Saying “Observation” is the same thing as saying “spacetime got involved”
Decoherence doesn’t require a human knowing about it. Spacetime represents our reality and converts virtual quantum information to physical/real objects.
Observation/Measurement is dead. Spacetime determines if a quantum wave should be physical for our reality. Spacetime governs our reality, by handing out physical states. Time dilation demonstrates spacetime scaling reality.
The flight/path of a particle/wave is known before starting. If a spacetime object (detector) causes the particle to decohere but continue moving to a final panel, the particle/wave is given a physical state from the start. If the particle/wave is to pass two detectors before the final panel, the particle/wave starts as a wave …the physical state is taken from it.
Are unobserved matter waves, virtual mass in a 4D format - without time (don’t age/decay)? When it is given time it becomes physical in 3D and the 4D is used for time? The temporal dimension is where the fabric of spacetime originates, anything there is 4D by default. It isn’t spatial but mass can live there as quantum waves …virtual.
A physical state turns a wave physical before it starts moving. It won’t be a wave during its flight.
4D virtual mass is unobservable. A physical state from spacetime is transforming the 4D to 3D + time.
Dark matter is unobservable, but also doesn’t have the ability to be given a physical state.
Does observation/spacetime swap quantum waves by giving it a physical state and a timeline? The wave function can propagate, but the wave doesn’t age until given a physical state.
Does this explain why we can never see quantum waves …they are 4D?
There is no reason for giving "observed" vs "unobserved" particles any special properties. At most a measurement can make the wave function for the position more narrow which seems more particle-like. At the end of the day it's always described by a wave function. Wave- particle duality is a relic from a time where we were initially trying to understand QM. Dark matter is observable through gravity. Otherwise we wouldn't have observed it. I know that's a tautology, but it seems it needs to be pointed out.Sure there is, unobserved particles can tunnel, entangle, and be in superposition. Dark Matter is not directly observable, you aren't going to see a particle of it.
"Unobserved" / "observed" is not a well-defined property of a wave function. You cannot tell whether something was observed or not observed. Observation simply changes the state of a system to an eigenstate of some observable, which is just another state.Decoherence is the difference between observed and unobserved
There's no way to make a measurement so a particle is literally at one point, hence they are always in superposition over positions. It's just a matter of how spread out. And even if we did accept there was such a difference, the particle would be in this "observed" state for literally a point in time and go back to being unobserved. It wouldn't make sense.Observed particles are not in superposition (they are not in a state that is considered quantum weirdness), they have uncertainty because the quantum field still has influence on it.
The observed state lasts from point a to b. It’s given a timeline. If it hits an object too large to be influenced by the quantum field it remains observed as it is part of that object now.