Good question!
IMO, generic evolution is based on the natural formation of a mathematical pattern that has superior survivability in its particular environment.
All evolutionary processes rest on the same principle of self-organization and growth of durable patterns in a dynanical environment, from the very beginning on.
It is all of a larger landscape of Natural Selection of inherent excellence in a pattern-formation compatible with its environment, from the Table of Elements up to crystal formation, to the gene pool of human biology.
It is this ability for self-ordering of just about everything in the known universe that suggests anabstract and generic mathematical aspect to this universe, for sure.
AFAIK, aside from creationism, there is no other hypothesis that is not mathematical in essence .
But that very evolutionary process also exists in human interaction and adaption to the environment, albeit on a very primitive level.
The personification of the unknown. The evolution of religion and worship. Little pockets of repeating patterns, each an evolved community of individuals with similar belief patterns.
Maybe this belongs in " Sunday Afternoon Evolution Study