathway to farm was taken 12,400 years ago. All we can do at this point is try and preserve the wild plants and animals the best we can. You can help by changing the policies that force the increase of populations. You know, all the issues you do not talk about or look at as possibly being part of the problem because it is not being push politically.
Raising domesticated food crops instead of wild plants is a form of natural selection caused by over population.

No, you got that wrong. Just like you have not laid out what you call extinction. Is extinction a natural cycle? We have had volcanos and meteor hits for billion of years now. We have had them in the past and will still have them in the future. Can that be considered a cycle? Most meteors come from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. We sort of have regularly timed “meteor showers”. And a 1 km sized object strikes the Earth about once every million years, and 10 km sized objects about once every 100 million years.

Next, I have no idea what you think Climate Change is. I feel a lot of people have never worked outdoors in the weather. They live in the city and think they should be able to control the outdoor weather like they control the weather inside their home.
If you look at earth from 1980 to 2023. We have 13 years of record-breaking heat. It would be news if we didn’t have an increase in heat. I said on this site a decade ago that we were in a cycle and should have heat increases. That’s because of past cycles show that we in a Lag of moving from Global Warming to Global Cooling. We are never the same when it comes to weather. People pray to God for rain. Or for it to stop raining.

Right now, we are stepping outside of the parameters of where our warm cycle should be. This is because of the Hunga volcano eruption in 2022. How much do understand about volcanos and Climate Change?

As far as Newton’s third law of motion and chemical reactions. Yes, I agree with that when it comes to Climate Change.

Where we differ is, I don’t fully agree with the extinction rate. Extinction rate is controlled by DNA. As an animals DNA advances in the fight for the fittest. So species will become extinct. This process as your are aware sometimes takes hundreds of thousands of years. And that has been proven to correct. And I agree with that when it comes to wild species. But, the domesticated animals, not so true. Those changes can come in decades instead of hundreds of thousands of years. Nature did not protect the changes in DNA from mankind. Example, the chicken has had several DNA changes in decades. Covid is another example. Most of these changes have been to increase protein due to human population increases.

Not true. The industrial age started before carbon base oil.
The cheapest efficient energy by far is geothermal energy. But we don’t use geothermal energy because of political forces. We started on geothermal energy use back in the early 70’s. But the government was wanting to build nuclear energy. And that would not happen if geothermal got going. So, the government went to the colleges and university and next thing you know. The scientists claimed that geothermal would cause earthquakes. Which turned out to be not true. The people were scared and went with what they were told would be the cheapest energy in the world. Almost energy for free. Nuclear. Pretty much like they have been doing with Climate Change. The cheapest energy by far is geothermal. It takes at least 14 to 20 years to build a geothermal plant. No company can afford to pay the costs that long. The government would need to back the funding. Which it will not. The first well in the Geyser field was drilled in 1902. And is still putting out as much energy today as in 1902.

I agree that oil drove the Industrial age. But if oil was not here, we would be using geothermal instead.

I remember the protesters against geothermal energy and for nuclear. I also remember protesters against nuclear energy.

Why is it that most of the stuff you are complaining about is caused by you getting your way. You do the bidding for the rich and the powerful and then complain about the results.

No, not for thousands of years. American Indians lived in perfect harmony with wildlife for thousands of years. They did not pollute the land, the air, the water!

It is the 3 centuries of the Industrial Age that has drastically affected the natural environment. It’s not the people, it’s their waste that is ruining the earth’s ecosphere. When thousands of dead fish wash ashore, something is wrong.

Check the current worldometer stats against the ones I showed last week.
It’s still running and recording what we are doing to our environment.
It’s scary to see those numbers racing ahead.


2,883,465 Forest loss [this year] (hectares)

3,881,924 Land lost to soil erosion [this year] (ha)

20,330,887,401 CO2 emissions [this year] (tons)

Quick Facts:

  • CO2 Emissions shown are from Fossil Fuel Combustion

Sources and info:

I was going to view the guy. But after I noticed the statement on the top of the picture. Figured it would be a waste of time.

I get tired of no scientific method being use. This guy’s viewpoint of Climate Change being long-term shifts in temperature and weather was thrown in the trash by the Obam administration. The Green New Deal took the changes to mean from day to day. The guy must be totally out of date.
Tell me the difference between the meaning of Weather and Climate Change. It is like buying a box of crackers. You can buy plain or salted. Salted means it has some flavoring. It is still crackers. It is not a box of salt. All Climate Change is – is flavoring. When the flavoring starts interfering with the taste of the crackers then the lawsuits will start winning. When that happens, please let me know.

We still have American Indian Nations. Nothing is stopping them from living in perfect harmony. They live in houses and drive cars. They pollute the land like the rest. Nothing is stopping you from living the way you think is best.

Yet, you want the system run by the guy who for the last 50 years has got us in this mess.