Julius Hamilton
"Quantum mechanics is said to indicate that the universe is not “locally real”, because a particle is not in a defined state before measurement . But if a particle is not in a defined state, what is it ontologically ? Can something still exist “in an undefined state”? Does “measurement” of something’s properties fully determine if that thing is “real” or not?
This stuff is down at Planck scales, isn’t it?
"Does that philosophically imply that “existence” is exclusively determined as a manifestation of observed properties"? "
If we look it from a consilience with other known information framing - and follow the implications of that paragraph, it sounds, to me like this comes down to asking if: Do atoms observe each other?
Also it seems like what is often lost is that Quantum Mechanics has to do with people observing the infinitesimal building blocks of the Physical Reality we exist within, and that created us. Quantum Mechanics is our limited human map of reality, not reality itself.
The very premise of this paper is dubious.
It uses our observational shortcoming to imply Physical Reality doesn’t exist.
Trying to unravel reality, using science-fictional building blocks …
I mean the fact of our being here, is proof enough that particles don’t depend on an “observer” - they simply are and they interact. That’s it. Time brings increasing folds within folds of harmonic complexity. particles, atoms, stars, etc., then came Earth, then came geology, then came biology, then came Evolution, then came awareness, and a need for consciousness developed out of all that, then came us.
As an aside.
I keep wondering how people can justify looking for consciousness in the pre-biological reality of the cosmos?
Anyone care to take a stab at it?
Where does that from, if not, our God fixation in one of its many guises?