4/20 End the Federal Prohibition of Marijuana

Bernie has introduced a Bill that would get the Federal Government out of the way of the individual states establishing their own laws with respect to marijuana. Bernie’s justification for the need to take such an action, focuses on the social justice aspects of doing so.
I suggest that an even more important justification for ending the atrocity of the federal classification of marijuana as a schedule 1 narcotic, is that it has blocked effective scientific peer-reviewed research on the potential health benefits of marijuana, for generations. This must not continue.

I agree. Funny how conservatives rail about states’ rights but are largely silent on this subject unless they oppose legalization.

I agree. Funny how conservatives rail about states' rights but are largely silent on this subject unless they oppose legalization.
Rand Paul helped introduced a different Bill, "The CARERS ACT" (which seems to have gotten lost in a subcommittee, somewhere), but he is somewhat of an exception, amongst conservatives, in that regard (as far as actually trying to get something done). Though I would venture to say that a majority of even the national conservative leadership may not be actively opposed to ending the farcical federal classification of marijuana as a Schedule 1 narcotic.