Climate Change issues should be posted under Politics and Social Issues because it is more political than scientific.
85% of the US is freezing at a time when we were told that we would never see snow again in the United States do to Climate Change. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe that CO2 gases does hold heat. Today the claim is that warming weather is absolute proof of Climate Change and freezing cold weather is now also absolute proof of warming Climate Change.
The point I am trying to make is that the earth has a thermostat. And that thermostat is clouds. CC and the far left will tell you that clouds zero out and have so little effect on cooling the earth and that clouds are not a factor in Climate Change. And I know where they get that idea. It comes from the people doing the Climate models. It turns out that clouds are hard to calculate in terms of math. And the Climate models work in a situation that they get money whether or not they include clouds. So, the story has always been that clouds have zero affect. Of course, there were the scientists that claimed that clouds do have an effect that needs to be calculated to make the models work properly. Those scientists were quickly labeled deniers and got no research money. The left-wing public and democrats backed up the zero affect of clouds. Now three decades have been wasted with no models finished. And the reason given this time is that they must now research the affect of clouds on the weather.
The news, pushing stories about Climate Change is saying that the heat forms clouds and that is causing the extra cold weather we are having. That is correct. Climate Change can affect the weather by up to 3%. That’s not even one degree of change to this storm. But let’s not take away the small affect of Climate Change and give it the 3%.
Any way it is beyond the point of being funny anymore. The far-left science claiming the earth is so much hotter than normal. The ice is just about gone from the North Pole. This last summer was headlining heat breaking records across the country. We are having record breaking years of heat and warming of the earth each decade now.
With that said. No doubt there will be a data dumps coming to counter this claim with hundreds of scientific reports backing up the melting of ice and the warming of the earth.
The question is. Where is this water going? Using the Statue of Liberty as a gauge, water levels were supposed to be to the nose by now. This will be overlooked and just plain ignored by all these data dumps. Just the expansion of the oceans from the water warming is more than enough to cover the water rise of the oceans today. Which by the way is not even above the normal expected rise without Climate Change? The money chasing far left scientists’ new predictions are extremely less this decade, anywhere from 5 feet to 20 feet by 2100. Predictions by our level-headed scientists have the extremely worst-case scenario at 5 feet by 2100. But most likely will be in the 10-inch rise where Mother Nature would be at. With the best-case the sea level rise would be less than the rise that happened in the 20<sup>th</sup> century.
Maybe we need to file a theft report with the FBI. With all this melting of ice that the fake news has been talking about and the water not showing up in the oceans. And we have the history of climate cycles that proves the weather causes the oceans to rise and lower four hundred feet each cycle. It is understood that the earth warms, and the oceans levels rise. The earth cools and the oceans levels fall. Then it is obvious someone has been stealing our water. No doubt there is collusion between Trump and the Russians to steal the water. This must be an impeachable offence.