Discussion: Philosophy an Art form rather than science

That’s too vague.

It makes sense that we need new story telling and new focus, but what I hear from you is, “they did, or are doing, it wrong”, and, something about deep time appreciation, etc. Sorry, I don’t have time to look up and grab grab some quotes from you.

In “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer, she goes off and gets a biology degree, then rediscovers her Native roots. When she asks the elders why they pick some sweetgrass, but not all of it, they say the ancestors tell them what to pick, that it’s not all for them, some must be left for the Great Spirit, or something along those lines. Modern agriculture doesn’t care about those stories, but Robin knows there is wisdom in them.

So, she gets a grant, after being shamed about it and pressing through, and after a few years she “proves” their methods yield more sweetgrass. You are playing all of these roles CC, the elder, the biologist, and the one who approves the grant money. We’ve wasted 500 years by not listening to each other, and we’re running out of time.