What drives Climate Scientists?

What drives scientists - allow Richard Alley to explain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_WLArrksB4
"Think for a minute about Newton and Einstein. Suppose that Einstein had stood up and said I have worked very hard and I have discovered that Newton got everything right and I have nothing to add. Would anyone ever know who Einstein was? Scientist at some level have to have a little bit of ego. The job description is very clear, it is, learn what nobody else knows. If you look at that and say all I want to do is cheer for other people, you're probably not going into that field. (I mean) if you go in that field, there's a little bit of ego to learn what nobody else knows. I mean, we've all got it, however well we tamp it down. The idea that we wouldn't want to be Einstein if we could overturn global warming. If we could prove that CO2 was not a greenhouse gas. If we could prove that we can burn all we want and not worry about it, how exciting would be? How wonderful, how many prizes, how many people would invite me out to give talks? If I could prove that you didn’t have to worry about this, is there any possibility, tens of thousands of scientists there isn't one of them got the ego to do that? It’s absurd, it’s absolutely unequivocally absurd!!! We’re people and we've got it in us the way people do! and the fact that nature pushes us to the reality that co2 is a greenhouse gas, it’s real. There’s nothing we can do about it." PhD and Professor Richard Alley

The U-Tube guy is smoking some really good stuff!
What drives Climate Scientists? Simple – “grants" and book deals. Or put another way, “money”.

I thought you supported the IPCC, Mike.

I do support the IPCC. And I think their budget need to be increased by 20 fold. What drives scientist is no different than football players. Make the players play for free and you will still get a few good players, but not many. For the most part the driving force is the money. Money is power. Power can be good or bad. The point is that Einstein didn’t do it for money. And he didn’t do it for Ego. Therefore the point the U-Tube guy was making by using Einstein didn’t fit the majority of the scientists. Yea, they all want to be Einstein, but the force that drove Einstein was the love of science itself.

The U-Tube guy is smoking some really good stuff! What drives Climate Scientists? Simple – “grants" and book deals. Or put another way, "money".
YouTube guy :wow: There you go again exposing how little of this climate science stuff you know anything about.

Over the decades I got a lot of poop for worrying about this Anthropogenic Global Warming driving radical climate change. In fact, I found it astounding about how little people knew or cared about our Climate System, but then I’ve also been astounded at how many home owners don’t know anything about their plumbing and sewage system, and show zero interest in learning anything about, oh but they’ll bitch over the price of a service call, for something they could have easily resolved themselves.

People is as people does.

I stumbled on this AGW / Arctic Circle update and I’m torqued and frustrated and in horror of realistically imagining the hideous conditions my grandkids will be facing.

While listening to this I couldn’t help thinking back on all the grief I’ve taken over the decades for trying to defend climate scientists and also trying to explain what they have learned and tried to explain to us.

Well it turns out that, that corporate/political pressure, especially their multi-million dollar campaigns and dirty tricks impacted the science scientists were doing.

Scientist themselves were cowered into watering down their evidence, every judgement call has the political weigh of consequences for anyone who even dared to hint there was a connection between human society behavior and how our Earth’s natural systems operated - so over optimism was the call of the day for anyone that wanted to be taken seriously.

Now we’re recognizing another Big Lie, of course, too late to do anything about the damage inflicted.

And against this backdrop I’m supposed to hold respect for the past century of philosophers who love provocative and meta physical blah blah, to the boring of Earth basics that we should have been digesting, rather than ignoring in favor of dreaming about Star Wars trekking around the universe and that fabulous Hollywood Future we were being promised.

Millions of super educated went along with it - why because, well, none of us wanted to conserve or find happiness with less - I mean HE WHO DIED WITH THE MOST TOYS - WAS THE WINNER! Period, end discussion! And GREED was the engine that made politics and global markets function - I mean Greed was elevated next to Godliness post WW2.

Forget the Earth systems gloom and doom, you’re such a bummer petie…, don’t you see the party going on? Join in.

Just Have a Think

The arctic region is a key driver of global climate patterns. In the summer of 2022, three peer reviewed research papers were published, all of which showed the systems that have kept the arctic stable for thousands of years are now collapsing far more quickly than previous analysis and modelling had suggested. A fourth paper, published at the same time, shows us what the consequences are likely to be. This video assesses all four.

It’s sobering - and for those with any realistic understanding and imagination about Earth systems on a big scale it’s terrifying beyond words. It’s past the ALARM stage, now we’ve entered the Free-Fall Epoch - Destructive Weather Roulette is the new thing, while the system figures out it’s new equilibrium, which might only take a couple thousand years, though some think it could be much longer than that, if geologic history is any guide. (and it is!)

But if nothing else Earth has all the time in the world and we all have just one life to lose.

Here’s an interesting way of looking at it.

Robert Rohde May 22, 2019

Animated diagram of the Earth’s Carbon Cycle and how it has changed over time. Carbon, in various forms including CO2 and organic materials, is continually exchanged between the atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere.

In the pre-industrial period, these exchanges found a natural equilibrium such that the amount of carbon in each group remained more or less constant.

However, human activities have perturbed the carbon cycle. The large amount of carbon added to the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels has dispersed itself through the atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere.

For more information and selected still frames, one can refer to the original twitter thread: https://twitter.com/RARohde/status/11…

Just an aside, for the Republicans who are still believing all this “hysteria,” about current alarming global warming, is a liberal plot to take away their riches.
The proof is in the pudding. Can you hear the scientists now?

World rocked by 29 billion-dollar weather disasters in 2022

Posted on 25 October 2022 by Guest Author

This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Jeff Masters

At least 29 billion-dollar weather disasters have rocked the planet so far in 2022, said insurance broker Aon in its quarterly disaster report issued October 18. Heat waves in Europe killed more than 16,000 people and nearly 1,700 died as a result of flooding in Pakistan.