Are dreams better than reality?

Let's assume it was possible and you died as a result, why would it be bad? You would die in a world where you could do anything instead of sloging through a limited one.
I don't think the standard, "you got just this one life, make the most of it" speech is going to do anything for you. In one of these dreams, dream that your ancestors made this choice to dream themselves to death. Poof, you don't exist in your own dream world.

Would it matter? If we are arguing technicalities you make it sound like one must slog through reality to have relied at night.
It’s not a matter of affording it, I’m saying why wouldn’t it be preferable to stay in a dream world instead of reality? That’s the main question, everything else is moot.
Why does it matter what happens to others when you could “have” anything you desire?

Why does it matter what happens to others when you could "have" anything you desire?
We're all in this together and if we don't work together the vast majority of us suffer. A few at the top will live comfortably but the rest will have less to go around and the poorest will live in disease and squalor. That is not a just world and your living in a perfect dream world contributes to the injustice.
Let's assume it was possible and you died as a result, why would it be bad? You would die in a world where you could do anything instead of sloging through a limited one.
I don't think the standard, "you got just this one life, make the most of it" speech is going to do anything for you. In one of these dreams, dream that your ancestors made this choice to dream themselves to death. Poof, you don't exist in your own dream world. That has no bearing on the question. I'm saying why pick reality over dreams?
Why does it matter what happens to others when you could "have" anything you desire?
We're all in this together and if we don't work together the vast majority of us suffer. A few at the top will live comfortably but the rest will have less to go around and the poorest will live in disease and squalor. That is not a just world and your living in a perfect dream world contributes to the injustice. Again, that doesn't matter. You are still picking reality but giving the same canned answers about others. Why does it matter? Why do they matter when you can stay in a world with whatever you desire? It's a place where one can write reality so to speak, why give that up?
Why does it matter what happens to others when you could "have" anything you desire?
We're all in this together and if we don't work together the vast majority of us suffer. A few at the top will live comfortably but the rest will have less to go around and the poorest will live in disease and squalor. That is not a just world and your living in a perfect dream world contributes to the injustice. Again, that doesn't matter. You are still picking reality but giving the same canned answers about others. Why does it matter? Why do they matter when you can stay in a world with whatever you desire? It's a place where one can write reality so to speak, why give that up? Because I'm not a sociopath. I have empathy for others, and I care about their well being. Apparently you care only about yourself.

I find such reasons to be insufficient to choose reality over dreams. It’s choosing strife over joy and happiness. Limitation for unlimited agency. It seems quite irrational.
I mean you could just populate your own world. Why do you have to go back? People help each other in order to get what they need, but you live in a world where you can do all that yourself (consistently). Why go back to other people?

I give up on you. We’ve already explained you’d be completely dependent on others for your survival, but you ignore that. You’re coming across as a narcissistic sociopath. Sweet dreams.

I find such reasons to be insufficient to choose reality over dreams. It's choosing strife over joy and happiness. Limitation for unlimited agency. It seems quite irrational. I mean you could just populate your own world. Why do you have to go back? People help each other in order to get what they need, but you live in a world where you can do all that yourself (consistently). Why go back to other people?
Maybe the problem here is I'm answering the question as if it is a real question. Trouble is I can't reword your question in a way that it makes sense. Is it something like, "Why choose the real world (go back as you say) when you could have the fantasy?" By definition, the fantasy is a fantasy. You can't have it. If I could have what you describe, without hurting anyone, including myself, then duh, I'd take it. But my fantasy would be to feed the starving children in Africa. Whether I populate my own world with well fed children or not, that world that I left behind would still have starving children. I think we agree that I can't simply make that happen by dreaming about it right? So, I'd have to dream that I forgot about all those children, or anyone else back in the non-dream world, which means I'd have to become someone I'm not. The question no longer makes sense at that point. I'm no longer deciding to stay in the dream world, because I don't know I'm in the dream world. This dilemma was handled in the first Matrix movie. The tech guy gave up secrets about his friends, if the machines would let him live his life back in the matrix with no knowledge that he'd done it.
I give up on you. We've already explained you'd be completely dependent on others for your survival, but you ignore that. You're coming across as a narcissistic sociopath. Sweet dreams.
And I keep saying you are missing the point of the question.
I find such reasons to be insufficient to choose reality over dreams. It's choosing strife over joy and happiness. Limitation for unlimited agency. It seems quite irrational. I mean you could just populate your own world. Why do you have to go back? People help each other in order to get what they need, but you live in a world where you can do all that yourself (consistently). Why go back to other people?
Maybe the problem here is I'm answering the question as if it is a real question. Trouble is I can't reword your question in a way that it makes sense. Is it something like, "Why choose the real world (go back as you say) when you could have the fantasy?" By definition, the fantasy is a fantasy. You can't have it. If I could have what you describe, without hurting anyone, including myself, then duh, I'd take it. But my fantasy would be to feed the starving children in Africa. Whether I populate my own world with well fed children or not, that world that I left behind would still have starving children. I think we agree that I can't simply make that happen by dreaming about it right? So, I'd have to dream that I forgot about all those children, or anyone else back in the non-dream world, which means I'd have to become someone I'm not. The question no longer makes sense at that point. I'm no longer deciding to stay in the dream world, because I don't know I'm in the dream world. This dilemma was handled in the first Matrix movie. The tech guy gave up secrets about his friends, if the machines would let him live his life back in the matrix with no knowledge that he'd done it. Someone also likened it to having a box that could give pleasure at the push of a button. To me such a device would destroy the human experience.
Someone also likened it to having a box that could give pleasure at the push of a button. To me such a device would destroy the human experience.
So, you're okay with my answer then? By "destroy the human experience", you think that's bad, right? I mean, you're basically describing drugs. Drugs usually have some additional physical risks, but the reason people take them is to escape reality, then they end up harming others, that's why we don't just all take them all the time. Right?
I give up on you. We've already explained you'd be completely dependent on others for your survival, but you ignore that. You're coming across as a narcissistic sociopath. Sweet dreams.
And I keep saying you are missing the point of the question. I understood the point of your question perfectly well. You refuse to even consider our objections. As Bertrand Russell said, "There is something sad and even a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comforting myths." Replace "comforting myths" with your idealized dream state and this sums up my feelings about your question.
I give up on you. We've already explained you'd be completely dependent on others for your survival, but you ignore that. You're coming across as a narcissistic sociopath. Sweet dreams.
And I keep saying you are missing the point of the question. I understood the point of your question perfectly well. You refuse to even consider our objections. As Bertrand Russell said, "There is something sad and even a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comforting myths." Replace "comforting myths" with your idealized dream state and this sums up my feelings about your question. Unfortunately such a quote doesn't negate so much as dodge the question. Even then its his opinion, which doesn't amount to very much.
Someone also likened it to having a box that could give pleasure at the push of a button. To me such a device would destroy the human experience.
So, you're okay with my answer then? By "destroy the human experience", you think that's bad, right? I mean, you're basically describing drugs. Drugs usually have some additional physical risks, but the reason people take them is to escape reality, then they end up harming others, that's why we don't just all take them all the time. Right? But we aren't talking drugs, just a box with a button that makes you feel good. You wouldn't likely want for anything else. Any time something would nag at you just push the button. No friends, lovers, or aspirations needed when joy can be gotten right in front of you.
Someone also likened it to having a box that could give pleasure at the push of a button. To me such a device would destroy the human experience.
So, you're okay with my answer then? By "destroy the human experience", you think that's bad, right? I mean, you're basically describing drugs. Drugs usually have some additional physical risks, but the reason people take them is to escape reality, then they end up harming others, that's why we don't just all take them all the time. Right? But we aren't talking drugs, just a box with a button that makes you feel good. You wouldn't likely want for anything else. Any time something would nag at you just push the button. No friends, lovers, or aspirations needed when joy can be gotten right in front of you. Dang it, I knew you'd respond to the drugs part. You said the box would "destroy the human experience". Please explain. Destroy it how?

Well I mean there would be no need to pursue relationships, art, spirituality, all that. Not when you can have pleasure at the push of a button.

Well I mean there would be no need to pursue relationships, art, spirituality, all that. Not when you can have pleasure at the push of a button.
What's the weather like where you are right now?
Well I mean there would be no need to pursue relationships, art, spirituality, all that. Not when you can have pleasure at the push of a button.
What's the weather like where you are right now? Why does that make any difference?
Well I mean there would be no need to pursue relationships, art, spirituality, all that. Not when you can have pleasure at the push of a button.
What's the weather like where you are right now? Why does that make any difference? If you want to go outside it does