Another podcast recommendation for y’all.] Or if you just want to take a stab at any of my questions without listening, that’s fine too. The questions concerning belief will predictable answers from those of you I know. They build on the later questions of where we’re going.
Another podcast recommendation for y'all.] Or if you just want to take a stab at any of my questions without listening, that's fine too. The questions concerning belief will predictable answers from those of you I know. They build on the later questions of where we're going.I know where we're going. We're going around the sun.
Very funny Lois.
How do we develop the language to serve the need of bringing people together to lead happier and more productive lives?
Very funny Lois. How do we develop the language to serve the need of bringing people together to lead happier and more productive lives?A two word answer. Better education.
Very funny Lois. How do we develop the language to serve the need of bringing people together to lead happier and more productive lives?We developed language through evolution. What specifically it was deceloped for beyond comminication with each other I don't know. I can't imagine that it was to "bring people together to lead happier more productive lives." It was developed because it helped humans to survive. The ones who had communication skills lived longer and had more children. It's as simple as that. Lois
So, the notes were developed from a conversation between a humanist and a progressive Christian. An atheist jumping into it and simply saying, “well that’s wrong, obviously”, is really not forwarding things much. I hope those two have some sort of continuation of this because I’d really like to know where the Christian is coming from. If he can show how monotheism led to science, I’d really like to know. Even if you dismiss that, on the humanist side, it’s worth exploring the use of language. For example, I didn’t like the way Wired magazine talked about the internet from their earliest publications. They turned a technology into another savior. One who never materialized, like all saviors.
Either way you want to disentangle it, it gets back to the first question of just what the human technology is and where it came from. Last I checked, people still love going to live concerts, even though you can get the music for a buck. We want those shared experiences. If that developed the way the evolutionary psychologists are saying it did, then we have an opportunity now to examine something intentionally that occurred unintentionally and profoundly shaped who we are.