Global warming & overfishing: SEA THE TRUTH – the big danger for ocean life psikYeah pretty depressing isn't it. But since you, they, can't produce absolute numbers and solid proof of exactly how that will effect the future - we get to ignore it all - until the final tallies are in. So goes the thinking of M m m morons. Don't forget that we need 100 percent scientific consensus and a legally defined baseline before acting.
When Science Fiction rules the world:
This is reiterated by Dr Hugh Hunt in the Department of Engineering, at the University of Cambridge, who points out: "10 billion tonnes a year of carbon sequestration? We don't do anything on this planet on that scale. We don't manufacture food on that scale, we don't mine iron ore on that scale. We don't even produce coal, oil or gas on that scale. Iron ore is below a billion tonnes a year! How are we going to create a technology, from scratch, a highly complicated technology, to the tune of 10 billion tonnes a year in the next 10 years?" Science fiction It is not just that there are currently no ideas being researched to such a degree where they are likely to be able to bring down atmospheric carbon to a safe level of around 300 parts per million. It is also that the level of funding available to the scientists doing the research is woefully inadequate.Survivable IPCC projections are based on science fiction ROFLMAO psik
It just never stops:
Thousands of cobia escape pens in Ecuador, scientists are worried
How many different ways are there to screw up the planet?
Zebra mussels in the Great Lakes.
Sea weed in the Mediterranian
What Fun!
shhhh, don’t wake the kids.
It just never stops: Thousands of cobia escape pens in Ecuador, scientists are worried How many different ways are there to screw up the planet? Zebra mussels in the Great Lakes. Sea weed in the Mediterranian What Fun! psikIt's a nightmare in San Fransisco.
San Francisco Bay is the most invaded aquatic region on Earth, with more than half its fish and most of its bottom-dwelling organisms representing non-native species, according to a new report released by the Nature Conservancy. Asian clams, Chinese mitten crabs, Amur River clams, New Zealand carnivorous sea slugs, Black Sea jellyfish and Japanese gobies are just a few of the exotics that have ended up in San Francisco Bay, usually transported in ships' ballast water.
It's a nightmare in San Fransisco. San Francisco Bay is the most invaded aquatic region on Earth, with more than half its fish and most of its bottom-dwelling organisms representing non-native species, according to a new report released by the Nature Conservancy.Is that a new song? I left my _____ in San Francisco. Is it significant that the song was written in New York? psik
I left my carnivorous sea slug in San Fransisco does have a ring to it…
It seems the streak for record hot months for the entire planet has broken since there doesn’t seem to be any screaming about it. But the GW monster has not let go of Australia yet.
March temperatures sets record as hottest ever, Bureau of Meteorology says
Gotta wipe out those Drop Bears. Drop bear - Wikipedia
Gotta wipe out those Drop Bears.Nasty looking cuss, wouldn't want him in my neighborhood. Reminds me of the Rabbits in Johnny Depp's, Lone Ranger - (a grossly underrated cinematic master-piece, I might add.)
In view of the current climatic conditions, I think this thread needs revival.
AI brings soaring emissions for Google and Microsoft, a major contributor to climate change
JULY 12, 20245:13 AM ET
Researcher Jesse Dodge did some back-of-the-napkin math on the amount of energy AI chatbots use.
“One query to ChatGPT uses approximately as much electricity as could light one light bulb for about 20 minutes,” he says. “So, you can imagine with millions of people using something like that every day, that adds up to a really large amount of electricity.”
The shock of anthropocene. Environmental effects
The increase in anthropogenic mass to the detriment of biomass has pernicious effects on the planet. The most relevant ones are mentioned below.