Diversity is Natural

Greenwood was a self established segregated community within Tulsa, OK. It was known as the Black Wall Street because it was a quite successful residential and business community. About 100 years ago, (probably jealous) white rioters and looters killed a few hundred of the residents whom they, no doubt, called n_____s. They burned 1200 homes, and looted another few hundred.

So self-segregation does not seem to be the answer to addressing murderous racism.


Forced diversity
Oh now it's Forced. Gotta make up both sides of the story.

Oh an interesting little aside

JUN 21, 2019 How the GI Bill's Promise Was Denied to a Million Black WWII Veterans ERIN BLAKEMORE

When Eugene Burnett saw the neat tract houses of Levittown, New York, he knew he wanted to buy one. It was 1949, …

The Burnetts weren’t the only black Americans for whom the promise of the GI Bill turned out to be an illusion. Though the bill helped white Americans prosper and accumulate wealth in the postwar years, it didn’t deliver on that promise for veterans of color. In fact, the wide disparity in the bill’s implementation ended up helping drive growing gaps in wealth, education and civil rights between white and black Americans.

While the GI Bill’s language did not specifically exclude African-American veterans from its benefits, it was structured in a way that ultimately shut doors for the 1.2 million black veterans who had bravely served their country during World War II, in segregated ranks. …


How African American WWII Veterans Were Scorned By the G.I. Bill This Veteran's Day, remembering some of our veterans who protected a country that did not protect them. by Brandon Weber

November 10, 2017

… But those exclusions were by no means limited to states South of the Mason-Dixon line—or to education. Historian Ira Katznelson has documented how and why black Americans have received far less assistance from social programs than white Americans, and argues that the G.I bill was deliberately designed to accommodate Jim Crow laws. He cites a study declaring it was “as though the GI Bill had been earmarked ‘For White Veterans Only.’ ”

Thousands of black veterans were denied admission to colleges, loans for housing and business, and excluded from job-training programs. Programs funded by federal money were directed by local officials, who especially in the south, drastically favored white applicants over black.

In 1947, some 70,000 African American veterans were unable to obtain admission to crowded, under-resourced black colleges. The University of Pennsylvania—one of the least-discriminatory schools at the time—enrolled only 40 African American students in its 1946 student body of 9,000. …

Guess, the part about America being a white supremacist racist nation all along, seems more true than not. :frowning:

That GI Bill made life a LOT better for many white GI’s and their families. It probably contributed mightily to the thriving middle class we had back in the day.

We could have a thriving middle class again today, if we had great socialist programs like that GI Bill. Only this time it shouldn’t just be for whites.

I like living in diverse areas. I don’t like living in segregated areas. I’ve always liked diversity.
Aren't you from a small rural town?
I guess you are talking about gated communities and ethnic neighborhoods. I have some problems with the gates, but okay, it’s a free country. But that doesn’t address a city wide police force and how they move in and out of those neighborhoods.
Like I've been saying, diversity prevents widespread trust of the police. Get rid of diversity and the problem takes care of itself.
Greenwood was a self established segregated community within Tulsa, OK. It was known as the Black Wall Street because it was a quite successful residential and business community. About 100 years ago, (probably jealous) white rioters and looters killed a few hundred of the residents whom they, no doubt, called n_____s. They burned 1200 homes, and looted another few hundred. So self-segregation does not seem to be the answer to addressing murderous racism.
Incidents like that are a shame but far from the norm. By comparison you should look into the forced integration that happened in the northeast in the 50s to the 80s and you'll see ice cold hatred and violence worse than anything in the south.

You, Lausten, Citizen all grew up in homogenous White communities and don’t know anything about the shittyness of diversity.

You, Lausten, Citizen all grew up in homogenous White communities and don’t know anything about the shittyness of diversity.
Wow! I think you nailed it. This is uncanny, doing it sight unseen.
Incidents like that are a shame but far from the norm.
Not really. Horrible actions toward blacks have happened a lot during our history.

And the segregation of blacks in the Greenwood community, did not protect them from the segregated communities of whites in Tulsa.

Now the T rump’s COVID-19 spreading campaign rally tour, is only starting on Juneteenth in Tulsa. He will accept his nomination in Jacksonville on August 27, 60 years exactly from “Ax Handle Saturday” when the KKK, there, beat blacks with ax handles and baseball bats.

Now is it just unfortunate timing or trollish behavior that leads to the T rump choosing sites for his rallies that have grotesque historical abuse of black people? Or maybe there are just so many examples of this sort of thing, that anywhere and any day would coincide with a historic abuse of blacks.

I don’t doubt that you had personal experiences with blacks growing up that adds to your hatred for them, but your paradigm that the solution is people of different colors living segregated according to their color, is a deficient paradigm.


Aren’t you from a small rural town?

No I’m not from a small rural town.

diversity prevents widespread trust of the police.

Some police do that themselves with their behaviours.

What is so shi**y about diversity? My family is diverse and I have always thought it wonderful. It’s racist individuals who bring on the crap, but I don’t have to live with them.

Guy, sree, you need to make it up for your own convenience without any regard for accuracy is as pathetic as pathetic does. You don’t have a clue.

Is shitting on others is all you have for building up your self esteem? Is that the deal?

Incidentally, I grew IN Chicago and the San Francisco Peninsula, don’t tell me I don’t know about diversity. Then I spent a good deal of time traveling on the road, being a poor boy so had to pick up all sorts of jobs along the way to pay my way, you think I’ve no experience with diversity???

I’d love to share the story of my introduction to rap music, but it’s too amazingly wonderful an experience to waste on the likes of you guys.


You’re malicious willful idiots, you could have been so much more. So sad.

Of course, there is a difference between diversity -

and our modern over-crowding of people into inhumane tiny concentrated blocks and high-rise pens, and expecting such a large chunk of them to be okay with having no future and being given no respect.


But it requires a little appreciate for nuance and complexity to appreciate that.

Sadly postcard depth seems to be all that’s left in an amazingly large percentage of the people, as demonstrate by guy and sree.

The price of Faith Shackled Thinking.


Incidentally, I grew IN Chicago and the San Francisco Peninsula, don’t tell me I don’t know about diversity.
I grew up in Manhattan, probably the most diverse city on the planet. You couldn’t ride the subway without rubbing shoulders with all different kinds of people. And yet, I lived a “self-segregated life in a homogenous White community and didn’t know anything about the shittyness of diversity”. Everyone resided in parallel universes. My mom told me that the only time she crossed the cosmic divide was when she was in college and recruited in a “Head Start” program, a government-sponsored nursery school for inner-city children. The black kids, most of whom had learning disabilities, invited her to their homes. She saw roaches and no food; no furniture, just mattresses thrown on the floor with dirty sheets; and no parents. I am reporting facts. Please don’t read any intent on my part to insult black people.

What’s that got to do with your need to create convenient cartoons and scapegoats, rather than getting to know the actually person your dealing with?


@sree "Please don’t read any intent on my part to insult black people."
Why the hell not! You are being intentional and calculated!

Only person you’re kidding is yourself.

You, Lausten, Citizen all grew up in homogenous White communities and don’t know anything about the shittyness of diversity.
Look here, then google map 2711 Grand Ave S. Minneapolis.

My apartment was on the lower level, so I saw all the drug traffic on the building to the left in the picture. I was assaulted across the street. I served boards and committees to help improve these neighborhoods. You don’t know what you’re talking about, so you try to attack others. A tactic of someone with weak arguments.

@sree not all black people live with roaches, no food, dirty sheets, etc. I don’t know why anyone would think diversity is “sh***y”. It really isn’t. Until I remarried and relocated, lived in really diverse neighbourhoods 42 years of my life. My sons are 1/2 black, played with black children, white children, Native American children, even some Asian children. Even today my sons still have the diversity they grew up. I happen to miss it greatly where I’m living now and wish I could move back to it.


Only person you’re kidding is yourself.

I agree with you. They have no idea what it’s like to live among black people, marry one, and raise a family, making sure they have diversity in their lives. If they’ve never actually lived it then they don’t have a clue. One tenement slum and Sree thinks she has all black people figured out. He doesn’t. Neither of them have been to a Sweat or took classes with Native Americans nor have they worked with a bunch of Asian exchange students on a college campus. They probably don’t even have friends who are any of those groups.

Why the hell not! You are being intentional and calculated!

Only person you’re kidding is yourself.

Why me? You think my mom, in telling me what she saw, was intentionally brainwashing me against black people? She was 19 years old at the time and got involved with Head Start not because she was a virtue-signalling, morally-superior card-carrying social activist but because her mother (my grandma) asked her to do it. My mom said that the black kids were really cute and they liked her. That was the reason they pleaded with her to go to their homes. My mom spent all the money she earned from Head Start to feed those children. She said government programs were not the answer. The kids needed parents and family structure. They wanted her to go back the next summer but my mom said she couldn’t do it. It was too depressing.

By the way, my mother was called for jury duty when she was in her thirties. It was a capital murder case, she said. The accused was a 21 year-old black guy. Mom said that he looked real cute sitting across the table from her and didn’t looked like someone who had killed anybody. When the defense lawyer told her that the state was asking for a death sentence, my mother balked and said she couldn’ do it. She said the defense lawyer, knowing her mindset, was trying to get her to sit on the jury by asking her what if someone killed her parents, could she vote “guilty” then? My mom said no, she couldn’t do it. The judge finally told the lawyer, “that’s enough”, and freed my mom from jury duty.

White people don’t hate black people. Why don’t you get that into your head? So, stop poisoning yourself with non-existing negative systemic racist stuff.

Just Mercy is free on several streaming services this month. Watch it. Then tell me racism doesn’t exist.


White people don’t hate black people. Why don’t you get that into your head? So, stop poisoning yourself with non-existing negative systemic racist stuff.

Sree, you are the one poisoning yourself with non-existing negative systimace racist stuff, especially the way you talk about poor black children as though all of them live that way. You have no idea and I truly believe some of what you’re saying you are making up, but that said, have you walked down the sidewalk with your baby in a stroller and man walks up and call you a “n***** lover” or lose a job because you refuse to break off things with the person you love? Have you ever dealt with the “one drop rule” and do you even know what that is? Have you ever had to deal with any of your children not able to get something simply due to their skin colour? Have you ever had your children pushed back and forth by kids who say to them “you’re not black enough” or “you’re not white enough”? Oh then there is my favourite, you and your family move into a neighbourhood that is mostly white and your kids are called, “porch monkeys”? (That’s why I like diverse neighbourhoods, because that crap isn’t there) Have any of your kids been stopped walking home from a game carrying his bat and a cop stops him, takes his bat and then examines it, scaring your child to death before giving it back to him? And don’t tell me that last happens to white children, because it doesn’t. The list goes on and on and on, but I bet you never really have dealt with anything like that. Have you ever had car trouble in the middle of the night in the middle of town with your kids in the back seat and a cop stops to ask you what the trouble is and you be scared to death he’d haul you in and take away your kids for it? I have and I seriously doubt you have any idea, including how scary cops can be. You also have no idea that before Loving v Virginia, my former husband, their dad, and I would have been thrown in jail and our children placed in foster care and maybe a black family, if they were were lucky. The stuff with or fear of police has its basis in history and the oppression that comes with it does too. It’s also why we need diversity so these things hopefully happen with less frequency.

BTW, in case anyone is curious, the scary cop ended with him not being so bad. He called us a tow truck and we got home safely, which was before cell phones become popular and you had to get out an walk to a pay phone still. Even so, it might not have turned out so great if we had gotten a bad racist cop.

Here’s the good thing about diversity, it was black women that taught me how to care for black hair. More than once in my life, when I needed a job really badly, more than once a black business owner hired me and at least one a Latino hired me. They step up and help those who treat them like human beings, wanting to be friends and to learn from them too. I have also gotten to enjoy a sweat, despite not knowing all my Native ancestry, had pot lucks with Natives, and other activities with Natives. I can also tell you, they didn’t neglect their children nor did they all live in roach infested slums. I’d also take a knee with any of the football players in protest of how black people are treated.

And let me tell you one more thing- my younger son hooked up with a white girl (no surprise) and had a child. Her dad hates my son, even my older son has noticed this, and her dad has even called my younger son the n-word at least once, yelling at his daughter about having a “black boy’s babies” after she gave birth to twins, a second time around, forcing her to give the twins up for adoption. He dad let her keep the older child, who’s also my son’s son. Mind you she’s a grown woman in her 20s this whole time. My son and she get into a fight and my son’s charged with domestic assault (white girl screaming rape, in order to get into her daddy’s good graces again) and he’s called a danger to the community, just with alleged domestic assault. Anyway, he spent the last 3 months in a petri dish, with his trial pushed off each time until the beginning of this month. First the attorney he requested hadn’t been assigned, so the trial was rescheduled with him still in jail. Then he had an attorney, but his attorney hadn’t talked to him. Postponed again. Then it was postponed again for some other reason. Finally he got his trial. He plead not guilty. Judge said guilty. My son requested for time served due to the fact he’d been in jail all this time, but got probation and was free only if he could obey the law. Tell me, how fair is it when you are denied a fair and speedy trial as per the Constitution? How many white men get into a fight with their girlfriend end up with domestic assault charges, and then get the run around for 3 months concerning a trial? Most are released from jail soon after, some the next day. Does it go to trial? Maybe in divorce cases, but not too many white men seem to spend that much time locked up prior to court and getting jerked around concerning a trial over domestic assault charges, guilty or not. The fact is, many black men do not get a fair trial or even a trial at all, if the cop kills them.

Yeah. I want to see that movie. “Just Mercy”.