We get idiotic comments from the republican troll here about the threat that a presidency that is now over presents, but in regards to the highly dangerous one now in the White House we get nothing.
Secret laws, secret judges, secret courts, secret rulings, and secret jails. And now we are about to find out if we also had secret police operating in the United States. The only news agencies that seems to give a damn and follow up on the issues is the Republican and conservative news. One common factor that is floating to the top is that most involved seem to support the Democratic Party.
Question I have, do any of the democrats here see anything wrong with this type of system?
America didn't plunge into a Democratic dictatorship under the Obama administration, he respected the US Constitution and left office and America in better shape than the last republican moron who cost thousands of US lives and trillions of dollars tilting at windmills. America's war was never in Iraq you morons.
Now the US has a republican "president" that likely colluded with the Russians to get into office.
He's been attacking NATO at a time when Putin's Russia is introducing a whole new level of strategic attack and defense and threatening other nations including NATO allies, creating as many racial and social divisions among the American public as he can by attacking groups like African and Latin Americans, passing bills that transfer trillions of dollars to the billionaire class, etc.. etc...
And now trump is set to form his own secret police and army.
In a dramatic moment on the Senate floor Monday afternoon, as the upper chamber rushed a spending bill through to end the government shutdown, the top Republican and Democrat on the Intelligence Committee warned that the bill contains language that would kneecap Congress’s ability to oversee secret covert actions and surveillance programs. Their effort to amend the language was rebuffed.
The intelligence community, in its latest grasp, has gone too far even for Richard Burr. The Republican chair of the Senate Intelligence committee has long been one of the Senate’s staunchest advocates for the intelligence agencies, leading the fight to reauthorize surveillance programs and fighting to bury the results of the Senate’s five-year investigation into CIA torture. But he took to the Senate floor Monday to warn that it would compromise Congress’s ability to oversee secret intelligence programs.
“This language could erode the powers of the authorizing committee," Burr said. “Effectively, the intelligence community could expend funds as it sees fit without an authorization bill in place and with no statutory direction indicating that an authorization bill for 2018 is forthcoming."
The provision, first reported by The Intercept, appeared in the House version of the spending bill last week and modified the 70–year-old-law that first chartered the CIA. It removed language requiring intelligence agencies to spend money according to Congress’s instructions, and replaced it with a provision that allows the agencies to move money around freely and without Congress’s knowledge. Blackwater founder Erik Prince has recently pitched the administration on a private intelligence force that would report directly to President Donald Trump and CIA Director Mike Pompeo.
The move cuts off the Intelligence Committee’s most effective means of oversight, because it allows the intelligence community to repurpose funds in the event that the legislature eliminates funding for a certain program, the senators charged. “If this exemption is granted, you could potentially have an administration, any administration, go off and take on covert activities, for example, with no ability for our committee — which spends the time and has the oversight — to say time out, or to say we actually disagree with that policy," said Mark Warner, the leading Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee.
trump will be able to fund his own secret police independent of Congressional control and hire a mercenary army for use in the US and overseas under complete fascists like the asshat who brought us wanton murder in Iraq by Blackwater.
So once again these idiot republicans are trying to create fear about a presidency that doesn't even exist anymore while a fascist douchebag in bed with the Russians is in fact presenting all the threats they claim America's first black president did.
racism and fascism go hand in hand as we can see over and over with the "people" that now make up the republican party in America.
I don’t know what your problem is, but don’t mess up my thread with your stupid cold war paranoia.
I do know what your "problem" is, you're here to troll for the Putin government.
get the hell off my thread
An excellent proposal, hopefully it will happen soon.
And we shouldnt stop until every American base in Northern Europe is closed.
In regards to pulling NATO out of Eastern Europe which will be a death sentence for the Baltic States, Belarus, the rest of Ukraine, any independence in Poland and possibly Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and other former USSR satellite states.
Go carry out your Psych Ops somewhere else creep...
And since you're changing your avatar seemingly every day now might I suggest something which will represent you totally...
I don’t know what your problem is, but don’t mess up my thread with your stupid cold war paranoia.
I do know what your "problem" is, you're here to troll for the Putin government.
get the hell off my thread
Plainly noticeable that you didn't stay off mine so I feel no need to be cooperative.
Its obvious you are suffering from Paranoid Personality Disorder] and that makes interacting with others nearly impossible, but frankly that's not my problem. Get help and come back later.
This is exactly the kind of thing a Putin troll will post.
An excellent proposal, hopefully it will happen soon.
And we shouldnt stop until every American base in Northern Europe is closed.
In regards to pulling NATO out of Eastern Europe which will be a death sentence for the Baltic States, Belarus, the rest of Ukraine, any independence in Poland and possibly Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and other former USSR satellite states.
Go carry out your Psych Ops somewhere else creep...
:lol: Why would Russian saboteurs target a barely-used atheist forum like CFI? Surely they have bigger fish to fry (and I don't mean sturgeon). This is a perfect example of why you should get that paranoia under control.
But anyway, more and more Americans are questioning US foreign policy--especially the young. It is an interesting subject but not one worth discussing with you as you are too unstable and nobody else here seems interested.
And since you're changing your avatar seemingly every day now might I suggest something which will represent you totally...
Haha, Luke Wilson or the ass? I don't think avatar nudity is allowed.
This is exactly the kind of thing a Putin troll will post.
An excellent proposal, hopefully it will happen soon.
And we shouldnt stop until every American base in Northern Europe is closed.
In regards to pulling NATO out of Eastern Europe which will be a death sentence for the Baltic States, Belarus, the rest of Ukraine, any independence in Poland and possibly Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and other former USSR satellite states.
Go carry out your Psych Ops somewhere else creep...
:lol: Why would Russian saboteurs target a barely-used atheist forum like CFI? Surely they have bigger fish to fry (and I don't mean sturgeon). This is a perfect example of why you should get that paranoia under control.
But anyway, more and more Americans are questioning US foreign policy--especially the young. It is an interesting subject but not one worth discussing with you as you are too unstable and nobody else here seems interested.
And since you're changing your avatar seemingly every day now might I suggest something which will represent you totally...
Haha, Luke Wilson or the ass? I don't think avatar nudity is allowed.
Because you Putin trolls are everywhere now
F.O. loser
Why would Russian saboteurs target a barely-used atheist forum like CFI?
So you don't value this forum at all, meaning the only reason you are here is to troll those of us who do.
And like I say by posting utter BS like the US would be better served by turning over all of Eastern Europe to Putin's Russia.
You offer nothing of value to me and never have, take your sadistic BS off my threads...
Because there are now thousands of you Putin trolls working out of factories like at Olgino.
The Internet Research Agency (IRA), also known as Glavset[2] and known in Russian Internet slang as the Trolls from Olgino or kremlebots, is a Russian company, based in Saint Petersburg, that engages in online influence operations on behalf of the Russian government. The agency has employed fake accounts registered on major social networks, discussion boards, online newspaper sites, and video hosting services in order to promote the Kremlin's interests in domestic and foreign policy including Ukraine and the Middle East as well as attempting to influence the 2016 United States presidential election. More than 1000 paid bloggers and commenters reportedly worked only in a single building of the Agency in 2015.
You're like a really nasty case of psychological herpes across the web...
Take your disgusting thoughts somewhere else...
Because there are now thousands of you Putin trolls working out of factories like at Olgino.
The Internet Research Agency (IRA), also known as Glavset[2] and known in Russian Internet slang as the Trolls from Olgino or kremlebots, is a Russian company, based in Saint Petersburg, that engages in online influence operations on behalf of the Russian government. The agency has employed fake accounts registered on major social networks, discussion boards, online newspaper sites, and video hosting services in order to promote the Kremlin's interests in domestic and foreign policy including Ukraine and the Middle East as well as attempting to influence the 2016 United States presidential election. More than 1000 paid bloggers and commenters reportedly worked only in a single building of the Agency in 2015.
You're like a really nasty case of psychological herpes across the web...
Take your disgusting thoughts somewhere else...I just ignore beltrane. He's one of these people that you say hey the sky is blue, and he'd respond no it's not. Just likes to contradict for sake of contradicting.
Because there are now thousands of you Putin trolls working out of factories like at Olgino.
The Internet Research Agency (IRA), also known as Glavset[2] and known in Russian Internet slang as the Trolls from Olgino or kremlebots, is a Russian company, based in Saint Petersburg, that engages in online influence operations on behalf of the Russian government. The agency has employed fake accounts registered on major social networks, discussion boards, online newspaper sites, and video hosting services in order to promote the Kremlin's interests in domestic and foreign policy including Ukraine and the Middle East as well as attempting to influence the 2016 United States presidential election. More than 1000 paid bloggers and commenters reportedly worked only in a single building of the Agency in 2015.
You're like a really nasty case of psychological herpes across the web...
Take your disgusting thoughts somewhere else...I just ignore beltrane. He's one of these people that you say hey the sky is blue, and he'd respond no it's not. Just likes to contradict for sake of contradicting.
He does, with a clear bias towards Putin and trump and against western interests.
I just think it's important to point out who is essentially telling us all to f... off.
It's Putin either through his online trolls or his pet Orangutan in the Oval Office.
On a not altogether unrelated tangent, I came across this during some surfing and figured i should add it here.
It’s become obvious that we do have a Russian-obligate President,
so it’s worth realizing what types of people have the goods on trump and pals.
Mysterious rash of Russian deaths casts suspicion on Vladimir Putin
Oren Dorell, USA TODAY Published 5:04 a.m. ET May 2, 2017
... They are among 38 prominent Russians who are victims of unsolved murders or suspicious deaths since the beginning of 2014,
according to a list compiled by USA TODAY and British journalist Sarah Hurst, who has done research in Russia.
The list contains 10 high-profile critics of Russian President Vladimir Putin, seven diplomats,
six associates of Kremlin power brokers who had a falling out — often over corruption —
and 13 military or political leaders involved in the conflict in eastern Ukraine, including commanders of Russian-backed separatist forces.
Two are possibly connected to a dossier alleging connections between President Trump's campaign staff
and Kremlin officials that was produced by a former British spy and shared with the FBI.
Twelve were shot, stabbed or beaten to death. Six were blown up.
Ten died allegedly of natural causes.
One died of mysterious head injuries, one reportedly slipped and hit his head in a public bath,
one was hanged in his jail cell,
and one died after drinking coffee.
The cause of six deaths was reported as unknown. ...
:lol: Why would Russian saboteurs target a barely-used atheist forum like CFI?
You're right we're not that special, they are doing it everywhere and to everyone.
Hell think YouTube, every climate video ends by offering you a pile of denial videos - that is not the public preference,
that is produced*.
Russian trolls and bots focused on controversial topics in an effort to stoke political division on an enormous scale –
and it hasn’t stopped, experts say
by Tom McCarthy
Sat 14 Oct 2017
Or the view from Europe http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2015/559471/EPRS_BRI(2015)559471_EN.pdf
Of course the Russians aren't the only one's playing this game:
Corporatism, Media — June 4, 2015 at 9:32 am
A glimpse behind the curtain of how Koch-funded corporate front groups manipulate the news you read on the internet
by Eclectablog
And so on and so forth. :down:
Thanks for the nudge B, another good score, I would have not been looking for that information if not for you, found a couple nuggets that'll come in handy.
Not only does trump want a private army, he wants to stage the kind of oppressive and hugely expensive military parades that banana republic dictators just love to hold to show how “powerful” they are.
Donald Trump has asked the Pentagon for a military parade. “I want a parade like the one in France," he said, referring to a Bastille Day procession he attended, according to the Washington Post. This can hardly tell us anything new about the President; he has expressed his wish for a display of American military might repeatedly over the course of many months. That his perseveration has gradually transformed into an order is an important lesson in the way Trumpism turns the most absurd rhetoric into reality. But the most important aspect of the likely future parade is the meaning it will acquire in American culture and politics.
In the imagination of the Cold War era, military parades were the thing that the Soviets did. This notion was not entirely historically accurate—the United States paraded its own might in Washington on a couple of occasions during the Cold War. But it made for a powerful image. I still have a mounted copy of a New Balance poster from the late nineteen-eighties or early nineties, depicting a jogger—the very picture of Americanness, rendered in color—running in the opposite direction of a black-and-white Soviet parade in Red Square. The tagline: “Why runners make lousy communists." Military parades, it went without saying, were a feature of totalitarian regimes and the opposite of freedom. (In 2016, the New Balance owner and chairman, Jim Davis, gave nearly four hundred thousand dollars to the Trump campaign.)
Eisenhower responded to calls by a few during the height of the Cold War that the US military stage parades like the USSR did. His response was that it makes a nation look weak not strong. This is a man who would know based on his deep experience both in war leading millions of men and in peace being the leader of US at one of the most challenging times in its history that brought stability and confidence to the nations.
Not fear and indecisiveness which is the hallmark of the trump "administration"... it actually the lack of an administration.
Welcome to the trump created Americaragua