Trump vs Columbia

It is a male fantasy of being the creative force. Yet women are the only humans capable of creating life. Can you beat that?

Thanks, though that is quite ironic coming from a MAGA

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Not a comparison at all. Trump merchandises himself and makes money. Thatā€™s real life.

Some silly people think make-believe characters are giving them advice on how to win in politics. Thatā€™s fantasy.

I guess sperm fertilizing the egg is a myth.

Oh the irony. :scream:

I agree,
Trump is a make -believe character, who lives in a world of fantasy.

Straw manning is your default move on everything. Thatā€™s why nobody here respects you.

Trump is a parlor magicien.

He tells false statements, makes outrageous declarations, and while the medias and the people focus on them, under hand, he plays his dirty tricks.

Donā€™t look at what he says or does in front of the stage, look at the back stage.

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Whatever dirty tricks he does are being done openly.

And that makes it it ok?

No the stunning thing is, how many donā€™t give a fart about honesty, or physical reality.

Calling it a straw man that trump is a liar, a cheat, unAmerican, a narcissists - is about a delusional as can be.

Calling me disrespected by the likes of MAGA guys, is more a badge of honor than an insult. I can live with it, I know myself better than you do.

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I respect him. So do others.

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I believe its not so much a case of us disrespecting him, as he is disrespecting us.

I think youā€™re confused over who is who.
Thatguy said nobody respects cc.
Yes, this is playground stuff but it should at least be clear. :nerd_face:

I stand by what I said. It was not in response to his rant.

Okay! My bad. Peace!

There should be no one here who is disrespected. While I disagree vehemently with a couple of people here, I do respect them.



I disrespect dishonorable dishonest behaviors and outcomes.

I disrespect people who feel comfortable lying and ignoring demonstrable physical facts of life.

I disrespect people who believe contracts are made to be broken and who possess no scruples, or sense of duty towards others.

Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™ve disrespected you write4u, even when I push back on some of your ideas. At least I strive to engage what you are talking about, and I can explain where we agree and where I think you make assumptions that arenā€™t yet warranted.

As for beyond that to the greater society, social thinkers and current mass reaffirmation of delusional thinking and totalitarian principles. Doesnā€™t the past half centuryā€™s societal breakdown of USAā€™s once proud Democratic principles and rule of law government prove that profound errors were made?

Iā€™ve been torqued by derision all my life: Peter stop worrying about it! Then Iā€™ve watched as one ā€œsocial contractā€ after another got scrapped; TVā€™s fairness doctrines; NPR watered down to a joke; FOX news making on air lies necessary for pushing fabricated storylines and profits; Christian totalitarianism (God in their back pocket); setting up a war mentality toward non-believers; a war to crush liberal progressives; with the dream of a hostile takeover of our government; assault rifle ban removed; gun fetish and resentment toward government folded into their media battle cries; Gingrich signing on to the plan to destroy Senatorial collegiality - it was now a war of us against them; then the wonders of computer technology and mass manipulation were embraced and advanced.

While the Democrats acted like wet noodles and gave up on Gore who won the 2000 election, and then failing in key moment, after key moment. Was the DNC already bought out? Were We The People already bought off - I mean who all really objected to USA marching into a totally fabricated war of convenience and profit, while the real Saudi Arabian perpetrators of 9/11 were ignored. Not to mention our military started getting privatized big time. Those were nightmare days for me, days that I understood doomed us to a future of nonstop international conflict and destruction. Since then, itā€™s been like nothing has been learned, so we find ourselves in the current free fall, to mix metaphors, where she stops, no body knows.

I canā€™t help wondering why didnā€™t the good guys, the smartest people in the room come up with a few basic rational questions and lines of debate to push back with some serious notions:

Please understand we create our gods from our own mind - they are very real and very important to us and our community, but they come from within your own experience against the back drop of our human experience.

No one, but no one, has a personal relationship with God - any such spiritual, mystical, emotional attachment is made within the fabric of oneā€™s own body. (i.e. Getting lost in oneā€™s own mindscape.)

My God, your God, isnā€™t superior to all the Other Gods.

Earth needs to be better understood and protected because we depend on her health!

Honestly reflecting on physical facts and expert evidence and reports is critically important.

That the ideal of ā€œgood faith behaviorā€ andā€ Truthā€ and honest constructive debates are required for healthy social structures.

Why so little attempt to recognize that our own greed was going to demolish the chance of our children having a healthy world for their own lives and needs? - Instead, they will grow up having to learn to live within a collapsing society, collapsing environments and with no healthy frontiers left to dream of and escape to. Doing the best they can dealing with the dead ends that remain for them to inhabit.

Getting back to respect. Iā€™m sorry, sadly a lot of my intellectual heroes turned out to be bankrupt in the light of real events - often getting caught up in themselves and burning out. As Iā€™ve grown older it is my observations and fears that have materialized.

If one thinks weā€™re on the right path, (the one we were promised back in the last century) of a happier and healthier world, I am probably a tough pill. You see, I look back and in spite of all the wonders we achieved - what overwhelmingly negates all that good - is the parade of collective errors in judgement and butt backward prioritizing and the massive degree of destruction we so flippantly inflict upon Earth and each other.

It was all so recognizable to a regular mediocre student whose eyeā€™s and imagination were on the big world out there. Who happened to love ā€œnatureā€ and who has become an old man, only watch my worst fears materializing before my eyes.

So yeah, along the way Iā€™ve lost a lot of respect for a lot of one time heroes and some branches of academia as well, and while I strive to be civil, I have no more tolerance and even less humor for willfully ignorance and delusional thinking.

I accept that it is how it is and I like people and donā€™t mean to hurt anyone, so in real life I play nice, and appreciate how we each got here on an individual level that is dictated by our own individual lives and opportunities. I donā€™t need to prove myself to individuals, so donā€™t try. - - - Though, place me in an arena where we are supposed to be able to speak frankly and dig into deeper issues, then I will assume all participants have tough skin, and that frank honest discussion is acceptable.

Excuse the length, this turned into a personal exercise, thanks for your indulgence if you made it this far.

Hugs you


Itā€™s not atheist that disrepsect theists. Itā€™s the other way around.

Let me give you an little example of this. At a recent gathering. my wife mentioned that she was Democrat. And a bible thumping womans who hadpreviously complained about being persecuted by atheists cried out: ā€œthen you are the anti-christā€!

I call that disrespect. So who is disrespecting who?