I know - Weather is not Climate
Yet, we shall see if it is Predictable: What to expect from La Nina
If you have comprehension try to address the issues rather than try to paint others as crazy. You need ti up your standard of performance here. -- dad1Please take your own advice.
Weather is fairly predictable within reason. If all you want to do is give a 7 day forecast, no problem. If you make claims about the climate many thousands of years ago and why you think it changed and how you might think that relates to today or some such long range climate stuff, well, of course you would need to back it up and show the basis.
Or why would they have been the same? So many questions and unknowns.
Mankind does not equal climate actually. Try not to be fanatical.
Mankind does not equal climate actually. Try not to be fanatical.The human body is the climate for the virus. Try not to be blind.
Great. And, so? Face masks are the environment for bacteria, swamps a place frogs hang out…etc. Maybe try to work up to an actual point?
@dad1 Weather is fairly predictable within reason. If all you want to do is give a 7 day forecast, no problem. If you make claims about the climate many thousands of years ago and why you think it changed and how you might think that relates to today or some such long range climate stuff, well, of course you would need to back it up and show the basis.Just listen to yourself. You are seething with contempt towards science. You mock and ridicule, and dismiss, without the slightest interest in learning from the information at hand. All you have been capable of is arguments from incredulity and arguments from ignorance and you're content with that. you want to bellow about it, but refuse to do the serious homework required to learn anything about the why and wherefores of manmade global warming.
You remind me of a lonely boy pea shooter, hiding in the protection of his fenced in yard, taking pot shots at the world going by on the other side of the hedges.
So futile, so sad and ultimately self-destructive.
Horse, behold water, now drink:
Peter Hadfield has a YouTube channel and he's made many videos explaining various aspect of the science behind manmade global warming and he's directly confronted various Contrarian arguments, but fact based criticism.Top 10 climate change myths
potholer54Peter Hadfield and David Warden debate Climate Change and the Scientific Method Dorset Humanists
Potholer54/Greenman3610 - The Search for Lord Monckton
Climate Change – the scientific debate
potholer54Climate Change – the objections
potholer543 - Climate Change – Anatomy of a myth
potholer544 - Climate Change – Gore vs. Durkin
Climate Change – isn’t it natural?
potholer54Climate Change – Those hacked e-mails
potholer54Climate Change - “Those” e-mails and science censorship
potholer54Climate Change – Has the Earth been cooling?
potholer548a. Climate Change - Phil Jones and the ‘no warming for 15 years’
Climate Change - Meet the Scientists
potholer54Climate Change - An imminent ice age debunked
potholer54Climate Change – Hurricanes, atolls and coral
potholer5411a. Sources for my last video
potholer5412 - ‘Doubled CO2 means just 1.64 degrees of warming…’ or maybe not.
potholer5413 - Misleading media reports on sea level rise - a case study
potholer5414 - BP oil spills and an end to snow
potholer54Monckton Bunkum Part 1 - Global cooling and melting ice
potholer54Monckton Bunkum Part 2 - Sensitivity
potholer54Monckton Bunkum Part 3 - Correlations and Himalayan glaciers
potholer54Monckton Bunkum Part 4 – Quotes and misquotes
potholer54Monckton bunkum Part 5 – What, MORE errors, my lord?
potholer5420 - Are cosmic rays causing global warming?
potholer5421 - “Earth facing mini-ice age!!” say the media. Now for the science…
potholer5422 – Climategate mark 2 – the quotes and the context
potholer5423 – Medieval Warm Period – fact vs. fiction
potholer5424 - Global warming has stopped? Again??
potholer54Does CO2 lead or lag global temperature?
potholer5426 – Science vs. the Feelies
potholer5427 – The evidence for climate change WITHOUT computer models or the IPCC
potholer5427a – Sources for my last video “Evidence for Climate Change WITHOUT computer models…”
potholer5428 - The consequences of climate change (in our lifetimes)
potholer54Why global temperatures never go up in straight lines
potholer54Response to “The Global Warming Hoax Lord Monckton & Stefan Molyneux”
potholer54Response to “DEBUNKED: Top 5 “Climate Change” Myths” by Louder with Crowder
potholer54Are humans contributing only 3% of CO2 in the atmosphere?
potholer54Did NOAA fake temperature data? – fact check
potholer54Monckton responds (part 1/2)
potholer54Monckton responds (part 2/2)
potholer54Steve Crowder gets it wrong again… and again… (and yet again!)
potholer54The latest climate error from Steve Crowder
potholer54Latest claim: The Greenland ice sheet is growing
potholer54Response to Bill Whittle’s “Is climate change real?”
potholer54Correction of “Yale’s two climate bombs” by suspiciousobservers
potholer54Second response to Suspiciousobservers
potholer54Have 400 papers just DEBUNKED global warming?
potholer54Did scientists REALLY just admit to exaggerating global warming?
Or if you wanted to get real and get down to the nitty gritty, you gotta check out the open access courses that Professor David Archer PhD from the University of Chicago put together. But this one requires a certain level of scientific understand, and only the serious need apply. The dilettantes won’t have a chance keeping up with the actual science - serious lay people such as myself have a hell of time keeping up.
Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast is a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of global warming. Written in an accessible way, and assuming no specialist prior knowledge, this book examines the processes that control climate change and climate stability, from the distant past to the distant future.Second Edition now shipping. Thoroughly revised and updated but basically the same material.
On-line interactive computer models allow you to play with the physics and chemistry behind the global warming forecast.
Global Warming: The Science of Climate Change is running now on Coursera, a not-for-profit education company that partners with the top universities and organizations in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free. The video lectures have been completely redone in a punchy 2-10 minute format, with revamped exercises using the updated online models interspersed throughout.
Open Climate 101 brings the experience of University of Chicago class PHSC13400, part of our “core” science curriculum for non-science major undergraduates based on this text, to the internet at large. However, this class seems supplanted by the updated content in the Coursera class (above), so unless lots of people request otherwise, Open Climate 101 will shut down on or about Jan 1, 2014.
Videos of lectures, both in ~45 minute classroom format (recorded Fall, 2009, University of Chicago), and in a 2-12 minute topical format intended for on-line learning (recorded Summer, 2013).
Kindle edition
“Global Warming - Understanding the Forecast.” Video Lectures. Professor David Archer
Classroom format (~45 minutes)
Topical Coursera format (2-12 minutes)
Chapter 1
Welcome (6:01)
Using Units (3:44)
Units of Energy (5:12)
Units of Light (3:16)
Chapter 2
Heat and Light
Blackbody Radiation and Quantum Mechanics
Heat (4:15)
Light (5:48)
Blackbody Radiation (6:07)
Chapter 3
Our First Climate Model
The Greenhouse Effect
Naked Planet Climate Model (8:13)
The Greenhouse Effect (9:41)
Chapter 4
What Makes a Greenhouse Gas
Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere
Greenhouse Gas Physics (7:42)
The Band Saturation Effect (12:41)
Chapter 5
What Holds the Atmosphere Up
Why It’s Colder Aloft
Atmospheric Temperature Structure (8:38)
Pressure in a Standing Fluid (10:58)
Water Vapor and Latent Heat (8:30)
Moist Convection (2:01)
Chapter 6
Wind, Currents, and Heat
Heat Transport (3:29)
Coriolis Acceleration (5:25)
Geostrophic Motion (5:21)
The Turbulent Cascade (3:27)
Chapter 7
Ice and Water Vapor Feedbacks
Positive and Negative Feedbacks (4:36)
Ice Albedo Feedback (2:17)
Water Vapor Feedback (7:01)
Clouds (9:15)
Aerosols (5:48)
Climate Sensitivity (4:38)
Chapter 8
The Weathering CO2 Thermostat
Lungs of the Carbon Cycle
The Weathering CO₂ Thermostat (8:44)
The Goldilocks Planets (3:41)
The Oceans in the Carbon Cycle (5:15)
The Land Surface in the Carbon Cycle (5:28)
Chapter 9
The Battery of the Biosphere
Coal and Oil
Oil and Methane
The Battery of the Biosphere (5:16)
Oxidation and Reduction of Carbon (6:11)
Coal (4:20)
Oil (6:59)
Natural Gas (2:30)
Forecasting Future Emissions (3:38)
Chapter 10
The Carbon Cycle Today
The Long Thaw
Human Impact on the Carbon Cycle (3:12)
Ocean Buffer Chemistry (6:14)
The Perturbed Carbon Cycle (2:42)
Methane as a Greenhouse Gas (8:49)
The Long CO₂ Tail (5:37)
Why the CO₂ Tail Matters (6:35)
Chapter 11
The Smoking Gun
The Present in the Bosom of the Past
Land Surface Temperature Records (4:15)
Sea Surface Temperature Records (3:20)
Satellite Temperature Records (2:26)
The Smoking Gun: Warming Since the 1970s (6:54)
Paleoclimate and Proxy Measurements (3:46)
Tree Rings (4:25)
Borehole Temperatures (2:48)
Oxygen Isotopes (4:45)
Solar Intensity and the Hockey Stick (6:19)
Glacial - Interglacial Cycles (6:24)
Chapter 12
Six Degrees
Global Weirding (3:48)
Monsoons (2:09)
Vegetation (2:57)
Impacts of Sea Level (2:01)
Antarctic Ice Sheet (2:52)
Greenland Ice Sheet (3:55)
Paleo Sea Level Changes (2:11)
Water Vapor and Storminess (1:02)
Hurricanes (3:14)
Extreme Weather (1:40)
Ecosystem Impacts (2:31)
Human Impacts (1:41)
Chapter 13
Hot, Flat, and Crowded
Stabilization Scenarios (2:27)
Temperature Targets (1:52)
Slug Theory (5:42)
Geoengineering: CO₂ Capture and Sequestration (6:47)
Geoengineering: Solar Radiation Management (3:57)
Economics of Climate Change (8:50)
Mitigation: Short-Term (4:18)
Mitigation: Long-Term (3:55)
Seek and ye shall find Daddio.
Of course, there are alternative approaches to dealing with the science:
To me, this shows that companies and gov’ts really don’t care about the climate. But they are appeasing the population with “creative accounting”:
EU doesn’t count biomass as a carbon emissions
So energy plants are switching to Biomass - compressed wood pellets.
So to meet the demand, forests are being cut down to produce wood pellets to be burned … insane logic for protecting the environment. Which brings me back to the point, they really don’t care about the climate/environment/long term effects.
In 2009, the European Union (EU) pledged to curb greenhouse gas emissions, urging its member states to shift from fossil fuels to renewables. In its Renewable Energy Directive (RED), the EU classified biomass as a renewable energy source — on par with wind and solar power. As a result, the directive prompted state governments to incentivize energy providers to burn biomass instead of coal — and drove up demand for wood.How the American South is paying the price for Europe's 'green' energy
I didn’t have time to finish the article right now, but I will.
People who do not understand something have a hard time explaining it. I see you can’t get a simple cohesive point, let alone defend one, instead more spam.
Alternatives to not being able to discuss the issue of post any interesting or relevant points? Yes, we know.
It’s easy to understand the basics. The single most important thing to learn about before anything else makes sense, is that we have an atmosphere, about 99% of it is nitrogen and oxygen, within the remaining 1% is a small amount of greenhouse gases.
They are called greenhouse gases because of the way they allow the Sun’s ultraviolet rays through, but then when that gets converted to heat and infrared radiation, that gets inhibited, slowed down, in its escape from Earth.
The burning of fossils fuels has been unleashing stupendous, unbelievable amounts of these greenhouse gases into our atmosphere. (#1)
That means basically that our atmosphere is slowing down more and more infrared radiation. Dad, do you know what infrared radiation is? Heat.
That means that within our global heat and moisture distribution engine, (that is basically our atmosphere, oceans, landmasses, cryosphere, biosphere where that heat builds up, and gets distributed around our planet by various currents. (#2)
This is what manmade global warming is all about. (#3)
Those simple facts are supported by mountains worth of real world data and observations. Previous I’ve shared resources that will teach you about the detail, but you appear to have utter contempt for doing homework or learning - I’m supposed to provide a magical spell and puff like the blind in the preachers tent you will see. Life doesn’t work like that. If you have your heart set against learning any of this, which is what your comments convey, you’ll never learn a thing.
#4) Check out a history of climate science here: https:// history_aip_org/climate/timeline_htm {replace _ with . }
#1).Monday, June 7, 2021 - NOAA.gov
Carbon dioxide peaks near 420 parts per million at Mauna Loa observatory
Atmospheric carbon dioxide measured at NOAA’s Mauna Loa Atmospheric Baseline Observatory peaked for 2021 in May at a monthly average of 419 parts per million (ppm), the highest level since accurate measurements began 63 years ago, scientists from NOAA and Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego announced today.Scripps’ scientist Charles David Keeling initiated on-site measurements of carbon dioxide, or CO2, at NOAA’s weather station on Mauna Loa in 1958. NOAA began measurements in 1974, and the two research institutions have made complementary, independent observations ever since.
2#)Our climate is absorbing a lot of heat. When scientists add up all of the heat warming the oceans, land, and atmosphere and melting the ice, they find our climate is accumulating 4 Hiroshima atomic bombs worth of heat every second.
This warming is due to more heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels means we are emitting billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. This is the main contributor to global warming.
To communicate the sheer amount of heat our planet is accumulating, we have created this widget, (Friday at about 11:40, Our climate had accumulated
3,020,153,037 Hiroshima atomic bombs of heat since 1998. https://4hiroshimas.info
#3)Visualized: Historical Trends in Global Monthly Surface Temperatures (1851-2020)
Source: https://. www_visualcapitalist_com/global-temperature-graph-1851-2020/
It’s easy to understand the basics. The single most important thing to learn about before anything else makes sense, is that we have an atmosphere, about 99% of it is nitrogen and oxygen, within the remaining 1% is a small amount of greenhouse gases.
They are called greenhouse gases because of the way they allow the Sun’s ultraviolet rays through, but then when that gets converted to heat and infrared radiation, that gets inhibited, slowed down, in its escape from Earth.
The burning of fossils fuels has been unleashing stupendous, unbelievable amounts of these greenhouse gases into our atmosphere. (#1)
That means basically that our atmosphere is slowing down more and more infrared radiation. Dad, do you know what infrared radiation is? Heat.
That means that within our global heat and moisture distribution engine, (that is basically our atmosphere, oceans, landmasses, cryosphere, biosphere where that heat builds up, and gets distributed around our planet by various currents. (#2)
This is what manmade global warming is all about. (#3)
Those simple facts are supported by mountains worth of real world data and observations. Previous I’ve shared resources that will teach you about the detail, but you appear to have utter contempt for doing homework or learning - I’m supposed to provide a magical spell and puff like the blind in the preachers tent you will see. Life doesn’t work like that. If you have your heart set against learning any of this, which is what your comments convey, you’ll never learn a thing.
#4) Check out a history of climate science here: https :// history_aip_org/climate/timeline_htm {replace _ with . }
#1).Monday, June 7, 2021 - NOAA_gov
Carbon dioxide peaks near 420 parts per million at Mauna Loa observatory
Atmospheric carbon dioxide measured at NOAA’s Mauna Loa Atmospheric Baseline Observatory peaked for 2021 in May at a monthly average of 419 parts per million (ppm), the highest level since accurate measurements began 63 years ago, scientists from NOAA and Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego announced today.Scripps’ scientist Charles David Keeling initiated on-site measurements of carbon dioxide, or CO2, at NOAA’s weather station on Mauna Loa in 1958. NOAA began measurements in 1974, and the two research institutions have made complementary, independent observations ever since.
2#)Our climate is absorbing a lot of heat. When scientists add up all of the heat warming the oceans, land, and atmosphere and melting the ice, they find our climate is accumulating 4 Hiroshima atomic bombs worth of heat every second.
This warming is due to more heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels means we are emitting billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. This is the main contributor to global warming.
To communicate the sheer amount of heat our planet is accumulating, we have created this widget, (Friday at about 11:40, Our climate had accumulated
3,020,153,037 Hiroshima atomic bombs of heat since 1998. https: // 4hiroshimas_info
#3)Visualized: Historical Trends in Global Monthly Surface Temperatures (1851-2020)
Source: https: // www_visualcapitalist_com/global-temperature-graph-1851-2020/
I agree! The sin of man has resulted in more and more bad stuff getting into the atmosphere. Probably this helps affect the weather and climate. That is not the part I do not like in the climate change religion thing. The part I do not agree with is what is the answer to all this. Nor do I agree that the climate in the distant past here was the way it was because of the reason science says, and tries to link the present situation to. So yes, we have some pollution and bad things going on. The root problem is sin. The answer is getting rid of the wickedness in man’s heart. The answer is not fear mongering and having some rich people get richer using all this as an excuse to drive others out of business…etc etc. In fact the bible already told us about such problems that man would face in the end time. The thing is it will be a lot worse than climate changing and raising ocean levels or etc! The sun will for a shot time be so much hotter than historical levels that it is referred to as being several times hotter, with men chewing their tongues in pain. The trees will be burnt up, and fresh water will be poisoned and turned into something like blood! Then the days will be a different length, a third different than normal, and that increases to total blackout in the very end with the moon and sun and all stars in the universe going black. Out. Dark. Men will be using candles. So when I hear the predictions from science and the supposed solutions I have to laugh. They are clueless and running around like Chicken Little not knowing what to do about it or what is really going down. There is was and worldwide famine coming. Climate change is like the minor leagues.
Pacific Northwest heat wave was ‘virtually impossible’ without climate change, scientists find
@Dad1. I agree! ?Probably this helps affect the weather and climate.
@Dad1. There is was and worldwide famine coming. Climate change is like the minor leagues.Sure buddy, the weather is minor league. Guess you don't understand that everything about this biosphere, everything that keeps our modern society alive is dependent on the kind of optimal weather regime Earth has experienced these past ten thousand years or so. All else we know flows from there. The God in your head has nothing to do with it.
Well except for justifying, nay apparently demanding, that we destroy our home planet.
One for the road.
Mike Keefe drew a cartoon in the Denver Post that perfectly portrays a prevailing attitude toward our rogue weather. The cartoonist shows a man pointing at a calendar and yelling at the thunder clouds (or God?): “What? You having trouble with the small print? The calendar says it’s spring, dammit!” It makes me wonder who’s really having trouble with the small print.
When was the last time any of us has truly reflected on what drives our weather? Our atmosphere is the product of more than four billion years of ongoing evolution - geologic as well as biologic. It’s a tenuous veil of gases that lays upon the surface of our planet, like the finest silk upon your skin. This veil has a most interesting structure, which I want to describe.
Our atmosphere is composed almost totally of nitrogen and oxygen. Interwoven into this medium is a gossamerthin admixture of everything else: thousands of different compounds which can be grouped into almost 200 distinct families. Combined, these compounds make up less than one percent of our atmosphere’s volume. Most of this volume is made up of inert compounds and noble gases, so called because they don’t react with their surroundings very much, if at all. Within this matrix of nonreactive molecules is another, yet thinner community of reactive compounds. By volume, these reactive elements consist of around 0.036 percent or 360 parts per million parts of the sky. This is where the action is. These chemicals are always reacting with each other: they combine, split up, mutate, affect neighboring molecules, change characteristics - and they do this at nonstop hypervelocities. This is the scaffolding over which energy, moisture, and heat perform their weather ballet.
Back to the small print in our current weather story. What’s new is that, over the past 100-plus years, humanity has been injecting a third category of ingredients: humanmade and human-generated. By volume, this new genre consists mainly of substances already present in the atmosphere, only now they’re being unleashed in unfathomable quantities; they belong to the reactive families. Then there are the exotic varietals. Creations of science and industry, they make up a small but usually highly reactive percentage. Most of these compounds are totally new to the atmosphere. All told, society has been injecting millions upon millions upon millions of tons of these gases and particulates into our atmosphere at an ever-increasing rate, so much so that the very composition of our atmosphere - the weave of our atmospheric veil - has been significantly altered.
This is of interest because our atmosphere is in actuality a heat engine. Its matrix of gaseous and particulate components are the valves and pistons. This engine is driven by the sun’s energetic rays. The result is our weather: the global distribution of energy, heat, and moisture. The small print is that each compound we’ve introduced interacts with the sun’s energy according to its own unique thermo-hygroscopic-chemical profile. It seems that recent weather fluctuations are nothing more than a physical reflection of how we treat our biosphere.
Remember all those silly environmentalists whining about pollution, global warming, and all that? It isn’t all delusions! Scientists have been discovering and recording these changes since the end of World War II. For the past 30 years, satellites have been visually recording the stains, rips, and acid burns that we are inflicting upon the veil of our atmosphere. The increasingly sophisticated information they gather continues to have ominous implications for the future as well as the present.
Why be surprised when weather continues to become more chaotic? Admittedly, no one can accurately predict how weather will change. But who can deny that it will continue to change, and at an accelerated rate? Maybe we’re the ones who should be reading the small print: humanity’s usage of this Earth, Gaia, is like any other economic agreement. Sooner or later you have to pay the piper; sooner or later you pay the consequences. We can kid ourselves, but we can’t fool Mother Nature.
COPYRIGHT 1995 American Humanist Association
No portion of this article can be reproduced without the express written permission from the copyright holder. (three guesses who that it is)
Matter is not the climate change per se, matter is that we are causing it and we are unable to stop it or at least not to worsen it.
It would mean we exit from capitalism …