What exactly does this mean?

Because I want to live according to what it true and according to that site what I know to be true isn’t true.


So far I haven’t found a decent counter argument to their point so I will have to assume they are correct. You say to find a philosophy that does all that well they claim to have it.

That by cleaning the false mind of your picture world you will live and be truth rather than just read about it. Take a look at that site and see if you have a counter argument. Because no matter how I mull it over I don’t have one.


Its not about finding something that lifts you up or any of that nonsense, it’s about being right and seeing things as they are. Even if In doing so it’s painful.

Xian, please understand that new-age mumbo-jumbo is not refutable because it makes no sense in the first place.

By your own admission, the word-salad on that website makes no sense to you. So why on gods green earth do you insist on saying it contains some eternal truth. Get it through your skull that the writer of that crap is utterly clueless as to the ultimate meaning of life or any other ‘deep’ question it pretends to answer.

I almost can’t believe you refuse to think about anything we say yet keep coming back to ask the same bloody questions again and again. Maybe you’re only pretending to be a poor suffering soul, and we’re just pawns in your game.

Regardless of whether you’re one of the most obtuse people I’ve ever dealt with or just a jerk playing games, unless you advance your thinking and make some progress, I’m done.

I felt like typing this post in all caps, bold and underlined, just to get across how frustrated I am with you.

From said cite:

"…Mind can be both absolute and phenomenal because it is empty of any hard and fast characteristics that could distinguish one thing from another. It is fluid. It neither exists nor doesn’t exist. So, strictly speaking, it isn’t impermanent. It is eternal.

In effect, mind equals reality equals impermanence equals eternity…"

This Is Utter Nonsense. The neurological behaviors that we refer to as mind, are real. They exist. They are not eternal.

If I suddenly did a free form dance, there might be no “hard and fast characteristics that could distinguish one ‘movement’ from another”. It would probably be fluid. It would exist. When I stopped dancing it would only exist as history. It would not be eternal.

I suggest not basing your life on nonsense.


Because I can’t help but feel like there is some hidden thing that ties it all together that I might be missing out on. Some grand truth that words fail to describe and that you have to see. It’s why I tend to be a sucker for mysticism because I can’t help but feel like there is something underneath all that which solves everything. The people who talk about it seem to believe it to be so, even after spending years on it:

where did the brain come from? You tell me, let's break it down. There is no infinity you say. Then that itself implies a beginning of creation. A creation that you believe is separate from one thing to the next, not all one thing working together and existing as one, as I see from my side of things. So what brought on this beginning? Where did the brain or anything else come from for that matter? If you have theories of your own I'm all ears. Everything in my world fits and works and it is the result of years of study and practice and experience and simply seeing parallels everywhere pointing to one possibility. That is the theory of consciousness Itself being the infinite, that which has no beginning and holds the spark of existence within its beingness. The resonance of said consciousness vibrates as everything we see and it is conscious of these objects within its own field of being. It's all one and it is the self, the only thing that could be. This brain theory has no basis that I can think up. Not unless I get wildly imaginative and start shoving pieces where they don't fit. Also it is up to the individual person to make up their mind as to whether there is a God or not. If one sees things as I do then you could call consciousness God or any other word they want. It is that which exists, the source from which this whole thing seems to have emerged yet I see that as the mind of existence. Please elighten me if I'm telling myself fairy tales seeking comfort. I want to know how a brain is resposible for more than the mechanical balance and upkeep of the body/mind. Truth is so obvious to me I can't look anywhere and not see it. I know what I am and am becoming more acquainted with myself moment to moment.
I just don't know how to respond to it. If they find peace and I can't convince them otherwise, then I must be wrong somehow in my beliefs.

Our brains evolved. As social creatures we also evolved complex verbal behavior. Our complex verbal behavior along with our senses enabled us to have and be aware of what we refer to as consciousness. Our consciousness is not infinite or eternal. It dies with us. But our complex verbal behavior allows us to conceive of things way beyond the reality in which we live. “God” is just one of our many far out concepts. We can also establish complex fictions and come to believe them to be real.



It’s why I tend to be a sucker for mysticism because I can’t help but feel like there is something underneath all that which solves everything. The people who talk about it seem to believe it to be so, even after spending years on it:
There is essentially no difference between this and a troll, except he says he's trolling. Might as well be a bot, written to repeat that he "just doesn't get it" whenever he runs out of other options. So what if there is a website that says something will happen if you do what they say? If Xian will follow the instructions on this one, then he could do just about anything else on a Neo-Nazi or Christian conservative site. Not that he has indicated he would, but he has relinquished all of his abilities to be logical. That's pretty much the entry into CFI. He just doesn't belong here.
The resonance of said consciousness vibrates as everything we see and it is conscious of these objects within its own field of being.
Really? Please explain. I can't find who said anyway. Do you have a link?

I know it sounds like trolling, but I have been banging my head against the wall trying to answer this. I don’t see how people can just ignore it or disregard it, though I wish I did. Maybe it’s just my overpowering fear of being wrong and living a lie.

What do you mean by mind? I see a lot of claims ,but no actual argument.


I reject the notion that mind is separate from the human brain.I have found no credible evidence to support the existence of mind outside of the body. There is at least prima facie evidence that the mind is a product of the living brain: Injure the brain and you can injure the ‘mind’. I’ve seen this first hand in brain damaged people. It can also be seen in people who have have lobotomies;.There is usually measurable change in personality.If the procedure is botched, the ‘person’/ the mind ,can be destroyed, leaving the person in a vegetative state.

The word for creating from the mind is ‘solipsism’, possibly one of the oldest of philosophical ideas. Being old doesn’t make the idea any less woo. (nonsense) . It’s also another of those pesky unfalsifiable claims.

“Solipsism (/ˈsɒlɪpsɪzəm/ ( listen); from Latin solus, meaning ‘alone’, and ipse, meaning ‘self’)[1] is the philosophical idea that only one’s own mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one’s own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist. This extreme position is claimed to be irrefutable, as the solipsist believes himself to be the only true authority, all others being creations of their own mind.”


I once ran across a Christian who rejected evolution (no, really) I asked about fossils. No probs; all the fossils were created by god when he created the world. What on earth can one say to that, after one is finished laughing.? The claim that everything is mind is similar.



I don’t know others’ definition of mind, but I see it as being the totality of brain based behaviors that we are referring to when we use the term"mind", including perceptual behaviors, thinking behaviors, remembering behaviors, attending behaviors, dreaming behaviors, etc.