USA is number one. European countries are duking it out for number two.

Holly Molly, they are lining up to be second, it’s amazing, I mean huge.

The Netherlands welcomes Trump in his own words Published on Jan 23, 2017 The whole world was watching for the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States: Donald J. Trump. Because we realize it's better for us to get along, we decided to introduce our tiny country to him. In a way that will probably appeal to him the most.
Germany second | NEO MAGAZIN ROYALE mit Jan Böhmermann - ZDFneo Published on Feb 2, 2017 Jump to Introduction Video about Germany: 01:47 Eine niederländische Fernsehsendung, deren Konzept offensichtlich von uns geklaut ist, hat für den amerikanischen Präsidenten eine Video produziert, damit es in Zukunft heißt: America first, the Netherlands second. Dieser Vorstoß der Holländer in der Late-Night-Show "Zondag met Lubach" unter Leitung von Arjen Lubach ist geopolitisch unverantwortlich und gefährlich. Wieder einmal stechen die Holländer uns Deutschen damit einen Dolch in den Rücken. Mussten wir Deutschen nicht schon genug erleiden, Hundert Jahre in Angst leben vor den aggressiven Holländern im Westen? Wir wollen Nummer 2 werden - Germany wants to be second! A Dutch Late Night Show, whose concept has obviously been stolen from us, made a video for the American President, so that in the future the motto will be: America first, The Netherlands second. This action of the Dutch in the Show "Zondag met Lubach", hosted by Arjen Lubach, is geopolitically irresponsible and dangerous. Once again, the Dutch are stabbing the Germans in the back. Haven't we Germans suffered enough? Living in fear of the Dutch for hundred years? We want to be Number two!
Swiss Response to «The Netherlands welcome Trump in is own words» from the dutch TV-Show «zondag met lubach».
Portuguese pull there trump card, mama, young one, even worse (or better as the case may be)
America first, Portugal Second #EverySecondCounts
Visit: and now, Lithuania is ready to settle for third. Published on Feb 3, 2017 #EverySecondCounts AMERICA FIRST (LITHUANIA EDITION) WHO WANTS TO BE SECOND

Of course it’s not all fun and games.
Der Spiegel of German comes at this with a certain degree of national experience and they’ve done an excellent job of summarizing the global significance of America allowing such a man to be put in charge of America.

Donald Trump Better Watch Out! The travel ban imposed by the American president on the citizens of seven largely Muslim countries marks a break with tradition for a nation of immigrants. It could become a big problem for Donald Trump. By Gordon Repinski … Donald Trump … But the decision to ban people from seven Muslim countries from entering into the United States is just one further absurdity on the part of the new U.S. president. It is indeed un-American because it places a question mark over the United States' very identity as a nation of immigrants. It is more dangerous than any other action he has taken since his inauguration. With the ban, Trump is fulfilling a promise he made during his campaign ... And this argument is one that applies more in the U.S. than in most other countries. The effects of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington still color the country today. More than a dozen perpetrators were involved in the attacks. They came from Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. And that gets right to the catch in his new policy: Not a single one of these countries is included in Trump's travel ban. None of these attacks would have been prevented, even if the order had been issued years ago. Trump himself should know that the travel ban bypasses the problem. The worst terrorist attack committed in the country since Sept. 11 happened early last summer in the middle of the election campaign at Orlando's Pulse nightclub. The attacker, Omar Mateen, came from New York -- a young, lost American who shot and killed more than 50 people in the name of the Islamic State. A terrorist who had grown up and radicalized in his own country. The world is complicated and terrorism, unfortunately, is as well. With his simplistic answers, Trump isn't making the U.S. any safer. It could already be considered a success if he didn't take any steps to make it less safe. But his crude decree will merely fuel new prejudices against the United States in the Muslim world. It will create new anger. ... Megalomania & Small-Mindedness How America Lost Its Identity Reporter Holger Stark spent the past four years as DER SPIEGEL's Washington correspondent during a time in which the country changed radically enough to elect Donald Trump as its president. What led this once mighty nation into decline? © Dennis Drenner/ DER SPIEGEL By Holger Stark
The New Age of Protectionism Trump's Attack on Germany and the Global Economy U.S. President Donald Trump wants to stimulate the American economy, but he has shown no interest in existing trade deals or in the basic rules of economics. It is a dangerous cocktail for German industry.
Holly Molly, they are lining up to be second, it's amazing, I mean huge.
The Netherlands welcomes Trump in his own words Published on Jan 23, 2017 The whole world was watching for the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States: Donald J. Trump. Because we realize it's better for us to get along, we decided to introduce our tiny country to him. In a way that will probably appeal to him the most.
Germany second | NEO MAGAZIN ROYALE mit Jan Böhmermann - ZDFneo Published on Feb 2, 2017 Jump to Introduction Video about Germany: 01:47 Eine niederländische Fernsehsendung, deren Konzept offensichtlich von uns geklaut ist, hat für den amerikanischen Präsidenten eine Video produziert, damit es in Zukunft heißt: America first, the Netherlands second. Dieser Vorstoß der Holländer in der Late-Night-Show "Zondag met Lubach" unter Leitung von Arjen Lubach ist geopolitisch unverantwortlich und gefährlich. Wieder einmal stechen die Holländer uns Deutschen damit einen Dolch in den Rücken. Mussten wir Deutschen nicht schon genug erleiden, Hundert Jahre in Angst leben vor den aggressiven Holländern im Westen? Wir wollen Nummer 2 werden - Germany wants to be second! A Dutch Late Night Show, whose concept has obviously been stolen from us, made a video for the American President, so that in the future the motto will be: America first, The Netherlands second. This action of the Dutch in the Show "Zondag met Lubach", hosted by Arjen Lubach, is geopolitically irresponsible and dangerous. Once again, the Dutch are stabbing the Germans in the back. Haven't we Germans suffered enough? Living in fear of the Dutch for hundred years? We want to be Number two!
Swiss Response to «The Netherlands welcome Trump in is own words» from the dutch TV-Show «zondag met lubach».
Portuguese pull there trump card, mama, young one, even worse (or better as the case may be)
America first, Portugal Second #EverySecondCounts
Visit: and now, Lithuania is ready to settle for third. Published on Feb 3, 2017 #EverySecondCounts AMERICA FIRST (LITHUANIA EDITION) WHO WANTS TO BE SECOND
I don't think I'm the first person to notice that Germans leave much to be desired when it comes to humor. :smirk:
Holly Molly, they are lining up to be second, it's amazing, I mean huge.
The Netherlands welcomes Trump in his own words Published on Jan 23, 2017 The whole world was watching for the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States: Donald J. Trump. Because we realize it's better for us to get along, we decided to introduce our tiny country to him. In a way that will probably appeal to him the most.
Germany second | NEO MAGAZIN ROYALE mit Jan Böhmermann - ZDFneo Published on Feb 2, 2017 Jump to Introduction Video about Germany: 01:47 Eine niederländische Fernsehsendung, deren Konzept offensichtlich von uns geklaut ist, hat für den amerikanischen Präsidenten eine Video produziert, damit es in Zukunft heißt: America first, the Netherlands second. Dieser Vorstoß der Holländer in der Late-Night-Show "Zondag met Lubach" unter Leitung von Arjen Lubach ist geopolitisch unverantwortlich und gefährlich. Wieder einmal stechen die Holländer uns Deutschen damit einen Dolch in den Rücken. Mussten wir Deutschen nicht schon genug erleiden, Hundert Jahre in Angst leben vor den aggressiven Holländern im Westen? Wir wollen Nummer 2 werden - Germany wants to be second! A Dutch Late Night Show, whose concept has obviously been stolen from us, made a video for the American President, so that in the future the motto will be: America first, The Netherlands second. This action of the Dutch in the Show "Zondag met Lubach", hosted by Arjen Lubach, is geopolitically irresponsible and dangerous. Once again, the Dutch are stabbing the Germans in the back. Haven't we Germans suffered enough? Living in fear of the Dutch for hundred years? We want to be Number two!
Swiss Response to «The Netherlands welcome Trump in is own words» from the dutch TV-Show «zondag met lubach».
Portuguese pull there trump card, mama, young one, even worse (or better as the case may be)
America first, Portugal Second #EverySecondCounts
Visit: and now, Lithuania is ready to settle for third. Published on Feb 3, 2017 #EverySecondCounts AMERICA FIRST (LITHUANIA EDITION) WHO WANTS TO BE SECOND
I don't think I'm the first person to notice that Germans leave much to be desired when it comes to humor. :smirk: So do many Americans. I thought the cover was right on the mark.