Cannabis and religion

What is your religions take on cannabis? I have seen that in some religions it’s absolutely forbidden, in some they “don’t care” and others even promote it

Do cannabis and religion actually go hand in hand, I know for some cannabis IS a religion, but then again tht could be said with other drugs, money, sex I would go as far as saying even entertainment is like a religion to many, they just don’t see or accept it

I don’t know that atheists or humanists have a particular group take on cannabis.

<p style=“padding-left: 80px;”>i found this on cannabis and Christianity</p>
<p style=“padding-left: 80px;”></p>
<p style=“padding-left: 80px;”>And this on Islam and weed</p>
<p style=“padding-left: 80px;”></p>
<p style=“padding-left: 80px;”>But I have read Hinduism actually promotes it, haven’t really given a thought to what atheists believe regarding cannabis probably they don’t care about anything, I know I didn’t when I was one</p>

<p style=“padding-left: 40px;”>I suppose they don’t care, nobody should anyways</p>

Being an atheist is just being someone who doesn’t believe in God. Otherwise, atheists are not necessarily different from any other individuals in regard to morals, values, political beliefs, etc.

<p style=“padding-left: 40px;”>I understand that, but not all atheists are the same, many of them could care less and have no moral values precisely because they don’t believe in God, we all die and rot so who cares about anything or anyone right?</p>

Wrong. We all live until we die, so why is mortality (or the non-existence of a supreme fictional creature) an excuse for being a cynical non-caring butthole?

<p style=“padding-left: 40px;”>What do you mean wrong? Aren’t there some atheists who think like that? I have met many, used to be one myself, it’s the perfect excuse, no one can judge me so there is nothing wrong, I have heard so many say that it’s not even funny, you may have your perception about it but it’s not the only one</p>

<p style=“text-align: center;”>
I have read about Hinduism, rastafarianism supporting cannabis but I’m not sure on most atheists stand to be honest I just speake from my own experience</p>

I’m on my phone sorry for the mispelling, I’m a language professor and I absolutely hate autocorrect ?

Like any drug, cannabis probably has the ability to enhance religious/spiritual belief although I don’t know of any religion where drug use is a necessary part of the experience.

Just anecdotally, the majority of atheists I’ve heard talk about cannabis over the years seem to be fans of it or indifferent to it. Never known many who were against it.

Maybe rastafarianism? Although you are right, it’s not common

Yes, I’ve noticed that atheists either support or ignore cannabis but never oppose, not that I know of at least, there have to be some that do, im just guessing though

  1. The Rastafarian religion considers smoking cannabis a sacrament. That is the only religion I’m aware of that has a strong pro-cannabis stance.


  1. There really is no “atheist view” on cannabis or any other drug, legal or illegal.
the perfect excuse, no one can judge me so there is nothing wrong
Atheists don't tend to consider atheism an "excuse" for anything. Many religions oppose intoxication, Mormonism and Islam in particular. Most Christian denominations discourage the use of illegal drugs.

But since the word “atheist” literally just means “without a belief in god,” atheism per se has no prohibition on drugs, alcohol, sugar, or anything.

However, atheists adhere to their own individual moral and philosophical codes. I have known teetotling atheists, health-nut atheists, and other atheists who would never even smoke a cigarette.


I am mostly taking exception to your stereotypic false attribution of “not caring about anyone or anything and having no moral values” (basically being sociopathic) to most people who don’t believe in a God (atheists).

Most of the atheists on this forum, seem to me to be probably above average in caring about others and in having a decent moral underpinning. CFI is pretty much a humanistic site. It seems to me that humanists in general care more about people in general, and more about human rights than the average joe in most religions. And humanists tend to be atheists.

I am mostly taking exception to your stereotypic false attribution of “not caring about anyone or anything and having no moral values” (basically being sociopathic) to most people who don’t believe in a God (atheists).

Most of the atheists on this forum, seem to me to be probably above average in caring about others and in having a decent moral underpinning. CFI is pretty much a humanistic site. It seems to me that humanists in general care more about people in general, and more about human rights than the average joe in most religions. And humanists tend to be atheists.


<p style="text-align: left;">Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it's not true, and I never said "most atheists" I always said "some", and I said that it was from what I experienced so I wouldnt call it a false attribution, I have seen and lived it first hand, its not all of them I give you that bad yes humanists can be real caring while being atheists but so can religious people, the real ones, not the fake who falsely claim to be religious nor those who use religion to harm others</p>

“many of them could care less and have no moral values precisely because they don’t believe in God”

this is a fallacious statement

<p style=“text-align: left;”>Im sorry you don’t like it but it’s true, again I have lived it, researched it, seen it and discussed it at length with a ton of people, it’s not all but surely many and the fact that you call it a fallacious statement simply because it goes against how you feel is fallacious in itself</p>

Can people perform immoral acts and believe in God??

Actually, you said neither “most” nor “some”. You said “many”. Technically it is quite possibly correct that many atheists do have the sociopathic qualities that you attribute to them. But I am strongly suggesting that those qualities are not generally brought about by someone simply deciding that they don’t believe in God. I suppose it is possible that many sociopaths don’t believe in God. (Tho I expect that most sociopaths would say that they do believe in God, because that would be less hassle, when interacting with others.)

Would you feel comfortable making negative stereotypic assertions about some other group? Like “many Blacks are criminals”. That is technically a correct statement. But simply having more melanin in their skin didn’t lock them up for offenses that white ppl often skate on. Their extra melanin did not put them away when ppl of greater means would have skated.