Reality isn’t what we think

Sooooooo, I’m not really sure what to make of this particular article. I mean it attempts to say that much of what we take to be real is just concepts or ideas in our heads and yet something inside me as I’m reading all this just feels like he is missing the point.

Like the part about home being just a concept, but to me it’s more than that. It’s familiar but also comfortable and for me it’s also a feeling of belonging as well. To call it just a concept seems rather…reductive. He goes on about other things like the self and trying to pin it to parts (and I saw what other people said about it).

Also references countries and cities in that we construct these boundaries and things in our heads but they don’t exist in reality (or ultimate reality). But the thing is that we recognize places as such and that is part of human reality, just like other animals have their things we don’t recognize but they do. I guess whenever I hear “ultimate reality” used I can’t help but doubt it as how would I ever know if that “was it”.

Your obsession with this is not healthy. In my opinion you need professional help.

I suffer greatly from anxiety, so I am not judging you or your mental health in any way whatsoever. I am simply stating what I believe is your best bet to overcome this obstacle you have to enjoying your life.

It is frustrating to see you flounder around on here and ignore all attempts to help you. My blunt and unfiltered comments might not be the soft and easy answer you want, but I would bet my life that I am right that you would benefit from professional help.

You are free to continue not understanding whether ‘reality is what we think’ (or any of the hundreds of other philosophical questions you have), and using those questions as excuses to not participate in life, but I have a feeling that even you know deep down that it is a problem you can’t face alone (or with help from random strangers on an internet forum).

Those of us suffering mental issues can see the rest of the world living fulfilling lives while we suffer privately. For your own sake, please get some help and make the most of your life. I know you’re not that old, so it’s the perfect time to do something about it.

You’ve posted this link 3 times now Xian.

Your obsession with this is not healthy. In my opinion you need professional help.

I suffer greatly from anxiety, so I am not judging you or your mental health in any way whatsoever. I am simply stating what I believe is your best bet to overcome this obstacle you have to enjoying your life.

It is frustrating to see you flounder around on here and ignore all attempts to help you. My blunt and unfiltered comments might not be the soft and easy answer you want, but I would bet my life that I am right that you would benefit from professional help.

You are free to continue not understanding whether ‘reality is what we think’ (or any of the hundreds of other philosophical questions you have), and using those questions as excuses to not participate in life, but I have a feeling that even you know deep down that it is a problem you can’t face alone (or with help from random strangers on an internet forum).

Those of us suffering mental issues can see the rest of the world living fulfilling lives while we suffer privately. For your own sake, please get some help and make the most of your life. I know you’re not that old, so it’s the perfect time to do something about it.

Because the problems are the questions being asked that uproot everything I knew and believed in. Did you even read the link? Talking about how home is just a concept, same with countries and the self. This isn’t a mental health issue, it’s having my worldview ripped from under me and not being able to look at everything that same way again or to pretend anymore. Buddhism, against what I wanted, showed how much of the world I take to be real and solid is just made up by us and our minds. That is something I can’t unsee, as much as I want to forget. So no, you have got it all wrong and no amount of therapy can help with these big questions.

I just lost a post that took almost a half hour to write. F@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@C&!!!

Maybe later today I will have the energy to post again.

Once again, F@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@C&!!!

I’m not really sure what you are trying to get at, but suggesting therapy is missing the issue.