Interesting. I went camping with a young family decades ago and around the fire they had both kids tell their ‘story of the day’ a regular habit that these kids have been nurtured with from an early age to telling their story of the day they had and anything they wanted to talk about, I mean they were young, 5 & 7 seems to my memory, and it was captivating and amazing listen to these two little squirts telling tails as good as any of us could have mustered. It’s not exactly like that here, a loving modern suburbia sports loving household, not some hippy family out in the mountains with tons of “spare” time for focusing on raising their two children, hippies, but degree holding hippies, don’t you know. 
Still I know what you mean by watching the cognitive jumps, since it’s months, up to half year between seeing them these days. There’s a lot of stuff I’d love to write about, but between no time and sense of privacy and such, don’t. It certainly gives me more reason to live and look toward the future. Too bad I don’t see anything grand that direction, I am at the treasuring the days, months and years - a decade doesn’t compute, more the one day at a time attitude anymore.
It’s all about this day, right here, right now and doing the right thing and, why not, being good at doing the best with what ya got, and enjoying the doing of it. Because, besides me, they too will be taking a little bit of me and these moments right now, with them for the rest of their lives, I want to give them the best these 67 years have to offer.
I have had a chance to watch a bit of Verbeke’s series. I’m a little confused about the “Meaning Crisis” and would love a little clarification. In fact, I commented over at his introduction video and want to share that over here, even started a thread, but recalled you already started one, so here goes.
I want to see if there’s a conversation in this “Meaning Crisis” because I don’t understand what he’s going on about, so I’m busy constructing my responses, as Vervaeke goes on and on. I’m an unschooled busy regular guy, so I don’t have the time for excessive verbosity, yet that seems the life blood of too many academics. But that’s just me, an outsider to the academic universe, which is why I like hearing some of you folks out there who are from that world.
Awakening from the Meaning Crisis
John Vervaeke - YouTube
Awakening from the meaning crisis?
Are you discussing the crisis of people not knowing who they are?
Who am I? . . . Who are you?
If you were to ask me,
I have an easy answer, though it’s taken 60 some years to ripen.
Who am I?
Most fundamentally I am an evolved biological sensing creature.
My mind is the product of my body, and my body is a product of this Earth’s Evolution.
A self-aware filament in Earth’s ongoing Evolution.”
And it feels really good. No meaning crisis anymore, at least not for me.
I’ll shut up right here, for now, and hope for a little dialogue . . .