Trump vs Columbia

Did anyone take the time to explain that her God is actually in herself and in her own head?

Naah, we just left. Impossible to converse with such a mind.

That’s the matter today.

But it is a symptom, not the disease.

Write, I would have probably done the same.

Yeah, we as a society probably missed that boat by the end of the '80s, and '90.

Lost causes are lost causes, and our time is precious.

Chat GPT analysis

Chat GPT could be very right !!!

I’m sorry, he’s still making me puke. The Orange Menace is still a criminal.

Four year old tell’s trump to shush, and trump shushes. Trump is looking better and better.

I’m told Russian also has a Constitution and popular elections.
So why worry?

Oh yeah, this was about Columbia,

This me, me, me über alles in der Welt - attitude is self destructive in our modern world. Although I notice our own self-destruction isn’t an item of concern, it’s all about the chest thumping and demands, so long as I get what I want nothing else matters.

A historic snafu in need of revisiting

Back in 2004, during the Vice Presidencial debates, the question of the moment was: America’s Right to “Go It Alone.” Cheney proclaimed: “America will not allow anyone veto power!” Senator Edwards (and by extension the Democratic Party) could respond no better than to mumble meaningless platitudes.

Why couldn’t Senator Edwards invoke the words of our United States Declaration of Independence? The last line of the first paragraph reads: “… a decent Respect to the Opinion of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to Separation.”

Our Declaration of Independence and its signers granted no one veto power, however they did recognize a higher arbiter of correctness and a requirement that they be able to justify their actions in the eyes of the world!

Why couldn’t the Democrat articulate that?

Why have we so easily misplaced our respect for the rest of mankind?

~ A historic inspiration worth recalling ~

Our Founding Fathers were all men of passionate, deeply held and defensible beliefs.

Yet, each one knew they needed the knowledge and experiences of their ideological opponents.

They allowed themselves the luxury of respecting their opponents and they appreciated that there was something to be learned from most everyone.

They had the humility to understand that no one of them held absolute insight.

And they had the integrity to be able to alter perspectives when new information justified it.

Shouldn’t all of us reacquaint ourselves with this principle?

Nothing wrong with humoring a little kid.

Let’s hope it’s a sign of Trump’s Latin American strategy. America has been tolerating their bullshit for too long.

The whole world is your’s to grind through your sausage machine for your own gluttonous expectations, is that how it is guy?

There is a big difference between dealing with nearby troublemakers and taking over the world.

Unless it is the troublemakers trying to take over the world.