Philosophy is men asking the most profound questions they can imagine; then pondering those questions from as many angles as conceivable.
The great philosophers are the ones who can weave beautiful stories out of that maelstrom. Reaching conclusions is less important than having an interesting journey and story to tell.
I mention it because I’m coming to look at philosophy like so much intellectual gaming. It often seems to be more about people defending & bolstering, or attacking, each others grand ideas, to the point that learning anything relevant regarding the original topic becomes impossible. I’m thinking this as I’m on chapter 13 of Dennett’s Darwin’s Dangerous Idea (audio) and wholly unimpressed, many wonderful ways of telling us what we already know, but worse is the beating of dead horses with dead ponies (his parsing of “punctuated equilibrium”, being a case in point).
Of course, I was expecting too much of the book (actually there is one chapter about a third of the way in that made me perk up and that I must revisit once I manage to finish all of it.). Still, I wanted to hear about Darwin’s Danger Idea itself - I don’t care about generations worth of contentious scholars arguing about it with their outmoded obsolete arguments. Well, it’s good to know about, but to make it center stage? That’s why I’m continuing, I do keep hoping for a rousing to the point original idea, or summary.
And so much of philosophy is like that: ‘we are the genius and only we can understand each other and the rest we’ll condescend to occasionally. Here’s what my splendid mindscape has created, can you top that, can you even understand it you mortal, …’
I’m all about appreciating the point that there is a Physical Reality ~ Human Mindscape divide, that most just as soon ignore. I think it’s critical equipment for those who intend to survive into the coming brave new world of extremely destructive weather pattern, water shortages, energy grid breakdowns, cascading consequences, etc.
Not to mention simple mental health as humans trapped in a crumpling society, especially as our sense of security in the future continues to degrade.
I know much great stuff has come out of philosophy, but I’m talking about the here and now. This search for consciousness is a most exquisite example of the profound disregard for the implications of biophysical fact.
Trying to find the wellspring of consciousness by studying the human mind, and divining the most minute components, while acting oblivious to simple biophysical fact that the roots of human consciousness reach back to the Ediacaran and Cambrian, and even before if you want to split hairs.
Consciousness is a biological adaptation required for creatures in order to have feedback mechanisms such as manipulatory controls, senses, collecting processing, data, command and control and all that. Without it there could have been no diversity.
As Dr. Solms points out you’re better served thinking of consciousness as the inside reflection of our physical body/brain and it dealing with itself and its surrounding environment
So once again, let me ask:
Why don’t modern philosophers ponder the implications of evolution and deep-time unfolding one day at a time, upon this amazing planet, to create us human creatures out of the ape, mammalian branch of the animal kingdom?