When you can't just enjoy a big party

Chinese culture has existed longer than any European culture. However, very few people want to move to China because it’s mostly a dump.

If it’s a contest between East Asian countries and Western countries, the West wins.

Make a list of how much Whites destroy and how much Whites create throughout history and you’ll see how wrong you are.

Most people would disagree that corporate America is the best example of Whites. And for all it’s faults, corporate America is still better than big business anywhere outside of the West.

Mostly accurate. Globalization was always more than just corporate America. It was originally the post-WW2 West. Now it’s most of the world. Globalization has always been about weakening national sovereignty so big business can have its way everywhere.

You’re wrong about the blame game. We anti-globalists have always blamed our own elites for it.

The West is far less corrupt than the rest of the world.

2023 Corruption Perceptions Index: Explore the… - Transparency.org

As I understand it, anti globalists are very much against corporate personhood. I’m completely on board with that. I am confused however as to how racism became such an integral part of your world view.

I just accept that humans are not all the same. Not only individually, but collectively. Some groups are better or worse at some things than others.

I agree with that.

The question is, how do you determine some humans with certain physical traits are the same, or as you say better or worse than, others with different traits? That is, how does a trait like skin color determine something like engineering skills?

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That is both a true and scary comment.

It is true in the sense that our old norms have been proven wrong. For example, female heavy equipment operators - both construction and mining - have been shown to save maintenance costs as they are more attentive to detail and are gentler on the equipment. The scary part is that it is often tougher for a woman to be hired although that is changing slowly.

It is scary that many have been fooled into believing they know which groups are good and poor in various tasks. Their/your assumptions are just that. Ignorant.

Whatever skills women might have are cancelled out by the fact that very few of them are interested in being equipment operators.

You figure it out by noticing patterns with whoever it is. In the case of engineering skills, some groups simply don’t have any history of big engineering projects, but others do for some reason.

Skin color itself does not determine who has this skill, but evolution proves that something else in a particular environment does select for these skills.

This has been one of the stranger things to witness over the course of my life. Changing racist terms, like the words you can’t say anymore into “DEI” is really nothing compared to this.

It sounds scientific, “something environmental that selects for skills”. But if you say “something” then you are stating a hypothesis, not pointing to evidence. You are asking, not telling. And you are ignoring actual evidence that shows there is no “something” for the “groups” you are referring to.

You only reason to say it is so you can say, “it’s not skin color, but …” Which sounds a lot like, “I don’t want to sound racist, but. .” But, that’s just my hypothesis.

Any evidence for your “fact”? If so, see how it flies with these women.

Some statements just aren’t worth fact checking. Who would bother doing a study on that? Would it be thorough enough and check all factors? Would it be repeated as culture changes, showing change across generations?

Not looking for a study. Just evidence to support his “fact.” My link shows that there are women who want to be heavy equipment operators. Like most of that guy’s racist and sexist comments, he provides opinion only.

Right, I think in this case, questioning the claim is all that is needed. The logical fallacy is the burden of proof thing, but people get weird about that, saying that claiming it’s NOT true is still a claim or something. Or like my argumentative, pedantic, MAGA cousin, who says he doesn’t have time to google things for me when I ask for evidence. Oh yeah, do you have time to google it for yourself? Ahem, sorry, chamomile tea time.

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At this point I don’t know how you’d think that I don’t want to be seen as racist.

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Like I said, very few.

Question : does this situation results from nature and genetics, or from a social construction ?

In our great parents generation, 90 % of household chores were done by women.

Was that a result of genetics or a social construct ?

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That explains a lot about your isms.

You feel that you provided evidence that women are not interested in being heavy equipment operators by citing an article that says, " Heavy Equipment Operator jobs are male dominated."

Your flawed logic implies that Blacks are not interested in being POTUS because there has only been one. Or you could say that Blacks make very poor presidents because people have only elected one.

Racism can only thrive when a population has no talent for reason. But like @lausten 's MAGA cousin who cannot bother to educate himself, change himself, or find compassion for others, the best response to your ignorance is to break out the chamomile tea. But I also throw up a bit when I read your posts so the tea is also soothing.

How many men can create life?
Like I said, none

Some AAAS leaders

Two Blacks. That’s not going to convince anyone that Blacks are equal to Whites in science.

It is caused by nature rather than nurture.

This reminds me of the idea that the toys children play with affects their gender identity. For example, if parents buy dolls for their daughters and toy trucks for their sons, they will grow up to behave in stereotypical male and female ways.

However, research shows that these toy preferences seem to be innate.

Take a look at the link in response to MorganKane.