It’s something I hear people use often. Like how when a song has “summer vibes” or something like that, is it like some sort of essence that a thing has?
But how can that be when we are the ones who make meaning?
It’s something I hear people use often. Like how when a song has “summer vibes” or something like that, is it like some sort of essence that a thing has?
But how can that be when we are the ones who make meaning?
Exactly. It’s like an essence. Most “vibes” affect everyone in the same way, maybe because of shared or similar experiences. Nature plays a big part as well in that “summer vibes” are carefree and bright. Here, bright means both strong light and positive.
I guess so, summer vibes all seem to share something in common, at least that’s what it appears to be.
Though that could just be a human thing.
Vibes is just another word for feelings, feels, etc.
You are like the ancient scientists who argued about vision. Some thought our eyes sent out something that perceived objects, like radar. But, now we know there is reality, light waves, and eyes are slightly different for individuals, plus we are all standing in a different place. Vibes are much more subjective.
But what are they exactly and what does it mean for something to have a certain vibe?
From the urban dictionary
(Noun)A distinctive emotional atmosphere; sensed intuitively.
“It gave me a nostalgic vibe”.
“That man gives off bad vibes”
There are many ways to use the word. That one seems closest to what you’re saying.
The problem comes from the intuitive part for the same reason I mentioned on how we ourselves make meaning.
It’s not like you’re sensing anything so much as imagining it.
Intuitive: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.
Imagine: form a mental image or concept of.
But again we make meaning, there isn’t anything inherent in situation that you are sensing right? Wouldn’t it be the same as just imagining it?
I gave definitions because they are different words. You try to eliminate words. No, intuition and imagination are not the same thing.
They might be different words but that doesn’t mean once doesn’t affect the other.
How can you sense something in terms of vibes when we make meaning and there is nothing inherent in a situation to sense. That’s why I likened it to imagination.
How do you know there is nothing in the situation? I left out the word “inherent” on purpose because you are trying to sneak “inherent meaning” into the question. There is no inherent meaning, no reason to repeat that. But there is something. We are not capable of knowing everything that is happening in every moment. If you try, you will be overwhelmed, you won’t be able to choose where to put your foot for the next step because you are too busy considering all the variables. There are many things we do without the same kind of conscious thought we use to add up 2 + 2. Like we know the difference between one and many. We have those words but we had the concept before we had the words. That’s intuition, not imagination.
“Fight or Flight” is an intuitive survival response.
That’s sorta the feeling I get, and I guess it’s reliable.
To quote you, “duh”.
Yeah but then I just start thinking about how nothing is inherent so it means we’re doing it to ourselves.
The other day you said that’s not the problem. Don’t start trolling again
Well it still is. I keep going back to that point.
“Keep going back” is your thing. I stated that very early on and pointed you to links about OCD and Autism more than once. I can’t help you with that. You have to trust me as someone who could coach you and help you with exercises to deal with it, and you don’t trust me, and I’m not trained in doing that. But it’s still pretty obvious that it’s your thing. If you don’t want me to call it a problem, fine, but it still is equivalent to being an internet troll, and that is my thing, to ban trolls.
I’ve been watching the Netflix series “The Bear” lately, which includes a back story of a family member who committed suicide. You know a lot of people do, right? They conclude life isn’t worth it, like you keep trying to convince me. But you say “no one” looks into the void, and “everyone” avoids the reality of how worthless life is. Obviously, you’re not the only one who has felt that way. For you, it’s just another thing for you to argue. Arguing is the thing you do to avoid facing that life is difficult but with effort, joy and peace can be found.
You aren’t going to find joy by going in circles, telling people one thing is bothering you, then when they suggest ways to handle that, telling them that’s not really it, it’s a different thing, then kind of agreeing, only to come back with one of the earlier things again. If you know your family and dogs are things you like, then you’ve figured out the secret to a good life. Congratulations, many people never get that. Now, go live.