Big Bang: Time

Big Bang: Time
Big Bang is seriously taken by cosmologists and according
to current cosmological scenarios:
a) In the past, maybe 50 or 100 billion years ago, the Universe
as whole reached its maximum radius.
b) It took another 50 or 100 billion years when the Universe
as whole came to singular point.
c) Today we see the Universe at age 13,7 billion years.
Why do cosmologists say: “Before Big Bang there was no time"?

Before our Big Bang there was no time, at least in our universe, and we all felt our universe was all that there is. Today almost all physicists think our universe is only one of perhaps trillions or more, so yes time had to exits somewhere long before it existed here and they think new universes are still being formed. Think about it. There is no telling how long time will exist somewhere.

Before our Big Bang there was no time, at least in our universe, and we all felt our universe was all that there is. Today almost all physicists think our universe is only one of perhaps trillions or more, so yes time had to exits somewhere long before it existed here and they think new universes are still being formed. Think about it. There is no telling how long time will exist somewhere.
If before BB was no space and was no time but was only MATTER . . . . . . . then . . . in which structure the MATTER was existing? # In which structure the original universe was formed ? ========..
Before our Big Bang there was no time, at least in our universe, and we all felt our universe was all that there is. Today almost all physicists think our universe is only one of perhaps trillions or more, so yes time had to exits somewhere long before it existed here and they think new universes are still being formed. Think about it. There is no telling how long time will exist somewhere.
If before BB was no space and was no time but was only MATTER . . . . . . . then . . . in which structure the MATTER was existing? # In which structure the original universe was formed ? ========.. Whatever structure it was, it wasn't matter. Matter and time were created at the moment we call the "big bang". I'm not a physicist so I can't describe it using physics, but it was what we would call an uncaused cause. We are looking at that moment through the lens of a cause and affect universe. A different set of laws than the ones we normally interact with were operating on that. To us, it was nothing, non-matter, non-time. We don't yet have the common language to describe it.

@ Lausten
You are not a physicist.
I’m also not a physicist.
But we can think logically.
If the Matter of all the Universe 13,7 billion years ago was gathered
into singular point then before BB the Matter was in some physical
structure. Somebody named this structure “nothingness".
. . . . . . . .
Perhaps the most drastic consequence of Einstein’s description
of gravity in terms of curved spacetime geometry in the framework
of his GRT is the possibility that space and time
may exhibit “holes” or “edges”: spacetime singularities.
Over the edge
Unfortunately it is not so easy to give a precise meaning
to what this means. In other physical theories,
singularities are defined as some kind of “pathological behavior” . . . .
My opinion.
GRT – when the masses curved surrounded spacetime into local sphere
then this sphere (star, planet) has its own gravity-time and gravity-space
and surrounded spacetime (zero infinite vacuum) looks as “holes" - no time,
no space . . . singularities. . . . many - many singularities . . . an infinite
space of singularities . . . and . . . .zero infinite zero-vacuum has
infinite “emptiness" that is equal to infinite density (of so-called singularity)