Who appreciates what just happened?

I’m most shocked by how few people who matter, and don’t, seem to have noticed what happened to USA’s principled Constitution, under the rule of law and believing in principles of honor, honesty, sense of duty and ethics, respect toward others and nation, belief in a pluralistic society and human freedom. Or we’re all too scared to talk about it? Making a profit, or keeping one’s head above water, is the main concern of most.

But, it’s worse than that, we as a society have also given up on honest evidence based learning and we’ve given up on good-faith fact-based constructive debates, and experts, and the honest dissemination of evidence regarding a host of vital societal existential matters. Then we have the gall to think we can live long into the future, such flippant disregard for the reality that is out there for our inspection.

Our generation stood by, profiteers united with Faith Based tribes of White Suprematists started telling us that a personal partisan God is on their side and it is their duty to destroy our 1776 liberal nation of the free and the brave.

Replacing it with a billionaire run, white supreme theocracy, that promises to rapidly devolve into a true dystopia. With most everyone mainlining social media of one form or another, who’s to care?

It’s been no secret, the hostile takeover drive over our nation got supercharged with Senator Gingrich and Fox faux News, and grew like an unchecked cancer.

Where were our social thinkers, leaders, philosophers? What did our best and brightest achieve toward intellectually and emotionally and rationally confront and neuter the spector of Faith Based thinking ruling our government and business. Unless we are changing minds we are losing.

*PS I know for me it’s been a real horror seeing first hand, how easily a proud, once great people, but grown lazy people can be hoodwinked by the ruthless, the worst of the worst. How fast we forgot the lesson of WWII that was taught and shared with us in the 1960s, but soon as the last soldier dies, the young rich get back to work creating another even more conflict, to drive bigger war, and profits, and they will have their way. Who’s to suggest any different?

It’s utterly mind boggling, thank the universe, I discovered Arthur Upfield to have someone to relate to and great stories to distract.* :neutral_face:


Hugs you.

You are not the only one horrified.

In a democracy, the people can err. In this case the cost will be very high.

The matter is : What can we do ?

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Yeah fifty years of backsliding doesn’t turned around on a dime.

Nothing, especially if we refuse to work up the fortitude to start recognizing how we failed.

Now, seems to me it’s all about a personal battle of getting right with oneself, mentally and spiritually, because the good news is that we only have one life to live, then there’s peaceful silence in the eternal night.

And all I really know is my own inner struggles and successes and my age old desire of the elderly to share their experience, especially if one has had a good run.