Sam Harris walks into a church...

Nothing new from Sam if you are familiar with him, but the openness from his host is unprecedented. He sneaks in a little defensiveness about there being good and bad expressions of religion, but he doesn’t press it. He ends by giving Sam a chance to say one thing he’d want religious people to hear, then responds with something he wants atheists to hear.
Parts of this half hour could be responses to many of the threads we’ve had over the last few years. Meditation, “self”, ISIS, the future of religion, …

Aw, I was looking for a punch line.
Hey, but in the side bar, “Sam Harris CLASH With Jordan Peterson In HEATED Argument,” that could be fun.
But okay Lausten I’ll shut up and listen yours and see if it inspires me to try the heated argument. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’m actually not particularly familiar with him.

Tbe purpose of the post is more to show how a theist and atheist discussion could go. Good points are made along the way.

Tbe purpose of the post is more to show how a theist and atheist discussion could go. Good points are made along the way.
I listened to it, more interesting than I thought it would be. Imagine I don't have a snarky thing to say about it :) Though by the time it was done I was ready for a break, though I do want to take a listen to the other one sometime today, I've got it cued up.