Bernie has a way with words

This could be in the science section, since he addresses global warming, but he starts out with the choice of someone who is in love with Netanyahu vs one who looks at all people as worthy of life. It’s not long.

“I disagree with Kamala’s position on the war in Gaza. How can I vote for her?” Here is my answer:


I love it.

I sum up : K Harris has many defects, but with Trump, it will be a pure disaster, on every topic

He is right.

The demcrats would rather lose the election and let fascism in than change their middle east foreign policy

I don’t want to argue from authority, but this was nice to see.

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Who will be blamed if she loses?

The bad guys… :scream:

Honestly, if she loses, the Dems and the left will get their share of guilt.

Nobody. It’s not like when Trump loses.

Why would I be guilty as a Democrat?

The Democrat supporters and party affiliates are guilty of not pushing for a democratic process in the selection of bidens replacement and not forcing the democratic party to the left on foreign policy and economic. Take responsibility instead of blaming the likes of russia

This is like the person stuck in traffic complaining about traffic. You are the traffic rizzo.

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I am not a democrat . Next

You, i don’t know.

but the left has more and more endorsed the politics and economics of financial liberalism, more and more accepted the dominant ideology, and less and less listened to the people.

An exemple:

I remember a study about the democrat candidates acceptation speechs since WWII.

Since A. Stevenson in 1952, each speech is more and more politically set in the center, less and less leaning on the left. And the study makes a parallel with the progresses of abstention among the poor, at the US presidential election.

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But you are the traffic!

Not required. You are complaining about others around you causing a problem, while you do, what? Complain?

Sounds like you are complaining

One of those cute traps little kids figure out. Like when they learn the phrase “stop judging me” and try to use it when you tell them to clean their room.

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I can’t find the study, but I found the speeches. I don’t see it.