Vervaeke, Awakening from the Meaning Crisis

Where is Earth (& how evolution formed us), examined and celebrated?
You’ll be able to come up with some obscure examples, but as a mass cultural thing, Earth is boring to most -I see the general level of fundamental ignorance towards things like our global heat and moisture distribution engine, the outlines of its complexities and the reasoning behind why nature acts as it does, like it doesn’t matter, and it’s heart breaking become it is so common, and most these people are solid, good, etc, - but they’ve drank the koolaid and are turning to automatons feeding the system.

I’m a living dinosaur from another century, and traveling out in today’s world feels increasingly dystopia. Plus, it’s an economic balloon that terrifies me. Utterly unsustainable economy, getting ready to burst. Who knows when, I’m no judge, I’m amazed at how rebust it turns out to be. so I’m happy every year is like a bonus, still there is only one ending for this party at this point. (ironcially I drove from Charlotte, through Asheville, etc, that is I40 to Nashville, Sept 17 - 27th the stretch got hit by Helene. Here on October 7th there’s a cat 5 storm steaming across the Gulf of Mexico towards Florida.)

What’s out there occupying people’s minds? Hollywood thinking, Disney reality, fashion and shopping, sports, music, cars, EV’s and their litium battery pact with the devil, weapons, and their use on the rise, lots and lots of ego going on out there.

This program the Meaning Crisis, seems to me about the crisis of making sense of our thoughts and consciousness, but it doesn’t tie into Earth/biosphere bound realities and it didn’t touch on how the human landscape has changed. How we’ve become gods in control, yet our numbers and gluttony have overwhelmed Earth’s ability to sustain us.
Nor how our evolutionary heritage can shed light upon our contemplations about consciousness.
I keep wondering why?

You tell me “Of course we’re connected to earth.”
and I wonder then why are so many people so totally out of touch with current trends regarding extreme weather destruction, until the day it lands in their own backyard and they are shocked, lost beat up and more and more broken.

Why are so many so profoundly, yet proudly willfully ignorant, to what we have wrought upon ourselves?

You imply people can’t be blamed for being apathetic & incurious about the real nature world around them, and so out of touch with what has been unfolding this past half century (and more, just the past half century has been downright ballistic and that is not a good thing for others), that they dare be shocked a watching hillsides and town and roads and dams wash away? We invited this into our lifes. And you wonder why I think people are disconnected to …

True enough it is what it is, and none of us has the power to do squat about it. So what’s the point. Well, it’s about getting up in the morning and living one’slife as best one can.

On we go. Regarding our philosophizing and pondering consciousness I think it’s fair to repeat this summary and hope that the quality of discussing will improve.