I honestly have severe doubts of that to be the case. The guy here also has his own web page and google group that thinks materialism is wrong because there is no empirical evidence for matter.
A Scientific Metaphysical Naturalisation ofInformation
With a indication-based semantic theory of information and an informationist statement of physicalism.
Bruce Long
A thesis submitted to fulfil requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The University of Sydney February 2018
The objective of this thesis is to present a naturalised metaphysics of information, or to naturalise information, by way of deploying a scientific metaphysics according to which contingency is privileged and a-priori conceptual analysis is excluded (or at least greatly diminished) in favour of contingent and defeasible metaphysics. The ontology of information is established according to the premises and mandate of the scientific metaphysics by inference to the best explanation, and in accordance with the idea that the primacy of physics constraint accommodates defeasibility of theorising in physics. This metaphysical approach is used to establish a field ontology as a basis for an informational structural realism.
“metaphysical approach to physics” & science, seems like an oxymoron.
“naturalised metaphysics of information” WTF
is this shit really passing for science these days?
If anyone can make any sense of it, please do share.
How about “naturalise information” - tried looking it up, but seems another worm hole and so . . .
I honestly have severe doubts of that to be the case. The guy here also has his own web page and google group that thinks materialism is wrong because there is no empirical evidence for matter. - @snowcityHe doesn’t say that it is wrong. He is discussing the essence of matter and pointing to the non-material nature of an objective world we perceived through our understanding of physics.
The mental universe exists in mind but not in your personal mind alone. – KastrupI agree with Katstrup that it’s a mental universe. He is not correct in stating that it’s not in your personal mind alone. The mind is impersonal and all-encompassing. There are no other minds.
Instead, it is a transpersonal field of mentation that presents itself to us as physicality—with its concreteness, solidity and definiteness—once our personal mental processes interact with it through observation. – KatstrupIt’s not transpersonal. It’s the impersonal field of mentation.
How can the felt concreteness and solidity of the perceived world evaporate out of existence when we look closely at matter? – KastrupIf we look closely with our senses, we won’t lose touch with the concreteness and solidity of matter. But when the mind overrides the senses and takes over the task of perception, then realism is no longer material but informational to facilitate cognition and application of knowledge.
“If anyone can make any sense of it, please do share.”
There are so many legitimately amazing and interesting things out there that time spent working out what, if anything, a crack-pot is saying, is a waste of time.
Unless you’re trying to combat the spreading of woo or actually enjoy reading pseudoscience, don’t use up your precious time on it. There’s more than enough ‘real’ cool stuff to keep one’s brain entertained.
“Metaphysics” is the word voodoo priests use when they want to use “physics” to describe their work.
Sree commenting when they know nothing, as usual.
How can everything be mental when one doesn’t even know if a mind exists. It just seems like a term we made up long ago to explain things. Your claim that there are no other minds is false though as you cannot know that.
He doesn’t say that it is wrong. He is discussing the essence of matter and pointing to the non-material nature of an objective world we perceived through our understanding of physics.From what I can tell in physics it does not argue that things are not material, just complicated.
How can everything be mental when one doesn’t even know if a mind exists. It just seems like a term we made up long ago to explain things. Your claim that there are no other minds is false though as you cannot know that. - @snowcity"Mind" is a metaphor applied to the action of mental activity. If you can think, imagine, and remember, then the mind exists. It's that simple. So, don't make it complicated or intellectually lofty.
From what I can tell in physics it does not argue that things are not material, just complicated.Physics - at the level Kastrup is discussing in your link - is complicated to duds who can't graduate high school.
then realism is no longer material but informational to facilitate cognition and application of knowledge.Who says?
Realism is what atoms and molecules are made out of, and the rules they follow.
Informational ?Please, what exactly, is that referring to?
Every reflection carries information, but what does that really mean?
To facilitate cognition ?Cognition is the result of perception.
It’s your senses facilitate perception which gets processed into cognition !
Cognition drives action, which is the application of knowledge.
Too many like over complicating things too much.
From the OP link:
In his 2014 book, Our Mathematical Universe, physicist Max Tegmark boldly claims that “protons, atoms, molecules, cells and stars” are all redundant “baggage.”Only the mathematical apparatus used to describe the behavior of matter is supposedly real, not matter itself.
For Tegmark, the universe is a
“set of abstract entities with relations between them,” which
“can be described in a baggage-independent way”—
i.e., without matter.
He attributes existence solely to descriptions, while incongruously denying the very thing that is described in the first place. Matter is done away with and only information itself is taken to be ultimately real.
I’ve been spending too much time wallowing in this filth lately and simply need to share some conclusions:
It’s a bunch of self-indulgent horse shit - by fools who remain totally blind to deep time and the evolution that has unfolded upon this Earth.
This astounding level of hubris that seems to be infecting society from top to bottom, will guarantee a hellish future.
“Mind” is a metaphor applied to the action of mental activity. If you can think, imagine, and remember, then the mind exists. It’s that simple. So, don’t make it complicated or intellectually lofty.Hmmmm, nope. Mind implies there is some sort of entity or fixed feature. Thinking is what the brain does, and imagination, and memory. Everything you just mentioned is essentially the brain and we can prove it. But there is no evidence of a mind. It's not that simple but I guess you want it to be otherwise your argument falls apart.
Physics – at the level Kastrup is discussing in your link – is complicated to duds who can’t graduate high school.Pretty sure referring to people as duds tends to mean your point isn't right. I mean if you read his article there was no physics, just a man REALLY reaching to try to tie quantum physics to idealism.
He also has a page where he “allegedly” refutes all criticisms:
Mind implies there is some sort of entity or fixed feature.Where's that come from?
Can you defend that notion?
He also has a page where he “allegedly” refutes all criticisms:bernardokastrup - com/p/policy - html
When one has control over all sides of the discussion one get to make up any shit they want. Just keep begging the question they way Bernardo has learned to do so well. His blog seems to be a minefield saturated with Whack-a-Moles.
But if reality is in consciousness, then it is our bodies that are in consciousness, not consciousness in our bodies.Consciousness is a product of senses working in conjunction with neural networks - it is not a universal something that gets poured into stuff to make said stuff sentient.
Cognition is the result of perception. - citizenCognition IS perception (when things come into focus). "Prior to cognition" (if such a state exists), there is nothing.
It’s your senses facilitate perception which gets processed into cognition !Irrational supposition.
The mind is too quick. Any attempt - to slow down the process of perception for analysis - is conjecture.
Cognition drives action, which is the application of knowledge.Knowledge facilitates cognition. To recognize a thing is to know what it is.
Too many like over complicating things too much.It's not complicated if the matter is examined carefully. Just don't swallow anything you can't chew. It's ok to admit that you don't know.
“Prior to cognition” (if such a state exists), there is nothing.Makes me think you should take your own advice
It’s ok to admit that you don’t know.
What is consciousness?
The evidence points at consciousness being an emergent property of biological complexity.
It requires an organism - here we get into defining the level of consciousness one wants to be discussing.
A sea urchin, an amoeba, have awareness, that is rudimentary consciousness.
To nurture and thrive and develop, consciousness requires complexity and interaction with stuff and others - an environment.
Yes it happens very fast,
but then consider it’s happening within tiny distances, that is, between your little gray cells and the meninges of the brain, under your skull.
Human Connectome Project - Harvard
Mapping of the human connectome offers a unique opportunity to understand the complete details of neural connectivity (Sporns et al., 2005, Wedeen et al., 2008, Hagmann et al., 2007). The Human Connectome Project (HCP) is a project to construct a map of the complete structural and functional neural connections in vivo within and across individuals. The HCP represents the first large-scale attempt to collect and share data of a scope and detail sufficient to begin the process of addressing deeply fundamental questions about human connectional anatomy and variation.Human Connectome Project Pamphlet (web-resolution) www _ humanconnectomeproject _ org/about/
These images of the roots of consciousness are awe inspiring,
And once again, there’s that feeling, when looking at a new revolutionary insight of science and soaking it in for awhile, a feeling of, well, yes of course, that makes sense, how else could it have been.
Physicalism - the realm of physical objects, from atoms, to Earth, to humans, to the universe that surrounds us, has such amazing layers of revelation and beauty - but instead, it seems people much rather play within their own little contrarian minds. Piss off reality, you are a figment of my imagination and I’m going to go to college and get a bunch of letters behind my name and prove it with inscrutable formulas, hiding behind impenetrable words, it’s all just a dream we dreamed one afternoon. It’s not about me in an amazing world - it’s about conscious agents and god creating us, or some such oblivious poop . . . . . . .
That society wide need for escapism from physical reality, in all it’s guises, is as terrifying as our leaders, the mover and shapers becoming totally unhinged from truth, honesty, integrity and rather playing their self-destructive power political games.