We did it! We started a whole new geological epoch.
Yea!..? I mean ohhhhhhh… (head and shoulders slump).
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/01/160107151738.htm Yea!....? I mean ohhhhhhh... (head and shoulders slump).
An international group of scientists is studying whether human activity has driven Earth into a new geological epoch -- the Anthropocene. They ask: to what extent are human actions recorded as measurable signals in geological strata, and is the Anthropocene world markedly different from the stable Holocene Epoch of the last 11,700 years that allowed human civilization to develop? The Holocene Epoch has been a time during which human societies advanced by gradually domesticating the land to increase food production, built urban settlements and became proficient at developing the water, mineral and energy resources of the planet. The proposed Anthropocene Epoch, however, is marked as a time of rapid environmental change brought on by the impact of a surge in human population and increased consumption during the 'Great Acceleration' of the mid-20th century. Dr Colin Waters of the British Geological Survey said: "Humans have long affected the environment, but recently there has been a rapid global spread of novel materials including aluminium, concrete and plastics, which are leaving their mark in sediments. Fossil-fuel combustion has dispersed fly ash particles worldwide, pretty well coincident with the peak distribution of the 'bomb spike' of radionuclides generated by atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons." "All of this shows that there is an underlying reality to the Anthropocene concept," commented Jan Zalasiewicz of the University of Leicester, a co-author and working group Chair. … University of Leicester. "The Anthropocene: Hard evidence for a human-driven Earth." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 January 2016.Like the song goes: "maybe we had too much too fast"
Like the song goes: "maybe we had too much too fast"Always love your Dead shots CC!
What can I say, great poetry, lyrics, words are worth repeating.
In that case:
“Why does Man pollute the Land?
Maybe Nature littered Man.”
In that case: "Why does Man pollute the Land? Maybe Nature littered Man."Ooh...if nobody else chimes in I'll take a small clue if you're givin' any.
In that case: "Why does Man pollute the Land? Maybe Nature littered Man."Ooh...if nobody else chimes in I'll take a small clue if you're givin' any. Uh, great poetry, great words worth repeating.. that was just a bit of my own.
In that case: "Why does Man pollute the Land? Maybe Nature littered Man."Ooh...if nobody else chimes in I'll take a small clue if you're givin' any. Uh, great poetry, great words worth repeating.. that was just a bit of my own. I thought there was an outside chance that was Waylon Jennings.
In that case: "Why does Man pollute the Land? Maybe Nature littered Man."Ooh...if nobody else chimes in I'll take a small clue if you're givin' any. Uh, great poetry, great words worth repeating.. that was just a bit of my own. I thought there was an outside chance that was Waylon Jennings. Well I was born and bred in Texas, so there has to be some country western influence.
Well I was born and bred in Texas, so there has to be some country western influence.Yeah, I know. That's why I went with Waylon. :-) It does kinda sound like something he would sing.
Well I was born and bred in Texas, so there has to be some country western influence.Yeah, I know. That's why I went with Waylon. :-) It does kinda sound like something he would sing. Except, I think, Waylon would be more grounded in the more direct contingencies of life experiences, like beer, horses, trains, heartbreak, loneliness, whiskey, rain, imprisonment, loyalty, loss, betrayal, and (maybe) tequila.
Except, I think, Waylon would be more grounded in the more direct contingencies of life experiences, like beer, horses, trains, heartbreak, loneliness, whiskey, rain, imprisonment, loyalty, loss, betrayal, and (maybe) tequila.Oh I got some live Waylon...you'd be surprised at some of the social topics he brings up from time to time. Your lyrics above fit in the loss/betrayal dept. rather nicely.
Except, I think, Waylon would be more grounded in the more direct contingencies of life experiences, like beer, horses, trains, heartbreak, loneliness, whiskey, rain, imprisonment, loyalty, loss, betrayal, and (maybe) tequila.Your lyrics above fit in the loss/betrayal dept. rather nicely.Wow, just found out we almost lost him, before we knew him. Must be quite weird giving up your seat on a plane that turns out to kill everyone in it. The day the music died. ... but some survived… http://www.allmusic.com/artist/waylon-jennings-mn0000200791/biography http://www.axs.com/waylon-jennings-5-most-underrated-songs-57180 The road goes on forever and the party never ends, Only the faces and voices change. :coolsmirk:
MYSTERY BENEATH THE ICE - NEW documentary (HD) (2016)
It is really annoying to find out about shit going wrong that has been happening for some time and it’s NEWS!
Life in Antarctica Relies on Shrinking Supply of Krill
MYSTERY BENEATH THE ICE - NEW documentary (HD) (2016) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iowd7kvZ31U It is really annoying to find out about shit going wrong that has been happening for some time and it's NEWS! Life in Antarctica Relies on Shrinking Supply of Krill http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/08/130817-antarctica-krill-whales-ecology-climate-science/ psik:down:
Looks like the data on February is coming in:
It ain’t pretty!
Update, March 3, 2016: Since this post was originally published, the heat wave has continued. As of Thursday morning, it appears that average temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere have breached the 2 degrees Celsius above “normal" mark for the first time in recorded history, and likely the first time since human civilization began thousands of years ago.* That mark has long been held (somewhat arbitrarily) as the point above which climate change may begin to become "dangerous" to humanity. It's now arrived—though very briefly—much more quickly than anticipated. This is a milestone moment for our species. Climate change deserves our greatest possible attention.Our Hemisphere’s Temperature Just Reached a Terrifying Milestone http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2016/03/01/february_2016_s_shocking_global_warming_temperature_record.html Enjoy! psik`
Study: Deep Ocean Waters Trapping Vast Store of Heat
A new generation of scientific instruments has begun scouring ocean depths for temperature data, and the evidence being pinged back via satellite warns that the consequences of fossil fuel burning and deforestation are accumulating far below the planet’s surface. This tripod was photgraphed 6,500 feet (2,000 meters) beneath the ocean's surface. Credit: Scott France, NOAA/Flickr More than 90 percent of the heat trapped by greenhouse gas pollution since the 1970s has wound up in the oceans, and research published Monday revealed that a little more than a third of that seafaring heat has worked its way down to depths greater than 2,300 feet (700 meters).http://www.climatecentral.org/news/ocean-depths-are-trapping-heat-19922 psik
Just what you all want to hear:
February 2016 Was the Most Abnormally Warm Month Ever Recorded, Topping January 2016
For the third month in a row, Earth's global temperatures in February 2016 were the most abnormally warm on record for any month, according to an analysis released by NASA Saturday. February's global temperature departure of 1.35 degrees Celsius above the 1951-1980 average topped the previous record just set in January (1.13 degrees Celsius above average), according to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. That may not sound impressive, but ingesting temperature data over the entire surface of the Earth, NASA's analysis found this was the largest monthly warm temperature anomaly in their database dating to 1880, topping a record set the previous two months in a row. A separate analysis from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting also found February 2016 set a new record-warm anomaly for the globe, 0.86 degrees Celsius above the 1981-2010 average. That reanalysis, however, dates only to 1979. Separate analyses from the Japanese Meteorological Agency and NOAA will be released in the coming week. Top Five NASA Global Monthly Warm Anomalies (Degrees C) Since 1880 February 2016 +1.35˚ January 2016 +1.13˚ December 2015 +1.11˚ October 2015 +1.06˚ November 2015 +1.02˚
Global warming & overfishing: SEA THE TRUTH – the big danger for ocean life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V325y7QCg3c psikYeah pretty depressing isn't it. But since you, they, can't produce absolute numbers and solid proof of exactly how that will effect the future - we get to ignore it all - until the final tallies are in. So goes the thinking of M m m morons.