[quote=“triplex69, post:40, topic:8746, full:true”]
Good science calls for the adoption of the precautionary principle and lockdown response makes sense before we know how this virus affects us.
I agree with early cases before the pandemic. Isolate and try to eradicate before it spreads. This no longer a viable option. The virus is in the general population.
You want to throw this out the window and roll the dice on the most infectious virus the world has ever seen whose health effects we still are uncertain of but know that children appear to the at risk group for this virus?
No, the only "effective " model is 100% vaccination, which does away with the necessity for testing or quarantine.
Testing doesn’t protect you, quarantine doesn’t protect you…
ONLY vaccination protects against infection or at least minimizes the symptoms
Good luck. Hope you are right in that this is tame
I agree, 100% mandatory vaccination is the only most effective way to combat the virus, until we get a vaccine that renders the virus itself impotent. Then we just deal with virus itself without need for personal anti-bodies.