Almighty Gawd cast His judgement on the Aussies|4

This is Melbourne today (1/14/2020).

Some of the Bushfire smoke is also, already half way around the world and is expected to make the full trip.

A perfect example of the 'butterfly effect". One spark and soon the smoke of the fire resulting from this spark will reach around the world.

Melbourne friend confirms presence of haze, Tim. Nothing to be alarmed about. I lived through that kind of haze that covers Singapore for a couple of months every year or so. The smokiness comes from the “slash and burn” fires in Indonesia. It isn’t a nice situation but it isn’t the end of the world. California burns too. Check the satellite pictures. There are hot spots all over the planet like acne on a teenager’s skin. Just deal with it.

Even the coal loving “conservatives” in power in Australia are curbing their anti-climate rhetoric, Sree.

So, all the things we do, in order to live the way we need want to, are causing greenhouse gases.
There is the corrected version of your statement. We don't need houses full of junk we haven't looked at in years. We don't need to have so much garbage that we have to rent storage sheds just to store the junk so unimportant to us that we let it rot in a storage shed. We don't need to have 30 music channels on the television so that we can use your energy hogging televisions as stereos. We don't need to have the skin ripped off form avocados and replaced with plastic so that it takes us 5 seconds instead of 45 to get to the part we want.

It is a total farce when someone plays the “Let’s just all kill ourselves, then!” card. It is a totally disingenous argument. Nobody is saying that. Just maybe get a hybrid instead of a Hummer and simply use the money you saved to put toward going to your doctor and just getting a bigger dick. Two problems solved at once.

Widdershin: Just maybe get a hybrid instead of a Hummer and simply use the money you saved to put toward going to your doctor and just getting a bigger dick. Two problems solved at once.

Not everyone has problems and need to optimize and economize. When I inhale, I take in deep breaths without having to worry about sucking the oxygen out of the planet. “Clear and present danger” is a curse, the lot of the damned who whine and moan in the face of plenty.

Sree said,

When I inhale, I take in deep breaths without having to worry about sucking the oxygen out of the planet. “Clear and present danger” is a curse, the lot of the damned who whine and moan in the face of plenty.

And if the that deep breath sucks in CO2 and other toxic gasses dumped into the atmosphere by real polluters and you start wheezing or get lung cancer, what are you gonna say?


Write4U: And if the that deep breath sucks in CO2 and other toxic gasses dumped into the atmosphere by real polluters and you start wheezing or get lung cancer, what are you gonna say?
As I told Tim in another reply, I did experience hazy conditions in Singapore which is a beautiful clean city. The smoky air came from Indonesia where there was indiscriminate slashing and burning of vegetation to clear land on a massive scale. What did I say? Nothing. I took off to Tokyo.

Oh, Tokyo is a cleaner city?

I seem to recall thousands of people wearing face masks to filter polluted air not that long ago. To their credit the powers that be made a sincere effort to curb air pollution in Tokyo and did a remarkable job.

But those positive results did not happen by themselves. It took time and effort and human resources (funding) to bring pollution to its current tolerable levels. Plus Japan is an island and enjoys a constant cleansing ocean breeze.

Point is that human caused pollution can only be controlled by humans. If humans do not curb their wasteful appetites, nature will surely take care of the problem all by itself and the result of that is lots of death .

Write4U: Point is that human caused pollution can only be controlled by humans. If humans do not curb their wasteful appetites, nature will surely take care of the problem all by itself and the result of that is lots of death .
You make an obvious point. People will always mess up things in their neck of the woods for other folks. One time, when I was filling up my car at the gas station, a car pulled in and a horrible din of rap music drenched in gut churning heavy bass stank up the atmosphere. It was as bad to me as the sermons on humanist morality you preach in this forum. I would admit that there is a whole lot more horsepower under my car's hood than I would need to cruise around, but I am not flooring it to blow exhaust fumes in your face. Even if I did, the emissions are ok and I have the test results to prove it.

Sree, your self disclosure of disgust with humanistic morals is elucidating. You must prefer inhumanity and immorality. You are not a credit to your race (the human race, that is).

Each man’s meat is the other’s poison. You would be stoned to death in Tehran, Tim. I guarantee that. Why can’t we live and let live? Isn’t tolerance a secular humanist value? When I am fast asleep in Bali and the jarring experience of the Salat al-fajr, before sunrise calling the faithful to prayers, fills me with disgust, I quickly come to my senses. I don’t level curses on the mosque the way you dump on me.

Sree said,

You make an obvious point. People will always mess up things in their neck of the woods for other folks.

Why then is it I get this very impression of you. The way you talk you don’t seem to care about other people’s rights in the least.

I want to give you credit for being an intelligent person, but you make it really difficult to be a likable person.



Why then is it I get this very impression of you. The way you talk you don’t seem to care about other people’s rights in the least.

The way I talk causes you to form an impression of me for venting your resentment. It isn’t what I actually do, to harm others, that causes your ire.

I want to give you credit for being an intelligent person, but you make it really difficult to be a likable person.
I don't need approval. I live among people the way a deer lives in the forest. I watch my step, stay out of harm's way, and mind my own business.



Sree said,

I don’t need approval. I live among people the way a deer lives in the forest. I watch my step, stay out of harm’s way, and mind my own business.

But that is just not true unless you live like Henry Thoreau (like I did). Your business affects your environment, and from what you have told you do not really care about human development and encroachment on wildlife. You seemed curiously unaffected by the news of a natural disaster unfolding in Australia.

p.s. I am a naturally optimistic person and have no complaints about my life in comparison to the rest of humanity. I consider myself one of the few individuals I know who are truly content with their lives. I could write books of the adventurwes of a Dutch boy who left home to travel the world and visited many places, spend seven years on the road as professional musician (Vegas, Chicago, Los Angeles, and eventually married an American Indian girl, shared a pipe with an Indian Chief and wrote grant proposals for Tribal economic development, a fish hatchery, and a hotel/gaming casino in Idaho. Then spent the rest of my life in the administration of a non-profit community services company. The pursuit and acquisition of wealth was never a goal of mine. I’m in good health and I have a few dear friends who like my style, what more can I ask for?

p.p.s. CFI represents my own values, that’s why I post here;

The Center for Inquiry strives to foster a secular society based on reason, science, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values.

The Center for Inquiry (CFI) is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization dedicated to defending science and critical thinking in examining religion. CFI’s vision is a world in which evidence, science, and compassion—rather than superstition, pseudoscience, or prejudice—guide public policy.

Write4U: But that is just not true unless you live like Henry Thoreau (like I did). Your business affects your environment, and from what you have told you do not really care about human development and encroachment on wildlife. You seemed curiously unaffected by the news of a natural disaster unfolding in Australia.
You are preaching like the holier-than-thou creationist that you condemn. You are disturbed by what you perceive as a disaster and you are offended by my indifference. The obnoxious Gawd-believer merely wants to save my soul; but you, the secular humanist, would curse me for destroying mankind. By the way, Thoreau didn’t rough it in the woods; his mother brought him home-cooking and did his laundry. I also doubt that Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights in the desert with the Devil. Secular or religion, you folks are full of it.
The Center for Inquiry strives to foster a secular society based on reason, science, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values.
This is what I am here for. So, let’s cooperate and cut out the bs, ok?
Sree said,

This is what I am here for. So, let’s cooperate and cut out the bs, ok?

I have not seen much cooperation from you, in fact you make it a point to tell people you are not interested in cooperation. Don’t divert the conversation by accusing me of being angry. I do not make claims of being disinterested, you are.

Sree, You call for me to engage in the humanistic value of tolerance. Specifically it seems you want me to tolerate your dumping on secular humanism, in general, and to tolerate your plethora of poorly based opinions.

Yeah, I don’t think so.

Tim, I am not dumping on secular humanism per se. I am dumping on your peculiar idea of secular humanism. If there is a secular paradise in the afterlife, do you believe you will make the grade and gain eternal life merging with the cosmos? Do you think you can cut it? Or are you no better than the sanctimonious Bible thumper making a damn fool of himself?