America, the Beautiful

America, Texas, guns, inevitable

It will happen again and again. I put this at the feet of the NRA, gun nuts and the American gun culture.
“America, America,
God shed his grace on thee.
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!”
Makes ya proud to be an American, doesn’t it?

Isn’t Texas open-carry? Also, I believe I read there were multiple people armed right there…so I am still waiting to hear where all the “good guys” were to curtail what went down.

Isn't Texas open-carry? Also, I believe I read there were multiple people armed right I am still waiting to hear where all the "good guys" were to curtail what went down.
Yes, so am I. With all of the guns in the US, you'd think there would be multiple people to shoot mass murderers, but that seldom seems to happen. But the gun nuts will continue to claim that if everyone were armed there would be few mass killings. Well. practically everyone IS armed right now and hardly anyone shoots the bad guys. We should probably be grateful for that, though, because they'd wind up shooting a lot more innocent people than bad guys. Lois

The Dallas Police Chief said all the armed citizens made matters worse. Not only did they cut and run like anyone with sense, they took valuable resources away from the hunt for the shooter. As many of us predicted when gun nuts started saying this BS, the police have no way of knowing who is a good guy and who is a bad guy in these situations. I commend the Dallas PD for showing the restraint needed to not shoot some of those ammosexuals.

The Dallas Police Chief said all the armed citizens made matters worse. Not only did they ct and run like anyone with sense, they took valuable resources away from the hunt for the shooter. As many of us predicted when gun nuts started saying this BS, the police have no way of knowing who is a good guy and who is a bad guy in these situations. I commend the Dallas PD for showing the restraint needed to not shoot some of those ammosexuals.
Great word. I couldn't agree more. Lois

sorry, I sent the above twice and there is no way to delete a post–a flaw in the system.