It is a male fantasy of being the creative force. Yet women are the only humans capable of creating life. Can you beat that?
Not a comparison at all. Trump merchandises himself and makes money. Thatâs real life.
Some silly people think make-believe characters are giving them advice on how to win in politics. Thatâs fantasy.
I guess sperm fertilizing the egg is a myth.
Oh the irony.
I agree,
Trump is a make -believe character, who lives in a world of fantasy.
Straw manning is your default move on everything. Thatâs why nobody here respects you.
Trump is a parlor magicien.
He tells false statements, makes outrageous declarations, and while the medias and the people focus on them, under hand, he plays his dirty tricks.
Donât look at what he says or does in front of the stage, look at the back stage.
Whatever dirty tricks he does are being done openly.
And that makes it it ok?

Oh the irony.
Straw manning is your default move on everything. Thatâs why nobody here respects you.
No the stunning thing is, how many donât give a fart about honesty, or physical reality.
Calling it a straw man that trump is a liar, a cheat, unAmerican, a narcissists - is about a delusional as can be.
Calling me disrespected by the likes of MAGA guys, is more a badge of honor than an insult. I can live with it, I know myself better than you do.

Thatâs why nobody here respects you.
I respect him. So do others.

I respect him. So do others.
I believe its not so much a case of us disrespecting him, as he is disrespecting us.
I think youâre confused over who is who.
Thatguy said nobody respects cc.
Yes, this is playground stuff but it should at least be clear.

Yes, this is playground stuff but it should at least be clear.
I stand by what I said. It was not in response to his rant.
Okay! My bad. Peace!